The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1077 Transportation

Chapter 1077 Transportation

"and many more?"

"What are you talking about? What outside world? What alliance?"

"Who the hell are you!?"

Du Sizhen felt that her emotions were a little incoherent.

She didn't understand at all why two women in strange costumes suddenly ran out, and what they said was something they couldn't understand.

Although Du Sizhen was angry at the side, the two women in leather clothes had no intention of talking to Du Sizhen at all, they just stared at Lu Yan, wanting to get his answer.

In fact, for strong people like them who can cross the world barrier.

At least they have to be able to leave the original world alone to be seen by them.

After all, I have seen countless pictures of bubbles shattering.

Facing these aborigines who don't even know the truth of the world, they will naturally develop some sense of superiority.

This is inevitable.

"How? This is the last chance."

The long-haired woman ignored the people around her and just raised her eyebrows at Lu Yan.

Lu Yan was silent for a moment, and then his usual kind smile appeared on his face.

"May I ask, what do I need to do to join your alliance?"

"Didn't I just say that our overrun alliance is very loose, and there are no hard requirements."

The long-haired woman waved her hand nonchalantly.

But maybe it was the peaceful smile on Lu Yan's face that made her a little puzzled, she sighed deeply, and said with some caution: "Well, there are actually a few sects that are more hostile to us..."

"Swollen Convent, Star Wisdom Cult, etc..."

Speaking of the latter, the long-haired woman's tone was obviously lacking in confidence.

This is normal.

In Lu Yan's impression, in the Cthulhu mythology, only some sects that worship evil gods can barely survive. Other organizations that deviate from the tradition may have a brief moment of glory, but they will eventually disappear in the long river of time.

Judging from the long-haired woman's narration, their Transcendent Alliance is not the kind of organization that believes in Outer Gods. In this way, it is normal to be boycotted by some weird sects.

The long-haired woman also realized that she didn't feel very trustworthy when she told her like this, so she quickly added.

"But it's not a big problem. Our alliance is not weak. If we really fight, we will lose both sides."

Lu Yan nodded.

Anyway, he doesn't have any goals, just like traveling, but he doesn't mind joining this kind of organization to mess around.

"Okay, I'll join."

The long-haired woman clapped her hands and successfully recruited a newcomer into the group, which made her look a little excited.

"Great, let's go! Take you back to the base camp to meet other people in our alliance."

"No! What are you talking about?!"

Du Sizhen's face flushed unnaturally, it was from anger.

Anyone who has been ignored for so long will inevitably feel a little resentful, not to mention that she is still a spoiled daughter.

Unable to bear such a situation, she pushed aside the guard's arm blocking her, and was about to reach out and grab the long-haired woman's shoulder.

However, there was no reaction from the long-haired woman, but Du Sizhen couldn't hold down her raised palm.

"Little sister, don't be so excited."

The long-haired woman flicked her hair around her ear, then turned around, and said in a coquettish manner: "Aborigines like you should just stay where you are."

A trace of panic flashed in Du Sixuan's eyes, but he found that he couldn't even make a sound.

"Good-looking newcomer, do you have a good relationship with this little sister?"

The long-haired woman suddenly turned her head and asked Lu Yan.

Lu Yan didn't answer, just snapped his fingers casually, and the invisible force that made Du Sizhen unable to move disappeared without a trace.

Then he waved his hand, signaling Wang Ji and the others to go back to the capital by themselves.

Even the people present were extremely curious about what these two strangely dressed women meant by what they said to Lu Yan.

But after seeing the weirdness of this long-haired woman, he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

They could only carefully follow the passage opened by Lu Yan and walk towards the city gate.

Du Sizhen really wanted to press her again, but unfortunately she was dragged by her two guards, almost dragging her away from the long-haired woman.

After Lu Yan finished all this, he turned his head to look at the two women in leather clothes again.

He said calmly, "It's just a chance encounter."

The long-haired woman remained silent the whole time, she was indeed surprised by Lu Yan's move.

She didn't realize how Lu Yan did it.

In her cognition, it shouldn't be possible for such a low-level ancient background civilization to breed such a strong man, right?

Although full of doubts.

But after Lu Yan spoke, she still pretended to be suddenly enlightened: "Hey, I underestimated you, newcomer."

"It's okay, let's go, where is the base camp you mentioned?"

Lu Yan still had a skilled and kind smile on his face.

Hearing this, the long-haired woman covered her mouth and laughed lightly.

"You don't plan to rely on the body to move in the seamless black room, do you?"

"So what kind of transportation is there?" Lu Yan raised his eyebrows.

"Haha, this looks like a newcomer."

The long-haired woman smiled for a while before continuing to explain: "You should have felt the ubiquitous erosion energy in the seamless black room. How do you think the strong in each world go to other worlds?"

"Are you carrying this kind of erosion hard? Hahaha, your body will collapse in a short distance."

"Only a colossal monster of a dark room can stand against the forces of erosion."

Speaking of this, the long-haired woman quickly drew a weird pattern on the ground, which was a bit similar to a magic circle, but also a bit close to the pattern on the side of cultivating immortals.

Then he took out a jet-black strand of hair from nowhere and threw it in the center.

After finishing the preparations, she clasped her hands together and began to speak strange syllables.

After a while, the whole pattern shone with a miserable green luster.

The light gradually weakened, and a huge, ten-meter-high shoulder blade appeared on the ground out of thin air.

The entire bone is pitch black, and it is still emitting disgusting strange fluctuations.

"This is the bone of the monster in the dark room, we can rely on it to walk through the endless dark room."

The long-haired woman pointed at the huge bone with pride: "Our president risked his life to pick it up in the seamless dark room. Only with this kind of foundation can we be called a powerful organization."

Lu Yan watched quietly the whole time without refuting.

But he recognized it, this so-called monster in the dark room...isn't it the old ruler?

From this point of view, the pattern drawn by the long-haired woman is probably a ritual to summon the remains of the old ruler.

(End of this chapter)

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