Chapter 321 The Law
It was obviously the same person, and Lu Yan did not see any changes in appearance.

Apart from restraining his smile, he didn't even make any unnecessary movements.

But it gives people a feeling of a big change in temperament.

The old man swallowed a mouthful of saliva calmly.

Tapped his knee.

Fortunately, the old man did not forget what he was here for.

"Before that, I want to ask you first, do you know what a state of mind is?"

Lu Yan looked at him indifferently, without answering.

This demeanor seemed to be saying.

Don't blabber, get to the point!
The old man was a little embarrassed. Although his current status was somewhat similar to that of a teacher, he always felt that he could not get much sense of accomplishment from Lu Yan.

"The state of mind is very important in the process of practice. You reincarnated people may not realize this now, but when your level reaches a certain level, you will find that your state of mind cannot keep up, and everything you do will be half the result with twice the effort."

"In fact, after countless years of development, there are a large number of mental state cultivation methods in the starry sky."

"Of course, there are also specific levels of state of mind. If you regard the path of state of mind as a big tree, then no matter what kind of cultivation method you use, it will always be on the trunk of this big tree."

"In words that you can understand, if you are at the level of the Three Realms, then your state of mind must reach the level of the Three Realms..."

The old man is going to continue to educate Lu Yan.

Lu Yan's eyes were half closed, staring at the lawn on the ground.

Obviously not very interested in these things the old man said.

He said indifferently, "Don't waste your time."

The old man choked on what he was going to say, and smiled wryly.

"Ahem, let's start then."

The old man collected himself, looked at Lu Yan, and said in an aria-like tone.

"Close your eyes, relax your body, and imagine a wave of energy moving from your limbs to your brain..."

"Except for my guidance, no matter what you hear or feel, don't open it..."

Lu Yan closed his eyes tightly.

Of course he was doing it according to the old man's guidance, after all, he spent a whole thousand reincarnation coins.

How could it be possible to deliberately make life difficult for one's own money.

And following the guidance of the old man, after gradually relaxing.

Lu Yan could faintly smell a scent similar to agarwood, lingering around him.

The mood has indeed stabilized a lot.

The breeze on the grassland caressed gently, and the faint scent of green grass mixed with the scent of aloes.

Lu Yan felt very relaxed.

This feeling is probably like ordinary people occasionally going to the club to relax.

He deliberately restrained his emotions.

It's very comfortable.

Some strange thoughts began to pop up in Lu Yan's mind.

He felt that if nothing happened, he could often come here to relax for a while.

The price of [-] reincarnation coins per hour is still affordable for Lu Yan.

Before he knew it, Lu Yan's consciousness fell into a deep sleep.


clap clap ~
The old man clapped his hands.

Woke up Lu Yan from his sleep.

Lu Yan slowly opened his eyes, looking at him with a little puzzlement.

The old man replied with a smile: "It's time."

"Although you, a young man, are very defensive, but the foundation of cultivating the state of mind is surprisingly good."

The old man looked at Lu Yan again with a little curiosity.

He was indeed surprised that such a solid state of mind that was almost unshakable was not even found in his race.

Generally speaking, one has not studied the orthodox state of mind cultivation method before.

Everyone's mood depends mainly on their own experience and thoughts.

Before Lu Yan came, the old man also helped several reincarnations.

Those who are willing to use a thousand samsara coins to buy lessons at this stage must be the best among them.

However, the gap with Lu Yan is extremely obvious. If the mental state of the previous reincarnations is ten points.

Then Lu Yan is at least one hundred.

It is completely out of the normal category of this race.

Even if the experience is different, the gap should not be so large.

The old man was really puzzled.

Lu Yan's foundation is too solid, so such an hour of practice does not improve his state of mind much, or it is not obvious.

In order to prevent Lu Yan from thinking that his class was unreliable, the old man had to explain, saying: "After all, you are just trying it for the first time, and the effect may not be ideal."

"For the cultivation of the state of mind, if you force it, you will fall behind."

In fact, this cannot be blamed on the old man, after all, there is only one hour.

