The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 197 Mysterious Mask Man

Chapter 197 Mysterious Mask Man

Senjujuma actually underestimated his own face, as a ninja who is honored as the god of ninjas.

For some reason, he came back to life. This kind of news is like a bolt from the blue to the other shadows of Ninja Village.

Whether it is suspicion, dissatisfaction, or panic, these shadows will not be treated as nothing happened.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi also turned his head to look at the fiery Konoha outside the window, clenched his fists, and said in a deep voice: "No matter what, those guys must not let those guys destroy the hard-won peace."


This is a village built on top of a mountain.

Due to the high altitude, as long as you live in this village, you can hear the roar of thunder from time to time.

The name of this village located in the Land of Thunder is Yunyin Village.

Perhaps because of the high altitude, the ninjas and villagers in the village all have dark skin.

Similar to Muye Village, Yunyin Village also has the Raikage Building, which is exactly the same as the Hokage Building except for the different colors and characters.

In the office of Leiying Building.

A muscular, bronze-colored brawny man was sitting on a chair.

He is the thunder shadow of this generation of Yunyin Village, Ai.

A slim secretary stood beside Ai holding documents.

The secretary's name is Mabui.

Mabui helped his mirror frame, and said with the style of a royal sister: "Muye Village actually asked you to go there to discuss it in person."

Ai really lived up to his good looks, cursing angrily: "It's too funny, saying that a horrible organization is about to overthrow the ninja world, and even pulling out such a thing as the resurrection of the legendary ninja god Senju Hashirama. "

Mabui listened to Lei Ying's complaints with a smile on his face, and then asked, "What does Yanyin Village say?"


Hidden Rock Village in the Land of Earth.

In the hidden rock building.

A small old man was floating on the chair out of thin air.

The figure of this old man looks completely different from that of the irritable Ai.

But absolutely no one will underestimate this old man, the current Dokage of Yanyin Village, Tianping Onoki.

This unremarkable old man has lived from the Warring States period to the present, but he really can't live for so long without any ability.

The most important thing is that when Onoki was a child, he met Senju Hashirama, and he knew exactly how terrifying this man was.

Therefore, if someone really told him that Senshou Zhujian had come back to life, it would not be absolutely impossible.

"Master Tukage, what is this?"

A huge, honest-looking man followed behind Onogi, asking questions at a loss.

Onoki floated towards the door, snorted, and said, "Whether it's true or not, you'll know when you get to Konoha."

If there really is such an organization that Senjujuma finds it difficult to solve even after being resurrected, it will be a terrible subversion for the ninja world.


The Land of Water is surrounded by oceans.

The Ninja Village in the territory is called Wuyin Village, and it is also the village where Ganshi Kisame was born.

In the foggy village.

A plump woman with a water shadow bamboo hat on her head stood on the roof, her eyes were fixed on the bottom, her willow eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she looked a little preoccupied.

Her name is Terumi Mei, and she is the Mizukage of the generation of Wuyin Village, which is different from the shadows of several other big countries.

Because of historical issues, her current status as Mizukage is not very secure, and she did not expect to receive such information again.

A man wearing half a blindfold stood behind her with his hands behind his back, seemingly silently waiting for an order.

Terumi Mei sat down casually, and her movements seemed to be amorous, she murmured: "Ao, what do you think we should do with this information?"

The man who was called Qing by Terumi Mei bowed slightly after hearing this, and said: "If the other villages send personnel, we'd better send people to Konoha as well."

"Yes, but who can we send?"

Terumi Mei's voice sounded a little melancholy, as if she was asking, but also as if she was talking to herself.

The faction confrontation and mutual killing in Wuyin Village can almost be said to be the most serious in Ninja Village. Fortunately, the country of water is a big country anyway, and it is relatively rough. Otherwise, according to this gameplay, Wuyin Village would have disappeared long ago.


Rainy Village.

It was raining sparsely.

The sky above is shrouded in cloud all year round.

Fortunately, the drainage pipeline project in Yuyin Village is strong enough, which prevents Yuyin Village from becoming flooded due to the perennial rain.

Lu Yan put the bamboo hat on his head, looked at the rainwater dripping from the sky, and pondered whether to persuade Pei En Tiandao to stop this ninjutsu.

After all, even if outsiders sneaked into Yuyin Village, it shouldn't be an unsolvable problem for the members of the Akatsuki organization.

On the contrary, because of the non-stop rain, the entire Yuyin Village is filled with a humid and gloomy atmosphere.

Lu Yan put away the magic sealing box he was playing with, and walked into the rain curtain unhurriedly.


Under the water pipe full of copper rust, Payne Tiandao opened his lavender eyes of reincarnation, and said lightly, "He's back."

Xiao Nan nodded and said, "Would you like to greet me?"

They have already heard what Lu Yan did in Muye Village, and they have already heard about it from Guixie and others. Although it is only a brief description, it is shocking enough.

Relying on his own strength, he overthrew the past Hokage and won the victory.

Payne Tiandao had to re-examine Lu Yan's strength. Judging from the current performance, he even doubted that Payne's six forces would not be Lu Yan's opponent.

You know, he has the eyes of reincarnation only if he has the legendary Six Paths Immortal.

At this moment, the air suddenly twisted, and vortex traces like water waves appeared out of thin air.

As a figure wearing an orange-yellow spiral mask appeared, the vortex in the air also stopped.

It looks like a man, and the mask he wears has only one hole, which just exposes one of his eyes.

Blood red, it is Sharingan impressively.

Payne Tiandao turned his head to look, seemed a little surprised, and said, "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to tell you that the Tailed Beast Capture Project can start. By the way, let's take a look at the new member who made a big fuss."

The voice of the mysterious masked man sounded a little hoarse, and he didn't know whether he was speaking like this or deliberately speaking like this.

Payne Tiandao seemed to have thought of something, he was silent for a while before he said: "Alright, he just returned to the village, you go and have a look."

The mysterious masked man snorted softly, and the air twisted like ripples again, sucking him in.

Seeing the mysterious masked man leave, Xiao Nan asked strangely, "What about you?"

Payne Tiandao raised a hand to signal Xiao Nan not to say more.

Since the mysterious masked man claims to be Uchiha Madara, let him meet Lu Yan.

If you can fight, that's even better.

(End of this chapter)

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