Chapter 634 Acting
"Then... shall we go and have a look?"

Kelin asked hesitantly.

In fact, in his opinion, whether it is Frieza or Cell, these two guys fight like dogs, and it is best for both of them to die together.

Wukong turned to look at Lu Yan, ready to listen to his opinion.

Lu Yan waved his hands with a smile, and said, "Go back to practice first, I'll just go and have a look by myself."


"It'll be fine, don't worry."

Wukong seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted directly by Lu Yan.

Seeing Lu Yan's rare tough attitude, Wukong immediately compromised.

"Okay, brother, be careful."


The fighting had already stopped.

The rough sea level that was originally caused by the fighting has now calmed down.

The sun shines on the sea level, reflecting sparkles.

Everything is so calm, the years are quiet and good.

Lu Yan's figure moved slowly in mid-air, observing the uniform sea level, and murmured, "Where did it go?"

Even if he died, there should be some corpses left behind, right?
The life perception provided by Symmetra is not very effective at this time.

The main reason is that there are various sea creatures on the bottom of the sea, and the breath of life of these creatures can be sensed by Lu Yan, making it difficult for him to accurately distinguish Frieza's breath of life under such circumstances.

"Could it have been captured or swallowed alive by Sharu?"

This possibility cannot be ruled out, after all, Sha Ru seems to have the ability to devour creatures.

Just when Lu Yan was about to turn his head and head back home, a familiar aura vaguely appeared in the dense breath of life at the bottom of the sea, but it was extremely faint, like a candle in the wind.

It seems that it will disappear in the next second.

Lu Yan fell directly into the sea water.

Swimming towards the faint breath of life that he sensed.

Soon at the intersection of two inconspicuous coral reefs on the bottom of the sea, Frieza's figure was seen.

At this moment, Frieza was covered in bruises and his eyes were closed.

If it wasn't for the faint breath of life, Lu Yan might have thought this guy was dead.

Lu Yan swam over, reached out and grabbed Frieza by the tail, and lifted him out of the sea.

Standing on the sea level, Lu Yan looked at the unresponsive Frieza.

After hesitating for a while, he decided to go back to the previous island first.

Throw Frieza on the beach casually.

With Efrieza's physical fitness, even if he doesn't wake up now, it is impossible to get injured after such a fall.

Lu Yan sat cross-legged next to Frieza, and reached out to touch his head.

From discovering Frieza to now, no matter what Lu Yan did to him, he didn't react at all. It seemed that he was beaten badly by Cell.

Fortunately, Lu Yan was in no rush, just quietly waiting for Frieza to wake up.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The afternoon passed quickly, and the setting sun shone on Lu Yan, covering Lu Yan with a golden film.

Seeing such a scene, Lu Yan was in a good mood.

Although Frieza hasn't woken up yet, he has noticed that Frieza's aura has gradually stabilized and become stronger and stronger.

It can only be said that they are worthy of the frozen demon family. Even if they can't be reborn with broken limbs like the Namekians, they are really full in terms of resistance.

Frieza's eyelids twitched.

Immediately, not long after, Frieza slowly opened his eyes.

Lu Yan looked at him with a smile and said, "You're awake."

Frieza: "!"

Frieza quickly got up from the ground.

The hairs all over stood on end, with a stiff expression on his face, he said, "When did you come? Why did this king appear here? And that green insect?!"

Frieza asked a bunch of questions like a cannonball, especially when it came to Sharu, with a gritted tone that wanted to kill Sharu directly.

"I came very early, not long after you and Shalu finished fighting, I went to fish you out of the sea."

Lu Yan is telling the truth, there is no need to hide it.

Frieza looked around, it was obvious that he had been unconscious for a long time.

"So this time?"

Frieza hesitated to speak, and seemed a little embarrassed to ask.

Lu Yan rubbed his chin thoughtfully, then put his hand down suddenly, with a gentle smile on his face, he said, "I'm taking care of you, I guess."

Who knew that after hearing Lu Yan's words, Frieza suddenly turned black and purple, which was extremely unnatural.

As the emperor of the universe, Frieza is lonely.

In their race, even their father and brothers couldn't believe it, let alone others, so Frieza hadn't been taken care of by anyone since he was born.

Fortunately, with the terrifying talent of the Frozen Demon Clan, even if they were lying still, their combat effectiveness after adulthood far surpassed most creatures in the universe, and this race was able to survive.

Frieza felt something was wrong with his emotions now, and he didn't know how to react for a while.

Maybe it's feeling warm, or maybe it's because someone saw her comatose appearance.

In short, Frieza looked a little annoyed, and growled, "Lu Yan, don't think that this king won't kill you."

Lu Yan looked at Frieza with a smile, completely showing no sign of being frightened.

Of course, he didn't intentionally provoke Frieza, instead he changed the subject and said, "Then I'll leave first."


Lu Yan stood up from the beach, and quietly added: "Are you really willing to be defeated by that green insect?"


Frieza felt that Lu Yan was completely picking up which pot he didn't open, and an evil fire rushed into his heart.

One couldn't hold back, and a purple ray shot out from the fingertips.

As if Lu Yan was completely unaware of Frieza's attack, he didn't dodge or dodge, and was directly pierced by the ray from behind.

A stream of blood splashed out and splashed on the beach.

Frieza suddenly widened his eyes, his expression seemed a little dull.

He just wanted to vent his anger, and had no intention of killing Lu Yan.

But he didn't expect that Lu Yan didn't even hide.

Lu Yan turned around slowly and looked at Frieza, his face was a little pale due to blood loss.

He smiled helplessly, with a hint of pampering.

"Believe it or not, I have no ill intentions towards you, I just hope you have a good life."

After saying this, Lu Yan flew away. He seemed to be seriously injured and almost fell from the air. He struggled to stabilize his body and slowly flew farther and farther.

Frieza was left standing there in a daze, the hand that emitted the ray was tightly clenched.

"This bastard...why is this guy..."

(End of this chapter)

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