The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 334 The power of crushing level

Chapter 334 The power of crushing level

"Am I late?"

Lu Yan looked at the miserable appearances of Roger and Lei Li, and sighed helplessly: "I haven't seen you for a while, why are you going to be cold?"

While muttering, he walked towards Rayleigh.

After walking to Rayleigh's side, he stretched out his hand to help him stand still.

"Cough...cough cough, Lu Yan, hurry up, these guys are not something we can deal with right now."

Lei Li spoke eagerly, in such a miserable physical state, he no longer had the elegant aristocratic demeanor he used to.

Luo Jie moved his body a bit, blocking Lei Li and Lu Yan behind him.

In Roger's single-minded concept, the captain is to stand up when his companions need him.

In his opinion, now is the time when the crew needs him.

Like an angry bull, Roger stared at No. [-] and Zhan Guo in front of him with wide eyes. He wanted to buy time for Lu Yan and Lei Li to escape.

In the distance, Garp ran over in a panic.

When he saw that Roger was almost killed by No. [-], he was already rushing this way.

He didn't know why, but he just felt in his heart that Roger couldn't be allowed to die in front of him so easily.

Fortunately, Roger escaped at a critical moment, but was seriously injured and did not die.

This reassured Garp.

Warring States recognized Lu Yan's identity from the huge stone tablet on Lu Yan's back.

He just said that for a strong man like Rayleigh, the bounty of 1000 million Baileys is not worthy of him at all.

"Who is this guy?"

Number three's hoarse and deep voice sounded.

Sengoku hurriedly explained: "This is also a member of the Roger Pirates, but it should be the weakest one, and the bounty is only 1000 million Baileys."

Three let out a sneer.

With Lu Yan's confident appearance, he thought he was some kind of big shot.

Unexpectedly, it was just a little pirate with a bounty of 1000 million.

The leading CP0 snorted coldly: "Number three! What are you waiting for, kill them all."

Garp opened his mouth when he heard the words, and wanted to say something, but he finally endured it.

Karp is as fearless now as he will be in the future.

Luo Jie suddenly turned his head, opened his mouth wide, and was about to call Lu Yan to take Lei Li away,

Suddenly, he realized that Lu Yan had leisurely walked behind him.

An anxious expression appeared on his face.

"Damn it! Lu Yan, what are you doing? Take Lei Li out of here quickly, I'll buy you time!"

"Don't even think about leaving."

The ugly voice of No. [-] night owl sounded.

Before Roger could turn his head back, he heard a violent sound of breaking through the air.

"Get out of the way!"

Not far away, Deleili saw No. [-] making a move, and immediately shouted at the top of his lungs.

Bang! ! !
There was a sudden roar.

Suddenly there was smoke.

Lei Li's whole body seemed to be petrified, and he froze in place.

He couldn't bear to watch it anymore.

Under such a berserk attack, even if Lu Yan is not weak, he will definitely not be able to stop it.


As the smoke gradually dissipated.

An unbelievable picture appeared in the eyes of everyone present.

Luo Jie stood aside a little dazedly, blinking his eyes: "Lu... Lu Yan?"

Luo Jie didn't realize when Lu Yan ran up to him.

Moreover, the punch that No. [-] threw was caught in Lu Yan's hand easily, preventing him from advancing an inch.

Lu Yan raised his head and looked at No. [-]'s white faceless mask with a smile.

"The famous CP0, why does he like to use the big to bully the small?"

Before he finished speaking, a large ball of blood-red water vapor suddenly gushed out from Lu Yan's body.

The blood vessels expanded rapidly, as if they were about to rush out of the skin surface.

No. [-] has never seen such a strange move, but it has the momentum of a storm.

There is absolutely no doubt about the amazing power hidden in this thin body in front of him.

Number Three suddenly exerted strength, preparing to pull his arm out of Lu Yan's hand.

But Lu Yan remained motionless as if he hadn't been affected in any way.

No. 0's hair stood on end, if he still didn't realize the horror of the opponent in front of him, he would be CP[-] in vain.

Quickly bent his knees, his legs kicked towards Lu Yan's waist like a whip.

He didn't expect any gains from this blow, he just tried to force Lu Yan to dodge so that he could withdraw his arm.

However, Lu Yan didn't even look at it, and pulled the arm holding No. [-] violently, making No. [-]'s center of gravity unstable.

Then he lifted his foot unremarkably, and gave a side kick.

A kick hit No. [-]'s abdomen, and there was a roar of metal collision.

Number three only felt that he was hit by an indescribable violent force, and his mind went blank.

Like a cannonball, the whole person quickly hit the two CP0s behind.

Another burly CP0 steps forward, ready to catch Three.

But he didn't expect this force to be so huge, pushing him back.

The CP0 yelled violently, his arms swelled visible to the naked eye, and then stopped.

At this moment, Number Three's whole figure was bent like a prawn, with white saliva foam constantly overflowing from under the mask, and his body was still convulsing.

One can imagine how terrifying the strength of Lu Yan's kick was.

Seeing this scene, Zhan Guo's eyes almost popped out.

What kind of pirate group is this?
It is obviously a pirate group that has just debuted, and there are two pirates on board who are comparable to the generals of the Navy Headquarters, which is already outrageous.

What's even more outrageous is that these two powerful pirates are not the strongest in this pirate group.

The strongest member of this pirate group killed a CP0 with one kick. A pirate group of this level shouldn't appear in the first half of the great route at all.

And the bounty is only 1000 million Baileys.

The bastards responsible for issuing wanted warrants should all be dismissed!
Cap opened his mouth wide, as if he could stuff two hard-boiled duck eggs.

Now he is actually a little bit of joy for the rest of his life.

Because some time ago, he retreated completely in front of Luo Jie and Lu Yan.

If Lu Yan showed such strength back then, grass would grow on his grave now.

Of course, Roger and Rayleigh were the most shocked.

They have always been in the same boat as Lu Yan, and even they don't know that Lu Yan has such a powerful strength.

When Lei Li thought that he had taken the initiative to find Lu Yan to practice his hands before, his stomach hurt for a while.

Is this what you said you have no fighting power?

You call this thing has no fighting power?

Luo Jie didn't think too much about it, no matter how strong Lu Yan was, in his opinion, they were all his crew members.

The strength of the crew is strong, isn't that a good thing.

At least this time, it shouldn't die.

Knowing this, Roger slumped down on the ground without any image.

(End of this chapter)

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