Chapter 147 Chunin Exam
Leaf Village.

at the gate.

A man walked in unsteadily.

The man was tall and tall, wearing a forehead protector with the word "oil" written on it, with long white hair reaching to his waist, a red mark under his eyes, and a huge dark red scroll on his back.

The man stood at the gate and raised his head to look at Hokage Yanyan in the distance. Because the sun was too glaring, he stretched out his hand to cover it up.

"It seems that the village is not bad now."

The villagers were busy coming and going, and it was very lively, but it didn't look like they had suffered a disaster. On the contrary, it was not much different from when he left.

A ninja guarding the gate saw Jiraiya, rubbed his eyes, confirmed it, ran up to the man a little excitedly, and shouted respectfully: "Master Jiraiya, you are back."

The man's name is Jiraiya, and he is the apprentice of the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. He is also known as the legendary Sannin together with the two ninjas Tsunade and Oshemaru.

It is worth mentioning that Tsunade and Orochimaru are also apprentices of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Naruto's father, Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato is an apprentice of Jiraiya.

Jiraiya heard that the village had been attacked before, and he was busy tracking down the traces of Orochimaru outside the village at that time, and the investigation happened to be at a critical moment, so he didn't have time to come back.

During this period of time, I had time to spare, so I returned to the village early.

"It's Izumo, should you be on duty today?"

Ji Lai also grinned, laughing loudly.

"Yes, if you know that you are back, Lord III will be very happy."

Jiraiya nodded and walked towards the village without exchanging greetings with the gatekeeper ninja.


Naruto Building.

"Oh, did you come back early? Did you hear any news?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi had a pipe in his mouth and rested his hands casually on the desk.

Standing opposite him was the tall Jiraiya.

Ji Lai also rubbed the back of his head with one hand, laughed loudly, and said, "Old man, you seem to be in good spirits. Didn't I hear that something happened in the village, so I rushed back when I was free."

The corners of Sarutobi Hiruzen's mouth with a pipe in his mouth also slightly raised. After all, he was his apprentice, so he was very happy to meet again.

He took off the pipe and put it aside.

Looking at Jiraiya in front of him, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It has been resolved, and there is no major problem. But you, after so long, has there been any news about Orochimaru?"

In fact, among Sarutobi's three apprentices, his favorite is not Jiraiya, but Orochimaru who has betrayed the village.

He was a true ninjutsu genius, but unfortunately, due to his extreme enthusiasm for ninjutsu, Orochimaru violated the ban, practiced the forbidden jutsu secretly, and even used the villagers for human experiments.

After the Dongchuang incident, Dashewan could not convince the public if it was not resolved, but it was impossible for Dashewan to stay in the village to die, which led to Dashewan's defection.

"Ah, that Orochimaru guy." Jiraiya put down his hand that was touching the back of his head, his face straightened up, and he didn't look so foolish anymore.

Jiraiya walked to the window, crossed his arms, leaned against the desk naturally, his pupils were out of focus, and just looked out of the window.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi shook a piece of shredded tobacco into the pipe, lit it, put it in his mouth and took a long puff without urging him.

Jilai said unhurriedly: "I followed the trail of Dashewan all the way, and found that he joined a certain organization, and the uniform uniform of that organization was a red cloud robe with a black background.

Judging from what I have obtained so far, the members of that organization seem to be all S-level rebel ninjas from major ninja villages.

I haven't found out their purpose yet, but what is certain is that the organization has gathered so many dangerous characters, and what it wants to do is definitely not simple.

And that organization is too hidden, it took me so long, I just figured out the name of this organization. "

Hiruzaru Sarutobi silently digested the news before asking: "What is the name of the organization?"

"Akatsuki." After Jiraiya said the name of the organization, he groped around, took out a booklet, put it in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and motioned him to take a look: "This is the part I found out clearly. Organization member information, including Orochimaru and Uchiha Itachi."

In fact, the news that Orochimaru has defected from the Akatsuki organization is only known to the members of the Akatsuki organization, and Jiraiya has not had time to figure out this information.

"I will arrange for people to pay attention to this issue of the Akatsuki organization. The Chunin exam is about to come, and other villages will also send ninjas over. During this time, you should stay in the village temporarily."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded subtly, and pocketed the pamphlet recording some members of the Akatsuki organization.

Zilai also stretched his waist, walked towards the door, suddenly remembered something, turned his head and asked, "Where does that child live now?"



In Lu Yan's room.

Naruto and Sasuke sat cross-legged on the mat to refine chakra.

Ever since they were trained by Lu Yan, the actual combat abilities of the two of them have gradually left behind the ninjas of the same period.

So apart from practicing ninjutsu, most of the time, the two of them quietly find a place where no one is there to practice fighting.

I went back to the room to continue refining chakra until I ran out of strength.

Because Sasuke has the blessing of Sharingan, Naruto always loses more and wins less in physical martial arts duels.

"There are a lot of unknown guys in the village."

After the training came to an end, Naruto lay on the mat with his legs crossed, talking thoughtfully.

Sasuke sat cross-legged on the mat. After hearing Naruto's words, he didn't lift his eyelids, and said coldly, "After all, the Chunin exam is about to start, but they are just ninjas from other villages."

Their goal is not to deal with those forbearers.

Under Lu Yan's teaching, and with the blessing of those two scrolls of forbidden techniques, their true strength far surpassed those ninjas who took the exam.

"How about it, do you want to join in the fun?"

Naruto couldn't wait to make a big mess.

Sasuke explained in a low voice: "It's still early, we just need to ensure that we can enter the final stage. At that time, the Third Hokage, the senior officials of other villages, and those daimyos will all be present. At that time, we should really make a move." when.

By the way, have you talked to the fox inside you yet?Does it agree to lend you its power? "

Naruto put his clothes on and put his hands on his abdomen, his blue pupils felt a little deep.

"Don't worry, we've already talked about it."


in the sealed space.

The huge nine-tailed demon fox was crawling, its dark vertical pupils glowed with a strange cold light.

(End of this chapter)

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