Chapter 1127 Deathmatch
"Old Lu! Have you received this system prompt?!"

Duan Jianhui ran out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth and a big mouthful of foam in his mouth.

Originally, although that kind of urgent task sounded very dangerous, you could choose whether to accept it or not. After Duan Jianhui decisively chose to refuse, he didn't take this urgent task to heart any more.

At most, I just read the information on the forum with the mentality of watching for fun.

But who knew that this urgent task would suddenly be modified.

When it comes to yourself, it can be difficult to maintain a spectator mentality.

Lu Yan ignored Duan Jianhui who was yelling at the door of the bathroom, and just looked at Juvenile Hua in surprise.

In my impression, from the time I got to know this supreme being, Hua has always been indifferent no matter what happened to the task.

It was as if no matter what happened, it was within his expectations.

However, at this moment, Lu Yan saw an unbelievable expression on the young man's face.

Lu Yan, who originally thought this revision task was just strange, felt a little more nervous for no reason.

"Anything wrong with the first emergency plan?"

Juvenile Hua did not answer Lu Yan's question immediately, but closed his eyes, and moved his fingers irregularly and slowly in front of him.

After a while, Hua opened his eyes again.

After this period of time, the emotional fluctuations in his eyes have calmed down.

He looked up and down Lu Yan thoughtfully, as if he wanted to see Lu Yan clearly.

Under such scrutiny, he slowly explained: "Of course there is a problem."

"Depending on the effort of those starry sky races, the reincarnation system will modify the emergency mission on the fourth or fifth day."

Having said that, the young man paused for a moment, and after withdrawing his scrutiny from Lu Yan, he continued.

"However, even if it is revised, only the second emergency plan will be implemented."

"It's not like this now. If you make changes on the day the emergency mission is released, it's even less likely that you will skip the second response plan."

"Such a situation has never happened before."

10 minutes, whether it is long or not, is not short.

At least after a long delay, and after listening to Juvenile Painting's explanation for a long time, there are only two or three minutes left before the 10-minute limit given by the reincarnation system.

However, Lu Yan obviously didn't care about the time issue.

After juvenile painting's explanation, even though Lu Yan didn't feel afraid of unexpected events, he knew how abnormal this situation was.

The most important thing is that this first set of emergency plans will involve all reincarnations.

It sounds a bit desperate.

Lu Yan suddenly recalled Yu Wulin who had disappeared, and an unrealistic guess gradually appeared in his mind.

He shook his head lightly, throwing out these messy thoughts.

A friendly smile in line with social expectations reappeared on his face: "No matter what the situation is, it won't be long before we know."

After speaking, he looked up at Duan Jianhui who was standing at the door of the bathroom.

"Let's go, go to the reincarnation space."


Two slight white lights flashed one after another, and the figures of the two disappeared into the room one by one.

Seeing this, Juvenile Hua stood up from the sofa and looked around.

After the 10-minute time limit expired, it also turned into white light and disappeared in place.


The samsara space of the Dragon Country Division.

Due to the large number of reincarnations in the Dragon Kingdom, the area of ​​the teleportation point is unavoidably crowded most of the time.

But at this time, the degree of congestion was even more exaggerated.

One after another, the white light representing the teleportation flickered continuously. Although the white light of teleportation was very weak, when the number was so huge, it still made people's eyes a little sour.

There are too many reincarnators teleported at the same time, it is not easy to find Duan Jianhui.

Lu Yan raised his hand to cover it symbolically, and then walked towards the outside of the teleportation point.

However, even if you leave this wide teleportation point, what you see is still a picture of a sea of ​​people.

Obviously, they are superhuman existences in the eyes of ordinary people, but at this time, they are crowded and noisy like a vegetable market.

"what happened?"

"Didn't you say that you actively choose to accept the task? Has it become mandatory?"

"Who knows...but there are really a lot of people."

"Fuck, is this the reincarnation space?"

"Although I have seen photos, it is still shocking to see it with my own eyes."

Among the people sent in, there are still a considerable number of reincarnation people who have just been bound to the reincarnation system.

They haven't even carried out a training mission. They say they are reincarnations, but they don't have any area with ordinary people.

The not-so-small area around the teleportation point is now like the subway in the morning rush hour of the magic capital. It is not easy to find a foothold.

The reincarnations who have the means of flying are naturally unwilling to be crowded together like this, and they choose to fly to the sky or the surrounding buildings.

Lu Yan didn't mind squeezing like this, but staying in the crowd would affect his vision too much, so he simply jumped into the air, and finally stood still in mid-air.

He stood in mid-air, looking around.

There were crowds of people everywhere, and a large area of ​​darkness.

The number of reincarnated people in the Dragon Kingdom is so huge that it is obviously a bit unexpected. I am afraid that there are tens of millions of reincarnated people in the Guanglong Kingdom?

【Ding! 】

[The return time is over, and the samsara who have not returned to their samsara space will be obliterated! 】

Before the notification tone fell, there was an uproar in the reincarnation space.

The mechanized notification sound without emotional fluctuations made this news even more cold.

No one can calculate how many reincarnations on the planet have been wiped out at this moment.

After all, there was no explanation about punishment in the previous notification tone of the reincarnation system.

A little bit of procrastination, or reincarnated people who don't take this emergency plan seriously, all paid the price of their lives at this moment.

【Ding! 】

[Special Urgent Mission: Bloody Looting]

[Task introduction: Participants will randomly engage in one-on-one deathmatch, and the winner will get everything from the loser. 】

[Participants: All reincarnations and all invaders. 】


[1: After three rounds, you can choose to quit the mission, and all loot will be returned to zero. 】

[2: After five rounds, you can choose to quit the mission and get a part of the loot reward. 】

[3: After seven rounds, you will no longer be able to quit the mission, and you will receive additional rewards in addition to the loot. 】

[4: Once the deathmatch starts, it cannot be conceded, it cannot be interrupted, and it will not rest until death! 】

[The first round of random matching starts now! 】

(End of this chapter)

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