Chapter 192

A long table was cleared.

Tsunade and Lu Yan sat opposite each other.

"What are you playing, tell me." Lu Yan sat calmly, looking like a veteran.

Tsunade on the opposite side also had the posture of a big horse and a golden sword, and his momentum seemed to be even better than Lu Yan's.

The pig-holding woman beside Tsunade was very anxious, and advised in a low voice: "Master Tsunade, there is no need for us to do this, just ask the person opposite to pay back the money."

"Jing Yin, don't worry, I have a hunch that I will win this time." Tsunade turned to comfort her entourage, then turned her head, stretched out a hand to Lu Yan, and said in a deep voice: " Please!"

"Please!" Lu Yan responded politely.

Although Lu Yan has been in the ninja world for so long, he doesn't know how to gamble in the ninja world.

Tsunade didn't bully him, and directly proposed that the two play to compare size.

Throw three dice, and whoever gets the most points wins.

Easy to understand, purely by luck.

Lu Yan had no objection, and then Tsunade asked the shopkeeper to hand over two boxes of dice cups, one for each person.

Seeing that a new game of gambling had started here, the residents who had been having a good time came here in twos and threes to watch the excitement.

Several of the residents who often wandered around the casino seemed to recognize Tsunade and stared at Tsunade in amazement.

"This...this is?"

"That's right! It's her!"

"It's that..."

"The legendary fat sheep!!!"

Hearing the residents' voices, Lu Yan raised his eyebrows. It seemed that the woman across from her was a veteran who had made a name for herself in the casino.

Fortunately, they were playing big and small, and gambling skills didn't have much impact on this.

So Lu Yan was not worried.

Tsunade found that someone recognized her, and didn't mind but laughed at them, then slapped the table with one hand and said, "Let's get started!"

As the words fell, Tsunade and Lu Yan both raised their hands and shook the dice cup simultaneously.

The dice rattled in the dice cup.

Tsunade pretended to listen carefully, as if he could hear the number from the sound.

Lu Yan couldn't hear it. After all, he hadn't practiced it before, so he just shook his head.

The two slapped the dice cup on the table at the same time.

As expected of a veteran, Tsunade stretched out a hand in a dignified manner, and said, "Please!"

Lu Yan was not too polite, and immediately lifted the cover. The surrounding gamblers saw Lu Yan's points clearly and burst into laughter on the spot.

One o'clock, two o'clock, two o'clock.

To be honest, the total number of points on the three dice is less than six points, so you can basically admit defeat directly.

Seeing Lu Yan's points, Tsunade blushed unnaturally.

Have the opportunity!She can win!
The lid is lifted, one point, one point, two points.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" The crowd laughed so hard that they couldn't straighten up.

This is the battle between two African chiefs.

Another stack of money was photographed on the table.

Tsunade gritted his teeth and shouted, "Come again!"

Lu Yan never expected that he could actually win the game of gambling.

It didn't feel bad to pick up money like this, and there was no intention of accepting it as soon as it was good, so the lid was closed immediately, and the two started shaking again.

There were more and more people watching, and even a croupier took the initiative to host the event.


"Lady Sheep, six o'clock."

"Five o'clock, Mr. Beggar."

"Lady Sheep wins!"

Tsunade's originally fair and tender face turned red from excitement.

She actually won!
Lu Yan only had the last stack of money left in his hand, he was not reconciled: "Come again!"

"Come here, whoever is afraid!"



Lu Yan walked out of the izakaya in a daze, stood at the door, and spread his empty hands.

After a whole afternoon, he went back and forth like this, and finally exported the wad of money he had stolen.


With her arms around Shizune's neck, Tsunade walked out of the izakaya laughing.

She finally won money. Although she just won back her own money, the feeling of winning made her intoxicated.

Shizune was still holding the pink pig named Tonto in his arms, struggling to maintain his balance under the shaking of Tsunade.

She also couldn't believe that Tsunade-sama, known as the legendary fat sheep, didn't lose money today.

She didn't understand, but she was shocked.

"Hey, your kid's name is Lu Yan, right?" Tsunade shouted at Lu Yan carelessly.

Lu Yan turned around in a daze, and nodded blankly.

Tsunade patted Lu Yan's shoulder with one hand, and said excitedly: "That's right, that's right, we two really meet each other, we will meet good talents! Shall we continue tomorrow?"

After Lu Yan was slapped, he came back to his senses. He finally remembered what he was going to do.

Seriously said: "Can you lend me some money? I want to buy clothes."

Without saying a word, Tsunade slapped a stack of money in Lu Yan's hand.

"Continue tomorrow!"

Throwing away these words, Tsunade took Shizune to find a serious tavern for a drink.

Lu Yan looked down at the stack of banknotes in his hand, and his dazed face suddenly became calm as if he had woken up.

As if talking to himself: "It's an interesting woman."

However, now that he has money, he can finally throw away this shabby Xiaopao.


Lu Yan put on new clothes and walked out of the clothing store.

By this time the sun had set and the sky was completely dark.

The street was still full of people, even more lively than during the day.

After all, it is the town's triennial festival. After a busy day, the residents of the town took their children out for a walk after dinner.

Children have no resistance to that weird mask of ghosts, so they pester their parents to buy it.

In an open space surrounded by residents, a shirtless wrestler dressed up as a ghost spewed out a mouthful of flames.

It caused a burst of exclamation from the residents of the town.

Living in Ninja Village for so long, Lu Yan almost forgot that there are more ordinary people in this world.

Most ninja residents will never see a real ninja in their lifetime, let alone understand what ninjutsu looks like.

Such a lively scene of living and working in peace and contentment, attracted Lu Yan almost couldn't help joining in.

However, this impulse was fleeting, and now Lu Yan wanted to study his own magic box even more.

Just wandering around the streets aimlessly, not to watch festival performances, he was just looking for experimental materials.

Although he doesn't mind killing people, he still prefers to use those villains for experiments when he has a choice.

Just like now.

"Hey! Don't you look at the road when you walk!"

A man in a white suit cursed fiercely at Lu Yan.

The man seemed to be of high status, and there were even two bodyguards in black suits behind him.

Lu Yan silently endured the anger vented by the man in the white suit, maintained a kind expression, and said softly, "It's up to you."

(End of this chapter)

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