Chapter 1120 Curious
Hearing the middle-aged man's words, the conference room gradually became noisy.

After all, most of the cadres of the reincarnation department are not particularly aware of the purpose of these starry sky races.

Zhong Gongliang raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

After the meeting room calmed down again, he turned his head to look at the middle-aged man again.

"Now is the time?"


The middle-aged man shrugged.

When the reincarnated people generally have a very low level, there is no oil or water at all.

When the reincarnated people have become eight or nine realms, the force is a bit too high, and it is easy to cause unnecessary losses.

As it is now, the highest level of reincarnation is only about seven realms, so it is obviously the most appropriate time to attack.

"Don't worry, since our family has chosen to cooperate with you, we won't attack you."

The middle-aged man stood up from his seat with a cane, and straightened his collar: "However, I still suggest that you include the Nightmare race as your collaborators. After all, there are quite a few races that plan to squeeze the wool of the reincarnation system this time." .”

"You seem to have misunderstood something. I have never regarded you as partners."

Zhong Gongliang said calmly.

While he was speaking, the sword in Yun Changge's arms was already out of its sheath.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

If there is a connection, there is a connection, but it is not realistic for both parties to say how much trust they have.

The middle-aged man froze, and then his expression became a little annoyed.

In fact, because the reincarnated people are always short-lived, even if the starry sky race admits that the reincarnated people have powerful combat power, they have never treated them as equals.

It's as if a noble with a deep background looks at a group of nouveau riche.

When the lucky upstart in his eyes actually offended him, this guest from the starry sky seemed a little intolerable.

His eyes turned cold.

"Do you know what is the most important reason for the development of human beings coming out of the forest? Flexible hands? Drilling wood to make fire? Using tools?"

"None... The most important point is because you know to rely on the power of the group."

"But now it seems that you have completely forgotten."

"Refusal to cooperate will become the thing you regret most."

Speaking of the latter, the middle-aged man still had a sneer on his face.

In his opinion, reincarnators are doomed to perish, and if it wasn't for luck that the reincarnation system came, people on this planet wouldn't have the chance to connect to the starry sky.

To be rejected by such a group can even be called a humiliation.

He didn't intend to give these reincarnated people any more face.

"Whether we will regret it in the future is our business."

Yun Changge has always had an indifferent temperament, but because of the living environment since he was a child, he essentially only treats Long Guo people as human beings.

So strictly speaking, both parties have not treated each other equally.

Although Zhong Gongliang was not strong, he was the head of the reincarnated department of the Dragon Kingdom after all. How could Yun Changge tolerate a middle-aged man being so arrogant.

A sword light flashed across the meeting room, and the middle-aged man subconsciously raised his crutch to block it.

However, his crutch made of unknown material was instantly cut in half under the light of the sword.

After all, he was one of the few people who stood at the pinnacle of reincarnation. Even with the existence of restricted missions, Yun Changge could still show extremely terrifying lethality.

The scene was silent for a moment, and the senior cadres of the reincarnated department calmly prepared to do something.

The reincarnated people are all embryo killers who broke through various life-and-death training missions, and naturally they will not look forward and backward when they make a decision.

The middle-aged man's face darkened, and he stared fixedly at Zhong Gongliang who was sitting on the main seat.

Facing such a sight, Zhong Gongliang remained calm.

In the final analysis, cooperating with the starry sky race itself is a matter of seeking skin from a tiger. Of course, he has long been mentally prepared to turn his face before endangering the people of Dragon Kingdom.

"Sure enough, the only way to communicate with the natives is by force."

The middle-aged man said every word, and then disappeared out of thin air with a flick of his sleeves.

Seeing this, Teacher Da Luo looked at Zhong Gongliang, and asked with a smile, "Do you just let him go?"

There was no lack of reincarnators with the ability to block space. The reason why they didn't do anything was because they didn't get notified by Zhong Gongliang.

"There's no real point in tearing down a bridge of communication."

"Then we can only prevent it according to the worst situation." A senior cadre from the Yangcheng branch said in a heavy tone.

Zhong Gongliang hummed, glanced over the faces of the senior cadres in the conference room, and added solemnly: "Next, let the reincarnated branches in various places prepare for first-level wartime, and transfer ordinary people to Take refuge on Resource Planet 103, Changge, I now grant you the authority to temporarily transfer the portal."

To put it bluntly, no one dares to judge what kind of means the starry sky race has.

However, the "Nightmare Wave" created by the Nightmare Clan in Wakanda alone can easily cause millions of casualties. Once the starry sky race starts to attack the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, ordinary people will not be able to deal with it at all. .

Putting people first is the principle, and it involves a large number of ordinary people, so any measures must be cautious and cautious.


Duan Jianhui's family.

There were obviously four people in the living room, but there was no sound for a while.

Yu Wulin even stared at the boy's painting with wide eyes.

Lu Yan was also surprised by the young man's appearance, but he didn't show it, just kept silent.

"What? Did I surprise you by appearing here?"

A clear smile full of youthfulness appeared on Hua's face.

If you don't know it, it's probably hard not to have a good impression of such a clean boy.

However, both Lu Yan and Yu Wulin knew exactly how terrifying the young man in front of him was.

"It's really surprising." Lu Yan picked up his cup and took a sip of instant coffee.

He wouldn't think that the painting was attracted by Yu Wulin.

Although I don't know what kind of method the reincarnation system uses to mislead and misjudge, but it is unrealistic to think that the painting will never be found.

After all, there have been starry sky races descending from a long time ago, and even the supreme existence has that unpredictable ability, as long as you are willing to spend time, you will definitely be able to find it.

Hua raised his hand and sketched a few times towards the air, feeling like he was touching something.

There was a sudden pause in his movements, and he smiled with a little interest: "So you plan to do something to me, hehe, I'm quite curious what kind of means you will use to deal with me."

As the supreme existence that has existed for countless years, this situation will not make him angry at all, it will only make him feel novel.

(End of this chapter)

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