The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 631 Fierce Battle

Chapter 631 Fierce Battle

Although this city is on an island, it is a livable city because it is not far from the land and surrounded by beautiful scenery.

So the population density on the island is quite high.

Shalu chased NO.18 all the way in this way, and several streets were affected, and several high-rise buildings were directly knocked down.

The sound of sirens and the screams of residents came one after another.

Some residents have noticed the culprit of all this, but unfortunately most of them are ordinary people.

Faced with Shalu's obvious monster appearance, he didn't dare to get closer to check the situation.

Vegeta slowly fell to the ground, looking at the changed Cell with scrutiny.

"I hope you won't let me down after wasting so much time."

Sha Ru still had an elegant smile on his face, which was the complete opposite of his ugly appearance before.

Taking advantage of the time when Sharu and Vegeta confronted each other, Goku and Krillin finally came to the battlefield here.

Originally, the two of them were following Vegeta, but it took so long to rescue those innocent residents, so they didn't have time to stop Cell from devouring NO.18.

Looking at Sharu whose image has changed drastically, they can also guess what happened.

"Is it still late?"

Kelin's face was a little ugly, and he said through gritted teeth.

At this time, Wukong didn't laugh or laugh, but his expression looked a little dignified.

He could feel that the Qi on Sha Ru's body had expanded countless times than before.

It even made him feel a little bit of pressure.

Unbelievable, what is the principle of this?
Obviously, it is impossible for Cell and NO.18 before to have such a huge amount of energy.

"Vegeta, be careful, this guy has become much stronger."

Wukong sounded a reminder.

Vegeta waved his hands indifferently, and his face still had the look of being number one in the world.

He said casually, "I'm just worried that he's not strong enough."

"Hahaha, why don't you come and try?"

Sha Ru's tone was also full of contempt.

Before the words fell, Cell and Vegeta moved at the same time.

They all disappeared in place in an instant, and the speed at which the two burst out at this moment, probably only Wukong can see clearly.

Even Klin, who has become much stronger, can only see a vague figure.

The next moment, Vegeta and Cell collided head-on.

The violent power seemed to condense into substance, centered on the two of them, and spread out in all directions.

The ground under the two people's feet was directly dented by the terrifying force, forming a perfectly smooth scoop-shaped area.

"Right, that is it!"

Facing Cell's astonishing power, Vegeta's eyes lit up, not only was there no fear in his eyes, but they were filled with fanatical flames.

Vegeta no longer held back his hands, burst out with all his strength, blasted out countless attacks in the blink of an eye, and almost all of his body was enveloped by fist shadows.

Sharu didn't give in too much, each punch carried terrifying power, accurately blocked all Vegeta's attacks, and even had the strength to launch a counterattack.

Under such a shocking head-on collision, waves of violent air were set off around the two of them.

Just the aftermath of the battle between the two caused the entire island to tremble violently.

All the houses and high-rise buildings are crumbling to this side, and ordinary people simply cannot keep standing in such a violent environment.

Punch after punch, the two hit from the ground to the sky, and even the two sides in the battle probably couldn't count how many punches they threw.

At this time, Vegeta also had difficulty maintaining his proud posture, and a trace of solemnity gradually appeared on his face.


He is already going all out now, but he has not gained the upper hand at all.

What's even more frightening is that from the beginning of the battle to the present, Vegeta noticed that Cell's expression didn't even change.

as if still...

You can do it with ease!

[I'm not his opponent? ! 】

This idea came to Vegeta's mind unconsciously, and it couldn't be dispelled no matter what.

"What a joke!"

Vegeta suddenly exerted strength, punched out with a punch of overdrawn physical strength, and took advantage of the momentum to slash towards Cell from top to bottom like an axe.

There was a half-smile on Sharu's face.

He raised his hand to block it, and under the influence of inertia, the whole person fell towards the ground.

Vegeta's body turned sideways in the air, parallel to the ground, palms of both hands facing each other, and raised to the side of his head at the same time.


Dazzling purple energy balls accumulated in the palms of his hands.

Afterwards, the golden air swirl around him rose again.

The purple energy ball that was originally the size of a human head swelled and expanded several times, and the reflection of the whole person on the energy ball seemed inconspicuous.

"Vegeta, what are you doing?"

Wukong was shocked. Once this terrifying qigong cannon was blasted down, the earth would not be able to hold it back.

"Stop chattering!"

Vegeta scolded unceremoniously, but stopped accumulating energy, and directly blasted at Cell who was about to fall to the ground.

This afterburner was bigger than Sharu's whole body, but he didn't show any fear, and spread his hands, obviously preparing to receive the attack head-on.

It's too late, it's too soon.

The afterburner bombarded Sha Ru on the spot, and the huge force pushed him to the ground.

At first, Sharu seemed unable to catch it, but when he was about to hit the ground, the speed of his descent began to decrease sharply, until he stopped completely.

Sha Ru slowly raised his head, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"Back to you."

With a shock of both arms, the afterburner flew upside down for a short distance, and then he put his hands together and made the same movement as Vegeta.


The purple energy ball that was exactly the same as Vegeta condensed out of his palm, but it didn't last as long as Vegeta, so it blasted out directly.

However, even so, this booster pushed Vegeta's booster back like a crushing blow.

No matter how much Vegeta poured his power into it, he couldn't reverse the situation at all.

"Damn it! Ahhh! Go back!"

Vegeta let out a hysterical growl, and the golden whirlpool around him boiled to the extreme.

However, there is still a gap after all.

Victory and defeat.

The speed of the afterburner is getting faster and faster. If he decisively stops and dodges at this time, Vegeta will probably not be injured, at most it will consume most of his power.

But Vegeta was unwilling to make such a decision, he still wanted to rely on his own strength, trying to use this opportunity to break through Super Saiyan II.

boom! ! !
With an earth-shattering roar, Cell's afterburner hit Vegeta.

The clouds in the sky collapsed under such an attack.

Vegeta was ragged and fell naturally from the air, carrying a series of scorched smoke.

Eyes closed, apparently unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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