If you can improve a little in one practice, if you put it on ordinary people, it will be one-tenth of the improvement, and you can feel it more or less.

But if this point is placed on Lu Yan, because his own base is too large, he can't feel any obvious changes.

Lu Yan twisted his neck, making the sound of bones colliding.

He really didn't feel any change, but he didn't mind either.

At least he was quite satisfied with this relaxing experience.

Lu Yan nodded towards the old man.

Then stand up from the grass.

The long-lost white mist appeared instantly, enveloping him.

The white mist dissipated again.

Lu Yan found that he had returned to the eighth floor of Samsara Mall.

The scene on the eighth floor remained unchanged from before he left.

Only occasionally I can see a reincarnation sent up for a walk.

Even if you can't afford it, you can come up and have a look, open your eyes.

Lu Yan blinked his eyes and returned to his original amiable appearance.

Glancing at the rockery for a moment, he turned and left.

He really felt that this state of mind cultivation was not bad.

Although the price is expensive, it is for reincarnated people who are on the line of life and death all the year round and are mentally tense.

It is an ideal place to relax.

As long as you have some spare money, you should choose to come here to relax.

Lu Yan stood on the teleportation point in the center again.

Relaxed and relaxed, he still wanted to experience what it was like to practice the ninth layer of law.

A slight white light flashed.

Lu Yan appeared on the ninth floor of the Samsara Mall.

It's even colder here than on the eighth floor.

It is really a price of [-] reincarnation coins, which is too expensive.

Even if there are reincarnators who want to try it, they don't have the capital.

In fact, at this stage, reincarnated people with more than [-] reincarnation coins are really rare.

Even if Lu Yan's existence with one hundred thousand reincarnation coins was revealed, few people would believe it.

The structure of the ninth floor is exactly the same as that of the eighth floor.

The only difference is that the point of purchase is different.

Just like the purchase point on the seventh floor is a pile of simple weapons, the purchase point on the eighth floor is a rockery.

The purchase point on the ninth floor is a cylindrical stone pillar.

It is said to be a stone pillar, but it is covered with strange inscriptions.

If it wasn't for the wrong shape, Lu Yan would have felt a bit like a miniature version of the human stele.

Lu Yan stretched out his palm and pressed it on the stone pillar.

The notification sound of the reincarnation system appeared in time like a salesman.

【Ding! 】

【Whether to buy the number of practice times】

[10000 reincarnation coins: 60 minutes]

This price is ten times more expensive than mental state training.

Lu Yan clicked on his personal information interface and took a look.

Although he didn't feel like he was doing anything in the Samsara Mall, he just came for two ten consecutive draws and one mental state training.

But it also spent a full three thousand reincarnation coins.

Fortunately, he has a huge sum of more than [-] reincarnation coins.

After spending 9, there are still more than [-] left.

He paid [-] reincarnation coins without any distress.

After the payment was completed, the inscription on the stone pillar began to emit a faint light.

And this is just the beginning, the light gradually skyrocketed.

There was only a white light in front of Lu Yan's eyes.

The white light is fleeting.

Lu Yan felt dazed for a while, but when he looked around again, he found himself in a vast starry sky.

It's not the kind of standing on the ground looking up, but being in it.

You can see bright stars everywhere, big or small, bright or dark.

The entire starry sky was silent.

Not a single bit of extraneous sound could be heard at all.

On the Internet, Lu Yan has learned about this so-called cosmic scene.

He who can summon the emperor's armor can actually fly into the starry sky.

It's just that he has never tried it, and he didn't expect this course to satisfy his curiosity.

The wings of his nose fluttered, and he didn't feel the slightest difficulty in breathing.

Lu Yan looked down at his feet again, which was also an endless starry sky.

He subconsciously raised his foot and stomped.

There is actually a feeling of being down-to-earth.

He muttered silently in his heart.

But even if it was an illusion, it was too real.

Lu Yan could even see the potholes on a meteorite floating in the starry sky in the distance.

Lu Yan hesitated for a moment, then raised his foot and walked into the distance.

There seemed to be a path invisible to the naked eye under his feet, supporting him to walk in the starry sky.

