Super God: The opening shows Angel Yan

Chapter 211 The Strange Fleet in the Outer Solar System (Please Subscribe~)

Chapter 211 The Strange Fleet in the Outer Solar System (Please Subscribe~)


Su Yan is a nostalgic person.

Suddenly thought of those two who had died thousands of years ago.

Augustus also did not wait until his death, the angel he wanted to wait for.



Around 7000 years ago.

The time period is when I see Augustus again.

He is already the governor of the Governor's Blade Empire. Because of the super gene injection, ordinary demons are no match for him holding the flame sword.

Ordinary people cannot unleash the full strength of the Flaming Sword.

But for a super soldier, a weapon like the Flaming Sword is still very handy.

Of course, Augustus is not an angel, there is no corresponding algorithm, and he is not qualified to use attacks such as the trial of flames.

Seeing Su Yan again, he also froze suddenly.


After Su Yan left, he was also lucky to meet the angel.

And it was an old angel named Liuyue.

The one said that the one who appeared here is a great god.

I didn't know it before, but now that I know it, Augustus is still a little nervous.

Seeing Su Yan again, he didn't even know what to say.

"You didn't get the angel you wanted to wait for until you died, any thoughts?"

Su Yan couldn't help asking, after all, this person's identity is also his own.

To be honest, my friendship with him has always been average.

On the contrary, she has a good relationship with Andrew, the former love rival.

The one who has learned swordsmanship from him for some years, but he didn't learn anything, maybe it's because his talent is relatively stupid.

Su Yan didn't think that the reason would be on him, he was a god, he had such a teacher, so he could be happy secretly.

"You mean... so, even if I became a super soldier, I didn't wait for her!"

Augustus sighed softly, feeling that there was a lot in this sigh.

Super soldiers cannot live forever after all.

"You tell me this, do you want me not to wait any longer?"

"You who already know the answer, do you still have the idea to wait?"


"I am not very clear about the one you are waiting for, and there is no intersection. Maybe Queen Keisha will be clearer."

Su Yan said: "Do you want to become a god?

Become the god of Tailuo... In the future, even in less than 2000 years, the Duren Empire has disintegrated.

I can tell you very clearly that if there were no angels intervening, a civil war sweeping across the continent would have erupted on this land.

People at that time used more than ordinary cold weapons, and the number of casualties would be even greater. "

In Jaehiko's life, there were a few people who were important to her.

Su Yan sometimes thinks, even if he can live tens of thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, or even eternal life, but the people he used to be familiar with are no longer there, such eternal life, wouldn't it be boring?

Some angels are willing to be the guardian angels of ordinary people and accompany them for life.

What kind of mood will they be in when they are old and facing death?

Su Yan didn't know.

Just like Augustus, an ordinary person fell in love with an angel, and tried to wait for an angel for only a hundred years or a thousand years, which can only be said to be a tragedy.

You can never wait for the one you want to wait for.

Because you are still a mortal, an ordinary person, you will eventually face the problems of birth, old age, sickness and death.

"I didn't expect that the future Duren Empire would disintegrate..."

Augustus could not help but smile wryly.

As the consul of the empire, there is no doubt that he also loves this country deeply.

His lifespan is longer than that of ordinary people, and he can quietly watch the development of this civilization.

"So, break the limit of birth, old age, sickness and death!"

"God...didn't think that I, Augustus, would have the opportunity to become a are a great god.

can i ask a question "


"Is it because of Hiko?"

Augustus thought to himself that there was nothing special about him.

Being able to become a super soldier also depends on this person's credit.

My friendship with this person is so-so.

Then this great god, why is he so special to himself?

The reason is actually not difficult to guess, as the consul of the empire, he does not lack such wisdom.

"You are very important to her."

Su Yan replied.

It doesn't matter if you didn't have the ability before, if you have the ability, a little presumptuousness on Tai Luoxing will not have a big impact on the future.

Gods like them actually don't have the knowledge and technology that real gods should have, let alone the support of the so-called astrocomputer behind them.

It's like an instant god, the only thing they have in common is the ability to rely on energy to sustain life.

It's okay to be a weakened version of Thornton.

Why is it weakened?

That silly crocodile, whether it is a weapon or a body, is one-on-one.

There is no comparison with Ato.

Demon genes, the advantage does not lie in physical strength, and Ato is not the kind of three-generation god who is particularly fleshy.

Morgana above him couldn't hold the silver blade hard.

But this person's use of wormholes and combat experience are not comparable to these instant gods.

In conclusion, they are good for nothing but longevity.

In terms of genes, the super genes of the Shenzhou model are not dominant.

In terms of physical strength, it can't stop the god-killing level, dark silver weapons and so on.

In terms of knowledge level, you can't expect a former ordinary person who is still in the cold weapon era to master high-tech knowledge in wormholes and so on.

"Sure enough, it has something to do with Yan... The guardian angel you mentioned is her, right?

From now on, on this continent, you will be the only faith.

Maybe for a great god like you, you don't care about these, but we can't care less.

Without you, maybe thousands of years and tens of thousands of years later, the civilization on this planet would still be the same.

It will still be in the era of cold weapons..."

Augustus said in a low voice.

For him, such a move must be somewhat offensive to the angel.

The only original faith here is that of angels.

But now to switch to other gods, is it true that angels do not exist?

But if it was Su Yan... the angel might not really care, and the queen would probably acquiesce.

If there is no rejection, just acquiesce.

For the civilization of this planet, the future destiny is indeed changed by itself.


Andrew in this time period was still traveling on the mainland.

In fact, it is mainly to solve the problem of hunting animals.

This person's three views are quite correct.

He is capable, really like a knight, running all over the continent, just to deal with these beasts.

The people in some places are still infested by these monsters.

