The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 178 Mutual Multiplication Detonating Talisman

Chapter 178 Mutual Multiplication Detonating Talisman

Hearing this voice, Qianshoufei gave a cold snort, and said: "It seems that there are other accomplices."

Dashewan immediately recognized that it was Lu Yan's voice, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

The person who took the blame for him came, otherwise he probably would have wasted this body here.

Qianshou Zhujian clapped his hands directly, canceling the arrival of the tree world.

After the line of sight was no longer blocked, several Hokages looked in the direction of the sound.

Outside the dark purple barrier, Lu Yan, who was wearing a white and gold armor, stood obediently on the edge of the barrier.

It looked a little dazed.

Qianshou Zhujian pointed at Lu Yan and laughed loudly, "Your helper looks completely different from your style."

Orochimaru's gloomy and cold image is a villain no matter how you look at it, but the appearance of the emperor's armor is obviously bright.

Qian Shou Fei Jian didn't taunt, but looked Lu Yan carefully up and down, he was a little puzzled: "What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

For a forbidden jutsu master, there are really few ninjutsu that he can't see the principle of.

The few Hokages who were reincarnated from the dirty soil had never met Lu Yan, so they seemed very casual.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen has seen it before, and the impression is still very deep.

No matter how you look at it, Lu Yan doesn't look like a reincarnated body, and he doesn't have those iconic cracks on his body.

"This guy..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi's mouth was dry, "He's still alive?"

Qianshou raised his eyebrows and asked, "Sarutobi, do you know this thing? What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and was about to explain it to Senshou Tokaima in detail.

At this moment, under the signal of Orochimaru, the Otonin four at the four corners of the enchantment lifted the enchantment of the four purple flames.

The edge of the dark purple enchantment was like ice cubes placed in hot water, gradually disappearing into the air.

Lu Yan stretched out his hand to touch it, and the glass-like repelling feeling really disappeared.

He walked unhurriedly to Dashewan.

"It looks like your plan has failed."

Lu Yan's gentle voice came from inside the armor.

The current situation is very obvious. Before he came, Orochimaru faced the four Hokages alone.

Obviously, it seems that three of the four guys are reincarnated bodies of dirt.

In other words, it was all caused by Orochimaru's psychic, but the current situation is estimated to be that Orochimaru can't control it.

As the barrier was lifted, a group of Anbu, who were waiting outside the barrier, rushed in immediately.

The formation dispersed, surrounding Lu Yan and Dashewan.

The four of Otonin saw that the situation was not good, and under Orochimaru's instructions, they all used the instant body technique to leave the high platform.

Orochimaru let out a hissing breathing sound, as if a snake had been stuffed in his throat: "Hehe, mistakes are always inevitable in experiments, can Mr. Yan handle it?"

Orochimaru said so, but quietly stepped back a few steps, always ready to escape from here.

Orochimaru cherishes life very much. In terms of life-saving ability, it can almost be called the number one in the ninja world.

Although there are many ways to save life, Orochimaru will not be so stubborn as to attack the four Hokages.

Lu Yan twisted his neck, and the armor made a metal-like rubbing sound.

"Then let me try."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yan disappeared in place.

The Emperor's Armor actually has the ability to add various abilities to a single ability. If the defensive attack and other abilities are amplified to speed, the short-term sprint speed is enough to exceed the limit of the naked eye.

Although Qianshouzhujian and Qianshoufeijian didn't see Lu Yan's movements clearly at all, as a strong man who has gone through the Warring States period, his own instinct for early warning is extremely strong.

Qiqi took a defensive stance in a certain direction.

A tooth-piercing dull sound resounded on the high platform, and transparent air waves spread.

Lu Yan's body was tilted, and his punches and kicks were unexpectedly blocked by Qianshou Zhujian and Qianshou Feijian.

"If you don't use ninjutsu, you can't stop it."

Lu Yan still had the mood to remind the two of them.

Before Zhujian and Feijian could react, Lu Yan suddenly exerted force.

The violent force was transmitted from the hands and feet to the two of them.

One punch and one kick, like two explosive bombs, exploded.

Violent smoke, dust and confetti flew around.

Lu Yan landed lightly on the ground, looked at the four feet in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction.

It's not an exaggeration, it's literally four feet.

Both the upper body of Senshou Zhujian and Qianshou Feijian disappeared, only their two legs were left standing.

A special material like shredded confetti flew, gathering towards the upper bodies of the two, and gradually returning to their original appearance.

To Lu Yan, it feels a bit like that paper man named Xiao Nan.

A miraculous thing happened, as the scraps of paper formed the appearance of the two of them, they recovered again, as if nothing had happened just now.

"This tin woodman is quite powerful." Senshou Zhuma didn't feel the anger of being blown up at all. Instead, he touched the back of his head with one hand and laughed.

Qianshou folded his hands together, formed a handprint, and said calmly: "Brother, can you stop being so embarrassing."

The attack had no effect. Although Lu Yan felt a little pity, he didn't find it strange. After all, he also knew the characteristics of reincarnation from the dirty soil.

I really don't know what else can pose a threat to these filthy reincarnated bodies besides the sealing ability.

Suddenly, Lu Yan felt something strange about his calf, and looked down.

There was actually a detonating talisman stuck in the gap between the armor and leggings. If nothing else, it was probably pasted secretly by the thousand-handed door just now.

"Did you just find out now?" Qianshou Feijian still maintained the seal posture, with a mocking look on his face, "Next, let me test your defensive ability, and use the detonating talisman with each other!"

The detonating talisman attached to Lu Yan's calf began to light up in red and yellow following Qianshou's words, and the temperature could be felt through the armor.

The explosion sounded.

Boom boom boom! ! !
Continuous explosions sounded on the high platform. There was obviously only one detonation talisman, but it seemed to be covered by firepower, continuously.

The violent explosion forced Orochimaru to jump down and leave the high platform.

The four Hokages also retreated and moved to another high platform.

The original high platform couldn't bear it anymore in the crazy explosions again and again, and collapsed.

However, even if the high platform fell, the explosion did not stop.

The materials used to build the platform, such as gravel and wood blocks, splashed around under the explosion.

Explosion waves continued to spread like ripples one after another.

This is another forbidden technique of Qianshoubeijian, the mutual multiplication detonating talisman.

A single detonating talisman can channel the detonating talisman infinitely, and the psychic detonating talisman will also channel more detonating talismans, and trigger infinite continuous explosions.

The attack is powerful and lasts for a long time. As long as you are possessed by a detonating charm, you can't get rid of it.

(End of this chapter)

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