Lu Yan took two steps and then stopped.

He didn't understand what this law practice meant.

At least there is an old man with a white beard to explain the state of mind cultivation.

How come there is no hint at all to practice this more expensive law.

Lu Yan frowned slightly, he felt that he was cheated.


Lu Yan yelled softly.

The reincarnation system did not respond at all.

At this moment, a huge star directly ahead attracted Lu Yan's attention.

The star collided with another star of about the same size.

The heat generated by the collision created a dazzling light.

The two stars suddenly dispersed into a large piece of tiny fragments, but they did not disperse.

Instead, a chaotic collection of matter gradually formed.

The substance gradually cooled and solidified.

Lu Yan just watched helplessly as the mass of matter re-formed into a larger sphere under the action of gravity.

This novel and shocking scene made Lu Yan forget that he was in the space of law practice.

Time flies quickly when you are fully focused.

An hour passed quickly.

The mechanized notification sound of the reincarnation system finally sounded.

【Ding! 】

[Law practice time: 0:00:59]

【Whether to renew】

Lu Yan was just getting interested, how could he be willing to just end it like this.

Decisively choose to continue watching.

And the default renewal is turned on.

After briefly dealing with the renewal issue, Lu Yan once again focused on the planet in front of him.

The planet at this time, over time.

The changes started to get bigger and bigger.

It was originally just a preliminary shape of a planet, but now it has gradually become rounded.

After the gas produced by the internal reaction of the planet is ejected, it is kept around by the gravity of the planet, forming the atmosphere of the planet.

The magnetic and electric fields of the planet itself.

Algae appear, and photosynthesis begins, aided by the light of nearby stars.

Soon, water appeared on the planet under the combination of hydrogen and oxygen.

Lu Yan watched helplessly as the originally withered and yellow planet was gradually covered with a blue coat.

Lu Yan exhaled lightly.

It turned out that from the beginning until now, he had never breathed heavily.

The scene was so shocking that he didn't know how to react.

"The origin of life?"

Although in this era, Lu Yan has also learned about the general situation of the origin of life.

But no matter what the book says, it is not as shocking as witnessing it with your own eyes.

Obviously, he didn't realize it at first.

In this space, the time velocity of these stars is extremely terrifying.

At least in units of billions of years.

Lu Yan opened his mouth, but did not make any sound.

Such a picture gave him a deeper understanding of his own insignificance.

【Ding! 】

The reincarnation system notification sound, which had been silent for an unknown amount of time, finally sounded.

[You have obtained the power of law: 1 point]

[The power of law can be used to enhance one's own law]

Before Lu Yan could ask what it meant, another series of prompts sounded.

[It is detected that you have the law of death]

[It is detected that you have the law of order]

[It is detected that you have the law of life]

[Please choose a law to strengthen]

Lu Yan was stunned for a moment, and soon came back to his senses.

It seems that he observed the scene of the birth of the planet, which gave him a so-called law point.

And can also be used to add points.

Lu Yan, who often adds physical fitness points, is familiar with adding such things.

What he cared more about were the three rules mentioned on the notification tone.

The preceding laws of death and order are easy to understand.

They are the will of death and the light of order respectively, as for the law of life.

Does it refer to his ability to live forever?
With this doubt, Lu Yan clicked on the add point interface.

There is a green plus sign behind the law of death and the law of order, but there is no one behind the law of life.

This situation basically made Lu Yan affirm his guess.

But in this case, only the law of death and the law of order can be strengthened.

Lu Yan quickly made his choice.

The law of order is not very compatible with him.

There is no need for much strengthening.

Before adding points, Lu Yan hesitated.

"After strengthening, will it have a bad effect on the will of the god of death?"

Lu Yan used the ability of Death God's will quite easily.

Although there are not many opportunities to use it...

But that alone was enough for him.

I don't want any changes in the God of Death's will that don't suit him.

After a long time, the notification sound of the reincarnation system did not sound.

Just when Lu Yan thought that the reincarnation system would not answer.

The mechanized prompt sounded unexpectedly.

[Ability is just appearance, not essence. 】

(End of this chapter)

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