In the future, he will become the great general of this empire.

For a hundred years after Augustus left, the empire was maintained entirely by him.

Until this one couldn't hold on, the huge empire had already fallen apart in a short period of time, which still made people have to sigh.

Reappearing in front of Andrew, the expression on his face was also quite surprised.


he subconsciously cried.

How could he really forget this cheap apprentice?

"Teacher, why are you here? Last time, angels came to you. They said that you are a great god, a male god...Teacher, what is a god?"

Andrew is still very unfamiliar with the concept of God.

"Won't you know when you become a god?"

Su Yan said with a smile.

"Teacher, are you serious?"

"If you meet someone you like in the future, inject her with this gene."

Su Yan didn't know what suddenly came to his mind, that he would be given a strengthened Shenzhou Gene Synthetic Liquid.

This one will fall in love with an ordinary person in the future.

Then, stay with me for a hundred years and never leave.

To be honest, I still admire it a bit.

When she was young, her appearance was still the same. She might be a lively, lovely and youthful girl. It is normal to fall in love with her.

But after a long time, you are still young, but her temples are already graying, and her face is beginning to be covered with wrinkles.

No longer as beautiful and young as before.

And this one is still able to stay by his side and never leave.

Even after she died, she never married anyone else... This alone is enough to make Su Yan feel ashamed.

He's not such a love-loving guy.


A year after leaving, the beliefs of the Governor's Blade Empire have undergone tremendous changes.

The original main belief was naturally angels. As a result, under the influence of Augustus and Andrew, a belief called Chiwu God gradually spread throughout the entire continent.

Regarding the change of belief, the angels also noticed it.

Queen Keisha came here in person, and even Morgana came here secretly.

The former defaulted to a change of belief, and the latter did not allow the devil gene to reappear on this continent.

For the two of them, the two so-called gods on this continent, the local gods, are actually vulnerable.

It can be easily destroyed with a knife and a drop, but it is not necessary.

Because they all know who cultivated it personally!

The influence of angels and demons has also gradually withdrawn from this galaxy.

This is a question of faith.

Let me talk about the changes in the Duan Empire.

Civilization has entered a period of rapid development.

With the help of a godly civilization, development is really fast.

It can even be said to be fast.

The era of cold weapons is over soon... Augustus is the consul, and Andrew is the general of the empire. With the cooperation of these two, the development of the empire has been on the right track.

There is no internal strife, no war. Even if there are ambitious people, they are vulnerable to the local gods.

Thousands of years later, this civilization has entered the space age.

But it's just the kind of spaceship that just entered, and the speed of the spaceship produced is actually very slow.

But for them, it is already a huge improvement.

In the following time, they began to study genes and began to study more powerful and superior spacecraft.

The former, after thousands of years of research, also has some results.

They also truly break the limit of a hundred years of life.

In addition, the performance of their spacecraft has also been greatly improved.

Has begun to build a fleet of its own civilization.

The research on weapons has actually fallen into a certain bottleneck, and no weapons that can truly destroy the divine body have been researched.

However, there are some weapons that will pose a threat to super soldiers.

In terms of belief, for thousands of years, angels have long been no longer their belief, and they have only one belief.

Chiwu God!

In fact, this was also something that Su Yan had overlooked.

Keep forgetting to ask them to change their names.

At least don't call him Chiwu God!


7000 years later

There is a huge fleet appearing outside the solar system.

The number of their large ships has exceeded 20, and the total number of all ships is also in triple digits.

Do you think they are gluttons?

Do not!

Taotie has now been transferred away and is following Hua Ye.

The one who is building an army!

Closer to home, this huge fleet came here through a space jump through the big insect bridge on the angel side.

This is actually the space fleet of the Tai Luo star civilization.

Compared with the original spacecraft, their performance has improved a lot, and so has the speed.

But I really want to rush from planet Tyro to planet Earth, and I don't know how many years have passed by the time I do arrive.

They are still relatively weak in the application of wormholes.

Although there is a wormhole shield on the spaceship, it is easy for demons to bypass and crack it.

If the opponents were demons, they could kill all their commanders in one day, maybe not even a day, and completely defeat them.

An aerospace civilization is not enough to wrestle with a civilization of the level of demon angels.

Beating Taotie is about the same.


in the cafeteria

The alarm on the Tianhe sounded immediately.

Everyone was paying attention to Qilin's question.

After hearing the siren, he quickly put down the food in his hand and prepared to go to the command room.

"what's the situation?"

As soon as Aunt Lianfeng walked into the conductor, she couldn't help asking.

"We detected a group of very large fleets in the outer reaches of the solar system, and the number of large ships alone is 23.

At first we thought it was the Taotie's fleet, the enemy, but later we discovered that there was a clear difference between their ships and the Taotie's ships.

Taotie's main flagship is long and flat, and the spaceship of this civilization looks like a real ship. "

Yes, this may also be considered a feature of this civilization.

The appearance of their spaceships is no different from ordinary ships, only a little more high-tech.

"Which civilization is this?"

Aunt Lianfeng frowned slightly and couldn't help asking.

In the known universe, there are still many civilizations that have entered the space age. Isn't there a Yiren under the rule of angels?

In the current planet of Tai Luo, even if they face Taotie alone, space civilizations like Yiren can fight face to face in an interstellar war.

"I don't know, we don't have any information about this civilization..."

As soon as the words fell, the angel Leng who appeared here suddenly said: "This civilization used to belong to our angel civilization, and it is one of the many civilizations under our angel rule.

But later, they suddenly converted to another god... Queen Kaisha also acquiesced.

The name of that god is Chiwu... Chiwu star system! ? "

Leng reacted suddenly, and the others were also taken aback.

What the hell?

Is there another great god related to the Chiwu star system?

(End of this chapter)

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