The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 611 Super Saiyan

Chapter 611 Super Saiyan

Frieza had an unabashed look of disdain on his face.

At first, seeing Lu Yan's menacing appearance, he thought he was very powerful.

It turned out to be a silver-like pewter gun head, which was directly disabled so easily.

"With this kind of strength, do you still dare to say that you are holding me back?"

Seeing the scene where Lu Yan was seriously injured by Frieza, Sun Wukong shrank his pupils and stayed where he was.


"Oh, it's very expressive."

Frieza noticed Wukong on the side, and smiled sinisterly: "Then I will be merciful and let you enjoy a more exciting scene."

Having said that, Frieza suddenly stretched out his tail behind him, wrapped Lu Yan up and threw it into the sky.

Then he stretched out his hands and held Lu Yan in the sky.

The remaining four Ginuit team members were all shivering and hiding in front of the spaceship hatch.

Facing Frieza in this state, even they were frightened for a while.

Frieza's confidant, Briaru, was also hiding inside the spaceship, sticking out only one head to observe the situation: "As expected of King Frieza, I knew that these wild monkeys couldn't possibly be King Frieza's opponent."

"Wait, what are you doing?! Stop!"

Wukong came back to his senses and scolded loudly.

However, Frieza didn't intend to answer Wukong at all, he just squeezed his hand hard.

With a muffled sound, Lu Yan, who was lifted into the sky, seemed to be squeezed by a huge invisible force, and suddenly exploded, turning into a pool of blood mist.

Blood and some remnants of muscle tissue spilled from the sky, looking like something out of a bloody horror movie.

Watching helplessly as Lu Yan turned into a blood mist and his body exploded into pieces, Wukong's pupils gradually filled with bright red blood.

Due to the violent mood swings, the body trembled slightly uncontrollably.

"No... unforgivable!"

Following Wukong's low roar, surges of surging energy centered on Wukong and spread in all directions.

Wherever the air wave went, the hillside collapsed, and gravel and gravel flew across.

The ever-expanding air soared into the sky!

In a radius of tens of miles, none of the objects above the ground survived, and all of them were turned into dust.

In fact, the normal strength of Wukong now is stronger than in the original book, and the difficulty of transforming into a Super Saiyan is much smaller than in the original book.

Then use the death of his brother as a stimulus to make him angry, and Wukong's transformation into a Super Saiyan can be said to be a matter of course.

Facing such a terrifying aura, Frieza was a little dazed, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he forced out a smile: "Haha, this is what happens when you become an enemy of this king."

Wukong didn't respond to him, he lowered his head, his terrifying aura was rapidly expanding.

A bolt of lightning struck down from the sky, the rocks collapsed, and the gravel under their feet floated out of thin air.

The affected area is getting bigger and bigger, and the whole planet is shaking violently, like the end of the world.

The ground cracked, collapsed, and cracked again!Collapse again!
Goku jerked his head up, as if in response to his movement, and for a split second, his hair rose up and suddenly turned blonde.

The originally black and white pupils have turned light green, anger and indifference to everything, these two somewhat conflicting emotions are perfectly combined.

The look in his eyes is completely different from that of Wukong before.

And the originally pale white aura around him also turned into a substantial golden color at this instant.

" this a Super Saiyan?!"

Vegeta was lying on the ground weakly, looking at Goku whose image had changed drastically, his face was full of unwillingness: "Why, it's Kakarot..."

A lowly fighter turned into a Super Saiyan earlier than the Saiyan prince.

This is absolutely impossible...

Vegeta's arrogance and pride were completely shattered by Goku.


Wukong looked at Frieza, surrounded by golden Qi, and walked towards Frieza step by step.

"Cut, stop putting on airs there."

Frieza tapped his finger, and a purple energy ray emitted from his fingertip again.

It's just that when the ray hit Wukong, it couldn't even penetrate Wukong's defense, and it disappeared into nothingness.

Several rays were sent out in succession.

However, Wukong couldn't even be hurt at all.

Frieza became a little annoyed, he spread his palms upwards, and an energy ball condensed out from his palms.

"Give me death!"

Just when Frieza was about to continue the attack, he found that Wukong's figure had disappeared in place, and the speed was so fast that even his strength could not catch the trace.

When Goku reappeared, he had already come to Frieza's side and reached out to grab Frieza's wrist directly.

Frieza tried to break free at first, but found that the palm seemed to be tightly bound by iron clamps, and he couldn't break free at all.

"how is this possible?!"

Frieza was in a trance.

Only at this time did he realize how important the warnings left by his ancestors were.

But it was too late!
Goku made a fist with his other hand and uppercuted Frieza hard in the stomach.

Frieza was instantly sent flying into the sky, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth uncontrollably.

Wukong's attack has not stopped.

It was as if he was venting his anger.

The figure flickered, disappeared, and appeared.

Every time it appears, it represents an unimaginable terrorist attack.

Frieza had no power to resist, just like a ball being hit back and forth.

In front of Wukong, this emperor who traversed the universe was as weak as a baby.

"Is this... the power of a Super Saiyan?"

Vegeta clenched his teeth and stared at Goku who was showing off his might.

He has never been so eager to transform into a Super Saiyan as he is now.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he vaguely saw a familiar figure.

When he took a closer look, his eyes widened in fright, wishing to stare them out.

On that open space, Lu Yan sat cross-legged.

He was smiling and looking up at the battle in the sky.

The development of the situation is similar to what he imagined, or smoother than he imagined.

This is his plan.

After all, the upper limit of destructive power in this world is really too high.

Even he felt slightly powerless.

Just like when he was blown up by Frieza just now, he didn't actually lift his defense, it was in a normal state.

However, facing Frieza, whose combat power is as high as 1.2, he still seems vulnerable.

Only by using rule-based abilities can they pose a threat to those strong players who appear later.

That being the case, Lu Yan simply raised these Saiyans and let them protect the earth instead of him.

(End of this chapter)

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