Chapter 337 Bounty

In an oasis near the city.

Looking at the historical text stele in front of him, Roger felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Some sadness could be seen vaguely on his face.

Rayleigh stood behind Roger, just stood there quietly, not intending to do anything.

Raleigh could sense that his captain seemed a little different.

During the day, they returned to the city and found that the streets had returned to their usual bustle.

The residents did not panic because of yesterday's fighting.

This is the world of One Piece. Due to the terrifying individual combat power, the residents are not surprised by these incidents.

Life still has to go on, as long as people are still alive.

While the two were wandering around, Roger seemed to sense something in the dark.

Pulling Rayleigh straight to a certain direction.

After leaving the city, I came to a small mound in the oasis.

Before Rayleigh asked.

Roger began to dig the soil like a dirt dog, and it didn't take long before he dug out the historical text stele from it.

After seeing this stele, Raleigh also understood why there were traces of CP0 and the Navy in Alabasta.

The well-informed Raleigh knew this stuff.

He also wanted Roger to take the stele away.

But ever since the stele was dug out, Roger has been squatting quietly in front of the historical text.

This squat is the whole day.

The more he looked at this historical text, the more mysterious Roger felt.

It was as if something was growing in my body.

It wasn't until this feeling gradually disappeared that Roger came back to his senses.

"Rayleigh, did you hear that? The stele is speaking."

Roger scratched the back of his head a little, and stood up.

After standing up, he noticed that it was already dark now.

Roger didn't even feel the passage of time while watching the historical text stele.

Raleigh did not suspect that Roger had auditory hallucinations.

He knew that although Roger was a single-minded person most of the time, he was not a fool.

How could you open your eyes and talk nonsense.

So Raleigh turned his eyes away from Roger and looked at this unremarkable stone tablet.

Some wondered: "I didn't hear it. Could it be that you are the only one who can hear it?"

Roger was also a little strange.

In fact, after looking at this stele, he found that his knowledge and arrogance had skyrocketed.

You can even faintly hear the sounds of surrounding objects.

"Then let's take this stele back and show it to Lu Yan, maybe he can..."

Having said that, Roger changed the subject, looked into the depths of the dark forest behind him, and said, "Someone is coming."

Rayleigh frowned slightly, he hadn't noticed any movement yet,

Just looking at the stele, Roger's perception has become so sharp?

In the jungle.

Sengoku and Garp led a large navy to search for something in the forest.

Garp let out a sigh of relief and leaned against a tree trunk.

He complained dissatisfiedly: "What exactly does CP0 want us to find? It's not clear, how do we find it?"

"Okay, we're just fulfilling Marshal Kong's order."

Warring States is also very dissatisfied with CP0's attitude, but he is not as arrogant as Garp.

The scope of the navy's search gradually spread to the small dirt bag dug out by Roger.

"Report! Major General of the Warring States Period, found a strange stone tablet."

Hearing the navy's report, Roger and Karp hurried over.

"What is this?"

Garp hasn't seen the stele of the historical text yet, so he can't recognize what it is: "Isn't this what CP wants us to find?"

On the contrary, Zhan Guo's face was a little dignified, and he recognized what it was.

No wonder this mission is so secretive.

"Send an order to let the peripheral troops seal off the oasis."

It is precisely because the Warring States knew the seriousness of this historical text that they were so cautious.

Judging from the condition of the soil, the bag was just dug up.

In other words, someone has already seen the text of the history.

And there is a high probability that this person has not left the oasis.

Regardless of whether the digging guy recognizes the ancient characters or not, he must not be let go.

Behind the dense forest on the other side.

Roger and Rayleigh watched carefully.

There are so many navies, and Lu Yan is not there.

If the two of them are exposed, I'm afraid they won't be able to please.

Raleigh whispered persuasively.

"Let's go. Looking at the navy, this stele seems to be very important."

Roger also nodded.

Anyway, this stele can no longer help him.

It's just a pity that there is no way for Lu Yan to see it.

After making up their minds, Roger and Rayleigh left quietly in the direction they came from.

When they came to the edge of the oasis, they found that there was already a navy stationed closely.

Roger and Rayleigh looked at each other, decisively choosing a violent breakthrough.

Although these navies are all the elite of the headquarters, there are only forty or fifty people in number.

This number of people is not a threat at all to Roger and Rayleigh.

Roger yelled and flew out.

The fists are covered with a domineering black armed color, reflecting light in the dark night.

bang bang bang! ! !
Almost all in one punch, no navy is Roger's single enemy.

Rayleigh, who followed behind, didn't grab many shots.

In the forest behind, a roar sounded.

A golden giant Buddha with a height of more than ten meters rises from the ground, looking so dazzling in the dark night.

"That's the Buddha fruit!"

"It's the Major General of the Warring States Period! Hold on, everyone!"

The morale of the navy suddenly rose.

However, when the gap in strength is too large, no matter how high the morale is, it can't change anything.

Roger and Rayleigh easily broke through the navy's defenses.

When the Warring States arrived with the giant Buddha, all he was greeted was a mess.

"Damn! Who is it?"


On the blue sea.

A three-masted schooner drifted unhurriedly.

After the two of Roger returned to the ship that night, in order to avoid being approached by the navy.

Decisively chose to set sail immediately.

Start heading towards the direction of Chambord Islands.

Of course, in the whole boat, only Raleigh is still conscientiously controlling the rudder.

No matter it was windy or raining, Lu Yanlei remained paralyzed on the roof of the cabin.

After seeing Lu Yan's formidable strength, Luo Jie no longer worried about whether there was something wrong with his mentality.

Instead, I was a little puzzled.

Is it possible that Lu Yan's strength can grow rapidly when he is so paralyzed every day?
Just when Roger was wondering, a high-pitched bird call came.

A messenger bird stood on the bow with its neck stalked.

Raleigh took out a newspaper from the bag hanging around Bird's neck.

After unfolding the newspaper and seeing the reward order inside.

The original indifferent eyes quickly disappeared, and the eyeballs were almost stared out by him.

"This!? Is the navy crazy?"

(End of this chapter)

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