The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 617 Spiritual Time House

Chapter 617 Spiritual Time House

Trunks took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the messy thoughts in his mind.

Now he just wants to figure out what happened in this time and space. Why does it feel that many things don't match his impression?

"Big... hello everyone."

Trunks still responded politely, then tugged at the corner of Wukong's clothes, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Wukong, can you take another step to speak?"

Wukong blinked, but did not refuse.

Seeing Goku and Trunks sneaking away from others again, Vegeta suddenly felt a little upset.

It's like the pets you raise don't get close to yourself, but get close to others.

"whispering sound."

Vegeta snorted coldly and said, "Why does this kid keep being sneaky?"

"Your Highness, why can I feel familiarity with that boy?"

Napa stared at Trunks who walked into the distance, approached Vegeta with hesitation on his face and asked.

"That kid is also a Saiyan, and..."

Vegeta couldn't help clenching his fists, and said in a blunt tone: "You can also transform into a Super Saiyan."

Hearing this, Kelin subconsciously let out an exclamation.

"Like Goku?!"

Vegeta glanced at Klin coldly, without continuing to explain, turned and walked to the gravity room.

He is now seriously stimulated.

It's fine that Goku can transform into a Super Saiyan. Although he is a low-level fighter, after all, he has been practicing with him for so long. After getting along for such a long time, even Vegeta will not admit it.

But his heart has actually recognized Wukong's efforts.

So he was barely able to accept this reality.

But where did this guy named Barrancus come from?
Even stronger than his noble Saiyan prince.

Vegeta angrily closed the door of the gravity room.

Can not accept!

He is going to practice desperately, no matter what, he must successfully transform into a Super Saiyan!
Klin swallowed a mouthful of saliva with some fear. He and Vegeta spent very little time together. Even though it seemed that everyone was in the same camp now, he didn't dare to provoke Vegeta.

"Sure enough, there have been great changes. You haven't even been to Namek, no wonder..."

No wonder he feels that Wukong's current strength is not as strong as he imagined, it seems that he lacks several life and death experiences.

After listening to Wukong's narration, Trunks muttered to himself thoughtfully.

He secretly glanced at Lu Yan.

From Wukong's narration, he found that the source of all these changes was the man who kept smiling.

Ever since Lu Yan appeared, history has changed.



"What! In less than two years, will there be a new crisis on Earth?!"

Clint looked horrified.

Except for Vegeta, who entered the gravity room and practiced hard, everyone else sat around and listened to Trunks' narration.

Trunks kept his eyes open and didn't tell anyone else, just saying that he found out about the news somewhere.

"According to what you said, are those artificial humans stronger than Super Saiyans?"

Piccolo was sitting on a stone pier, with his arms crossed, his face a little dignified.

Piccolo has seen the state of Goku's Super Saiyan, the kind of Qi that is as huge as the ocean, and it feels like he can be wiped out with just one breath.

And this young man who can also transform into a Super Saiyan, even stronger than Goku, admits that he is not as good as an artificial human.

What kind of terrifying existence are those guys called artificial humans?
During this period of time, Piccolo has been working hard to cultivate, but he does not have the terrifying talent of Saiyans. Although his strength has increased a lot, he is still a long way from the normal Goku.

Not to mention dealing with artificial humans.

Realizing this, Piccolo's green face showed a sense of powerlessness, and he glanced at Wukong who was eager to try.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

He's no longer qualified to be Goku's competitor.

Kelin was anxious like an ant on a hot pan: "What should we do, can we really deal with those artificial humans?"

Napa and Raditz are not worried at all. Strictly speaking, the two of them have no sense of belonging to the earth at all.

The reason why he stayed on the earth was only to follow Vegeta.

Even if unimaginably terrifying powerhouses really appear at that time, at worst, they will just leave the earth in an aircraft.

In the vast universe, there are many planets that can live.

"Brother, let's start the special training."

Wukong clenched his fist in one hand and said excitedly.

At this time, Wukong's heart was filled with uncontrollable excitement, and his enthusiasm for fighting made him eager to fight those artificial humans.

"Okay, Barrancus can come too."

Lu Yan stood up unhurriedly, and added: "But you can all transform into Super Saiyans, and three hundred times the gravity will not have much effect on you."

After the multiple of the gravity chamber has increased to a certain level, the technical content required to increase it again will also increase exponentially.

Even for Bulma, who is a genius, the gravity chamber built in a short period of time is difficult to greatly increase the gravity multiple.

What's more, counting the time before Frieza came to earth, Goku and Vegeta have been practicing in the gravity room for quite a long time.

Cultivation also pays attention to a combination of work and rest, and if you continue to use the same method, it will be difficult to make any obvious improvement.

"Is that so?"

Wukong frowned slightly, but quickly relaxed it, with a characteristic smirk on his face.

"It doesn't matter, it's still a long time before artificial humans appear."

It can be said that throughout the entire Dragon Ball, it is difficult to see Wukong's despair.

Lu Yan checked his mission interface carefully. The detailed explanation is that if the earth is ruled by evil forces, even if it is only ruled for a second, the mission will fail.

In other words, when the artificial man Shalu comes out, they can't completely crush Wukong and others.

At least there must be room for a comeback like the fight against Frieza.

Lu Yan rubbed his chin, and suddenly remembered that there was another foul in Dragon Ball.

The...spiritual time room above the Temple of Heaven.

In the spiritual time room, the flow of time is 365 times faster, that is, one day of practice in it is equivalent to one year of practice outside.

At the same time, if the will is weak or the mind is not concentrated, it will produce hallucinations and be trapped in it forever.

It is also because of this that the cultivation effect of the spiritual time room is extremely powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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