The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1133 Hunting Game

Chapter 1133 Hunting Game
Of course, no matter how the title of Secondary School is, it will not affect the personal strength of the reincarnation itself.

What's more, even if such a reincarnation person at the top of the food chain takes a nonsense name, it will not damage the awe of ordinary reincarnation persons.

Is there really a reincarnated person who dares to run in front of Lu Yan and laugh at his title of Invincible Tyrannosaurus Dragon God of War?
Yu Wulin raised his hand and lit the cigarette in his mouth, and then entered the reincarnation interface to check the winning conditions of this round of deathmatch.

【Deathmatch Mode: Hunting Game】

[Mission introduction: within three hours, try to protect the residents on the 28th resource planet as much as possible. If more than 90.00% of the planet's residents died due to the activities of the two parties in the death match, the mission will be considered a failure. 】


[1: Due to the gap in combat power between the two sides, the Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex God of War will descend on Resource Planet 28 in one hour. 】

[2: The resource planet No. 28 is the property of the reincarnation system and is sacred and inviolable. If it causes irreversible damage to the planet's ecology, it will also be regarded as a mission failure. 】

"Hunting... a game?"

Yu Wulin exhaled a smoke ring and grinned: "Sure enough, it's quite beneficial to me."

He is very self-aware.

After all, so far, he has not figured out what happened to Lu Yan's resurrection in a full state.

Coupled with Lu Yan's formidable and exaggeratedly terrifying combat power, it is almost impossible for him to win in that kind of arena duel.

But if you switch to this task mode, there are too many places that can be operated here.

Compared with head-on confrontation, this kind of advance layout is obviously easier to give full play to his advantages.

"Then, let's confirm what is going on with this resource planet."

Yu Wulin exited the reincarnation interface and looked around.

What caught his eyes were high-rise buildings, maglev trains roaring past the edge of the city, and some small aircraft could be seen from time to time in mid-air.

If it weren't for those strange-looking pedestrians on the road, Yu Wulin would almost have thought that this was the future world.

The body shape is almost the same as that of humans, but the skin of these planet residents is exposed in the air, but some rock-like armor grows.

In particular, there are two slender tentacles growing on the top of each person's head, which are still swaying naturally as they move.

Yu Wulin clapped his hands, and several pedestrians nearby walked up to him with dull expressions.

After touching the heads of these pedestrians one by one, these pedestrians collapsed to the ground as if they had lost consciousness.

In just a few seconds, Yu Wulin had obtained the information he wanted.

This race that lives on Resource Planet 28 is called the Sanye people.

Sanye people are similar to humans in terms of their individual strength and living habits.

The only difference is that the two tentacles on the top of the Sanye people allow them to share knowledge with each other.

It is a pity that the individual wisdom of Sanye people is rather dull.

Therefore, the technology that has been developed for so long has not yet reached the level of interstellar travel.

Moreover, due to the generally low IQ, Sanye people lack the kind of genius that can really make civilization develop by leaps and bounds in the process of civilization development.

Naturally, there is no such weapon as a nuclear bomb that will only explode if the technology tree is crooked.

The means of warfare that the Sanye people are currently most proud of is a giant machine tens of meters high.

It is a kind of bipedal walking, relying on two mechanical arms and equipped weapons to strike the target.


"Is this thing Gundam?"

Yu Wulin bit his cigarette butt hard.

It has to be said that intelligent creatures always want to create something similar to their own image.

This is probably the creator plot, and cloning, artificial intelligence, and robots all fall into this category.

It's just that the Sanye people were actually made so big, which made Yu Wulin feel a little surprised: "It seems that using these things to deal with Lu Yan has no effect..."

When Yu Wulin's technological level reached a certain level, he also had a romantic desire to build a Gundam to satisfy himself.

However, the Gundam is as handsome as it is handsome. When you actually use it, you will find many problems.

First of all, how can this thing walk steadily?
Then how can I not get stuck in the ground when I walk steadily?

But the big question is, why does it have to be in human form?

When Yu Wulin verified it, he found that it was most suitable to be shaped into a spider.

However, it is very difficult for humans to adapt to the spider's body by using the fastest-response neuron connection technology for manipulation.

What's the point of mecha not being able to control it yourself?
Throw it decisively into the warehouse to eat ashes.


The scream of a female clover broke Yu Wulin's frantic complaints.

Obviously, in such a crowded street, several people collapsed unconsciously at the feet of a strange creature, just like a scene that would only appear in a science fiction movie like an alien invasion, it is hard not to be impressed people noticed.

It seemed that someone from Sanye had called the police in advance, and as the screams sounded, there was already a piercing siren in the distance.

Yu Wulin didn't care about the screaming and questioning in his ear, but slowly closed his eyes, and put on a posture of looking up at the sky at a 45° angle: "Forget it, let's inform this poor race first."

Beside him, two space wormholes quietly opened.

A projected light shot out from the wormhole, and immediately above the central area of ​​the city, a huge human projection appeared.

The projection exceeds hundreds of meters, and it can be confirmed without careful observation. This is an enlarged version of Yu Wulin.

The other wormhole released a special analog signal.

These analog signals covered the entire resource planet No. 28 with incredible efficiency.

All the facilities and equipment on the entire planet, as long as they can be connected to the Internet, are out of control at the same time.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yu Wulin actually felt that his and Lu Yan's winning conditions were reversed.

Yu Wulin is actually better at killing life on a large scale without damaging the planet than Lu Yan.

This hour of coming in advance is enough time for him to completely destroy all life in this world, and he can still take some time to smoke a few cigarettes.

At this moment, Yu Wulin appeared on the official websites of various organizations, as small as the personal computers of every Sanye people.

Unless you forcibly cut off the power or physically damage your device, there is no way to exit this interface and close it.

"Sanye people civilization, hello."

"I'm sorry to meet you in such a hasty way. Well, after all, there is not much time, so I will make a long story short."

Yu Wulin said in a tone of telling a joke.

"There are 48 minutes left, and the end is coming."

(End of this chapter)

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