Chapter 1178 Shi Qiang

Lu Yan smiled and nodded.

The middle-aged policeman laughed and joked: "Then thank the law-abiding citizens for supporting our work, and remember to bring your ID card with you next time you go out."

"Sure, can I go then?" Lu Yan asked.

"It will be soon, just wait until the records are finished."

The middle-aged policeman patted Lu Yan on the shoulder.

Lu Yan, who has always maintained a harmless smile to humans and animals, does have a strong affinity.

The middle-aged policeman also opened his mouth and urged aside: "Xiao Zhao, why haven't you done it yet?"

The policeman named Xiao Zhao was much younger and looked like a fresh graduate.

Xiao Zhao was typing on the keyboard with both hands. As time went by, the doubts on his face became more and more obvious.

Generally speaking, such insignificant incidents only need to be recorded in the police log and do not need to be connected to the Internet in this era when the rules and regulations are not particularly strict.

It's just that as an outstanding graduate of the police academy, when he first joined the job, he would definitely do things in strict accordance with the rules.

Originally, I just wanted to be on the safe side, but when I compared it in this database, the problem came out.

Lu Yan is not from this world at all, no matter what equipment he uses, the only result is - no such person!
Normal people would certainly not think of the possibility that Lu Yan is not from this world.

A logical guess is that he intends to hide some bigger secret.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhao got up straight away and waved to the middle-aged policeman: " come and have a look."

Xiao Zhao's strange attitude made the face of the middle-aged policeman change slightly.

He glanced at Lu Yan calmly, walked over, and looked at the computer screen.

Seeing the abnormal performance of the two policemen, Lu Yan sighed helplessly. He was really too lazy to toss with the two grassroots policemen here, thinking about which way to escape.

But right now.

A man who looked like a college student knocked on the window and asked curiously, "Hey, Uncle Zhang, what are you doing?"

"Xiaoming, haha, long time no see, you graduated."

The middle-aged policeman exchanged pleasantries on the surface, but secretly gave Shi Xiaoming a look.

As Shi Qiang's son, although Shi Xiaoming is not close to his father and doesn't like the profession of the police, he is much better than ordinary people in dealing with emergencies under his influence.

With just one look, Shi Xiaoming understood.

Zhang Ruo casually walked to the door and said, "Yes, I have to find a job."

The middle-aged policeman responded with a smile, and walked towards Lu Yan calmly.

"It's not easy for you college students to find a job..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the middle-aged policeman acted quickly to ensure that Lu Yan would not have the chance to make dangerous moves.

However, when the middle-aged policemen grabbed Lu Yan's right arm with both hands, trying to hold it down.

But the middle-aged policeman felt as if he was pressed on an iron ingot, no matter how hard he sucked, he still didn't move.

This is not surprising.

As long as the power used is not beyond the human range, it will not be counted as using supernatural power.

Theoretically speaking, a human with the most perfect genetics can lift up to [-] kilograms after scientific training and training, plus some stimulation.

As for the power used by Lu Yan, as long as it has not exceeded this line, it will not be judged as using supernatural power.

The middle-aged policeman found that he couldn't move Lu Yan, fearing that Lu Yan would do something irrational, he quickly shouted: "Don't move, be honest!"

"I didn't move." Lu Yan felt a little headache.

Even if it's still early days and there is no emergency, he doesn't really want to be locked up in a detention center.

The middle-aged police quickly took out the handcuffs and handcuffed one of Lu Yan's hands to the railing of the window.

Seeing that Lu Yan did not make any resistance during the whole process, the middle-aged police could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Tell me, boy, why are you using false information? What's your real name?"

Lu Yan pondered for two seconds, thinking about the names that appeared in Three Body.

Then he said sincerely, "My name is Shi Qiang."

Shi Xiaoming at the side: "..."

This young man with some baby fat, his face turned green and white.


"Hahaha, I'm sorry, Old Zhang, okay, I'll take this kid back to ask about it first."

A burly man in a dirty leather jacket waved at the middle-aged policeman.

This is Shi Qiang.

As the man behind the two protagonists, Wang Miao and Luo Ji, Shi Qiang's first impression is not much better.

Shi Qiang led Lu Yan out of the police station, and kicked Shi Xiaoming on the back of the side: "Go home."

"Ah?" Shi Xiaoming was kicked inexplicably, and couldn't help but bewildered.

"Ah what, get out."

Shi Qiang glared at Shi Xiaoming.

Although Shi Xiaoming felt wronged, he was almost used to his father's attitude since he was a child. He curled his lips, turned and left without saying anything.

After watching Shi Xiaoming leave, Lu Yan smiled and said, "Since you don't want your son to take risks, why don't you tell him directly?"

If it was really some kind of brutal murderer, like Shi Xiaoming's behavior of blocking the door just now, no one can guarantee that nothing will happen.

But Shi Qiang would definitely not say such a thing.

He took out a cigarette and lit it in his mouth, took a deep breath, and let out a characteristic silly smile. With his laughter, he could still see the smoke gushing out of his mouth one by one.

"Tell me about the border of science."

This is actually a coincidence.

Lu Yan didn't expect that even after he was arrested, he would run into Shi Qiang's son by accident.

In this way, calling Shi Qiang over is a very logical thing.

Judging from the current timeline, the "spell" for summoning Shi Qiang is obviously a choice between the scientific boundary or ETO (Earth Trisolaris Organization).

"What do you want to know?"

Lu Yan said with a smile.

"Just tell me what you know."

Shi Qiang has an attitude of not rejecting anyone who comes.

"I want to confirm first, what have you investigated now?"

Lu Yan had a friendly smile on his face.

If you really want to talk about it, he also knows the general idea of ​​the plot of the Three-Body Problem.

"Hey, if you don't tell me, how can I be sure that you are not sent by the scientific boundary to confirm the progress of the police investigation?"

"That's fine, you ask."

"Is there an organization behind Science Frontiers?"

"Yes, ETO for short."

Shi Qiang's eyes lit up, and he took out a small notebook from nowhere and recorded it in it.

There was an excited look on his face, he was just holding the mentality of giving it a try, but he didn't expect it to be rewarding.

"Tell me in detail, this E or something, what do they want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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