The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 609 You go first

Chapter 609 You go first

Frieza learned of the conversation between Lu Yan and Vegeta through the detector.

Ginyu and the others also knew this information.

Judging from Vegeta's current combat effectiveness, Lu Yan did not fool Vegeta, he really knew how to make Vegeta stronger quickly.

So from the very beginning, Ginyu focused on Lu Yan.

Although he is the most powerful fighter under Frieza's command, he doesn't know Frieza's true strength, and he thinks that this is the strongest form of independence now.

So seeing that Frieza was at a disadvantage, Ginyu immediately chose to hold Lu Yan hostage to threaten Vegeta.

Although the combat power detector detected that Lu Yan had no combat power, which surprised Ginyu, this situation was better for him.

After all, the weaker the strength, the easier it is to handle.

Hearing Ginyu's words, Vegeta, who had already walked a certain distance towards Frieza, stopped and turned to look in Lu Yan's direction.

There was a mocking look on his face.

threaten me?
"Treat me with this guy, are you awake?"

Vegeta not only didn't stop, but intensified, without the slightest hesitation, he rushed towards Frieza with a terrifying speed.

The fact is that Vegeta at this stage is an extreme egoist.

It is impossible to change one's decision because of a certain person. He did promise Lu Yan to protect the earth, but he never said that he would protect Lu Yan.

Moreover, he already knows the way to transform into a Super Saiyan, so Lu Yan's life and death are not worthy of his concern.

What's more, he didn't think that Lu Yan would be killed by Ginyu so easily.

Ginyu's pupils suddenly dilated, revealing an expression of disbelief.

He didn't expect Vegeta to be merciless, as if he didn't care whether he would kill Lu Yan or not.

Sun Wukong, who was standing aside, also did not stop it, but watched the development of the situation curiously.

He believed that Lu Yan could not be killed so easily, and he was really curious about where Lu Yan's strength was.

Ginyu gritted his teeth, and pressed the qigong bullet in his hand directly towards Lu Yan's head.

There was a terrifying explosion.

But Lu Yan still stood there like a normal person.

He turned around slowly and looked at Ginyu with a familiar and kind smile.

"You say you guys are going to fight Vegeta, why are you messing with me?"

Blood-red steam erupted from the whole body, and then he raised his hand and clenched his fist, punched out, and closed his fist in one go.

The whole set of movements was as fast as lightning.

A hole the size of a fist appeared immediately on Ginyu's chest, hot blood gushed out of the hole, and the edges were scorched black.

"It' strong..."

Ginyu still had an unbelievable expression on his face, and his body collapsed limply.

He stared blankly, lying quietly on the ground.

The captain of the most prestigious Ginuit team in the Frieza Legion died on the spot just like that.

Seeing this scene, Wukong's eyes froze slightly.

In fact, Ginyu is not Lu Yan's opponent, which is not surprising to Wukong.

What surprised him was not that Lu Yan was too strong, but that Lu Yan was much weaker than he had imagined.

For the short burst just now, Wukong is confident that he can easily follow it.

In front of the spaceship, the other four members of the Ginyu team all stared blankly at Ginyu's body, thinking they were dreaming.

At first they thought that Vegeta was stronger, but they didn't expect these three guys to be more ruthless than the other.

Even Ginyu couldn't meet Lu Yan face to face, let alone them.

And Frieza also took advantage of Vegeta's attention being attracted by Lu Yan's side, directly skipped the third transformation and became the ultimate form.

Frieza can probably perceive Vegeta's true combat power, which is at least 200 million.

He already knew very well in his heart that if he didn't directly transform into the ultimate form, he might end up like Ginyu.

"To be so unscrupulous in front of this king..."

Compared with the second form, Frieza, who has transformed into the ultimate form, is much smaller overall, and the form is more lean, as if every inch of muscle contains the power to destroy the world.

"Damn wild monkey, you are the first person to turn this king into the ultimate form. Unfortunately, a wild monkey is a wild monkey. It's too stupid. You don't even know how powerful this king is."

Frieza, who has transformed into the ultimate form, is full of conceit and arrogance on his face, feeling the huge power in his body, even he is afraid of himself.

Vegeta had already stopped in his tracks, beads of sweat rolling down his brow.

This destructive aura made him very sure that Frieza's true strength was actually more than [-] million.

Even though he has grown hundreds of times stronger, he is still as weak as an immature baby compared to Frieza.

"Hahaha, why didn't you move?"

Frieza saw Vegeta who was standing still and didn't dare to move, and taunted him: "Where did your previous arrogance go?"

Vegeta gritted his teeth, suppressed the natural fear in his heart, stretched his body, straightened his hands, and a cloud of purple light appeared on both hands.

Then the hands suddenly closed together.

"Sky Cannon!"

A huge qigong cannon directly exceeding three meters was fired from his hand.

Frieza made no secret of his disdain, tapped out with his fingertips, and a slender purple energy ray shot out from his fingertips, hitting Vegeta's sky cannon.

The volume of these two moves is completely out of proportion, on the surface it looks like a needle against a shell.

However, the result of the collision was that Vegeta's sky cannon was directly pierced and disintegrated.

Unabated, the energy ray hit Vegeta head-on, piercing his chest with ease.

Vegeta's body fell backwards uncontrollably.


Sun Wukong roared.

After all, they have been practicing together for several months. Maybe Vegeta doesn't feel much, but for Monkey King, he already regards Vegeta as a companion.

But now, Vegeta was beaten to death by Frieza.

Frieza put away his fingers, with a mocking look on his face: "A stronger wild monkey is still a wild monkey, you can't understand the huge gap between us at all."

After finishing speaking, Frieza turned to look at Lu Yan and Monkey King.

His indifferent and bloodthirsty eyes made Wukong subconsciously assume a fighting stance.

Lu Yan wasn't very worried about his own safety, he was thinking about a strange idea that suddenly appeared.

He patted Wukong on the shoulder and said, "Wukong, get out of here first, you are not Frieza's opponent yet."

(End of this chapter)

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