Chapter 1137
Lu Yan raised his hand and slapped it casually in front of him a few times, easily dispelling the gunpowder smoke around him.

This kind of large-scale intensive missile strike is quite spectacular, but it is obviously unrealistic to rely on this method to cause damage to Lu Yan.

The most important thing is that this kind of missile bombing can easily affect the ecology of the planet.

If the opponent goes on like this, Lu Yan feels that he doesn't even need to take action himself, and the opponent will be directly judged as a failure by the reincarnation system because of damaging the planet's ecology.


In the meeting hall of the Clover people.

All the senior executives of the Sanye people present were staring at the display screen dumbfounded.

In the picture, the unscathed figure after the gunpowder smoke cleared made each of them feel a little heavier.

Even though Lu Yan hadn't shown any large-scale killing methods so far, they all knew that when the other party started to slaughter, their Sanye civilization would be powerless to resist.

The head of the Sanye people turned to look at Yu Wulin.

"Your Excellency, are you still planning to do something?"

Yu Wulin crossed his legs, and the old god was slumped on the seat.

Facing the question from the head of the Sanye people, he stretched slowly before answering.

"Well, first of all, you should make it clear that that person cannot be killed by any means, and the purpose of all actions is just to delay time."

"Don't worry, according to what I know about that person, as long as it can make him interested, he doesn't mind spending time admiring it."

"According to the plan, it's time to release biological and chemical weapons."

On this point, Yu Wulin didn't lie. Most of Lu Yan's motivation to do things was because he was interested in it.

Speaking of which, Lu Yan has never deliberately concealed anything. As the strongest reincarnator, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are closely watching everything about him.

Without exception, all major organizations in the real world have established the most comprehensive information database for Lu Yan. Only in this way can they conduct risk assessment and behavior prediction based on his consistent style of work.

Compared with these organizations, Yu Wulin, who has always been in contact with Lu Yan, knows better what the former will do.

As it is now, there is no guarantee that there will be too many giant weapons in front of Lu Yan, but an hour can definitely be won.

Of course, Lu Yan himself has enough capital to support him to do whatever he wants.

Even with the restriction of not allowing damage to the planet, it would not take two hours for Lu Yan to eliminate more than [-]% of the Sanye people.

At least from the screen, Lu Yan can't see the slightest sense of urgency, even though it has been 10 minutes since he arrived...


"Don't dare to see me?"

Lu Yan smiled and shook his head.

Naturally, he could guess that the other party's purpose was to delay time.

And the reason why he hasn't left the city yet is because he still has some extra thoughts.

That is to wait for one's opponent in this round to appear in front of one's own initiative.

Logically speaking, even if a reincarnated person who is so powerful knows that he is not Lu Yan's opponent, he should not be so afraid to appear in front of him.

As the two sides of the battle, they didn't even have a direct contact. That's too lacking a sense of ceremony.

The surroundings were still calm, and the corners of Lu Yan's mouth were raised. He could be sure that the other party didn't plan to show up.

"Do you want to die for no apparent reason?"

Lu Yan murmured, and then began to stimulate his perception ability with all his strength.

The life perception provided by [Symme] is nothing more than that, after all, this effect is incidental.

But if Lu Yan pushes [Old Age] with all his strength, with the blessing of [Wushuang] and [WuSe], its perception area can almost cover half of the No. 28 resource planet.

Within this range, everything from a flight taking off to a small disturbance in the wind is as clear in Lu Yan's perception as if it happened in his palm.

It's worth mentioning that Lu Yan seldom does this because the effect of pushing with all his strength is too powerful.

There is too much information that needs to be processed in the mind at once. If it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that they will be shocked by such a huge amount of information and become mentally disturbed.

Lu Yan didn't go to this level, but he didn't like this kind of crazy thinking.

Suddenly, Lu Yan raised his head slightly.

He noticed that there were dozens of special missiles in outer space, which entered his perception range, and were still moving rapidly towards his location.

Don't forget, the perception range is not flat.

If his perception range is visualized, it will be a standard concrete sphere.

Therefore, Lu Yan's perception naturally also covered outer space.

To be precise, he caught these special missiles the moment they were launched from the space station.

From a long distance, Lu Yan could already smell the stench carried in these missiles, which made it easy for him to determine what kind of attack it was.

Contrary to what Yu Wulin had imagined, Lu Yan had no intention of forcibly resisting this kind of biochemical weapon.

It's like the toilet is very safe, but normal people don't go to the toilet when they have nothing to do.

Lu Yan lifted his legs and took a step, which seemed to be a very slow and ordinary movement.

But when his other foot landed, the person had already appeared hundreds of miles away.

Earlier, he knew how to use the rule effects of these abilities flexibly.

However, it may be because there are not many spatial rules contained in [Serious Dodge], or it may be that the spatial rules are inherently more difficult to grasp than other rules.

In short, it is difficult for him to apply the rules of space in battle like using [Suotian].

But if it is used for traveling, it is more than enough.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Yan had already arrived at the sky above another bustling city.

He looked down at the bustling traffic in the city, and slowly spread his right palm, the palm of which quickly shone with golden light.

An exquisitely shaped box that looked like a metal material appeared in his hand - the magic sealing box.

If [Symme] hadn't happened to be unsealed by chance, he would have almost forgotten about it.

After all, if you count the time spent in the experience world, he hasn't used this thing for quite a while.

Don't think this box is useless.

The collection of eight demons in the world of Jackie Chan's Adventures, the transcendent in the world of Marvel, and many ninjas who are good at killing large areas...

Although they can no longer keep up with Lu Yan's footsteps at this stage, these existences are undoubtedly strong in their respective worlds.

On the premise of not damaging the ecology of this resource planet, the cards sealed in the magic sealing box became the reliance for Lu Yan to quickly achieve the winning conditions.

(End of this chapter)

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