Chapter 644
[In order not to make an own mistake, I need to use a little force...]

While Lu Yan was thinking about this question, contestant No. 924 had already finished the test.

"Come on, young man."

Watching Lu Yan walk to the boxing tester, there were even contestants encouraging him.

Although his figure does not look as thick as other contestants, no one will laugh at him.

After all, most of the contestants who signed up for this qualifier mainly wanted to join in the fun and create a lively atmosphere.

Everyone doesn't have much utilitarianism, and naturally they won't hit other contestants.

Lu Yan shook his hands, turned around with a smile and asked the staff, "What is the test limit of this machine?"

Upon hearing this, the staff had a kind smile on their faces.

"Don't worry about playing, you won't lose money if you break it."

Lu Yan nodded.

After previous observations, he found that the strength of most of the contestants was around [-] pounds to [-] pounds.

In other words, if you score more than [-] pounds, you should be able to walk into the top eight.

"Then I will."

In order to prevent the staff from being unable to see his movements clearly, Lu Yan also deliberately slowed down.

As a result, his movements looked soft and seemed to have little strength.

Slowly landed on the pad of the boxing tester.

But there was a huge muffled sound, which made the whole test hall quiet.

Lu Yan slowly withdrew his hand, and the value on the tester began to jump wildly, and finally froze at the value of 742.

staff member:"!"

"Wait, is there something wrong with this machine?"

"742 pounds?!"

Many contestants looked at Lu Yan with disbelief.

You know, the previous champion, Mr. Satan's boxing strength was only 800 pounds.

Doesn't this mean that this thin-looking guy is not much worse than Mr. Satan?

"Is that all right?"

Lu Yan turned his head to look at the shocked staff, and said with a light smile.

The staff seemed to have not reacted to this astonishing data, and shouted a little dullly.

"Ah... well, but... it's ok. Contestant No. 925, 742 pounds!"

Lu Yan did not continue to stay in front of the test machine, but turned around and walked to his resting position under the gaze of many contestants.

The test is still going on. After all, the No. [-] Martial Arts Association still maintains the habit of ending within a day, and there is not much time left for them to waste.

It's just that, with Lu Yan's superhuman data in front, the contestants who tested behind him were a little embarrassed to continue the test.

After all, no matter how hard you try, it's not even half of his strength, which is too shameful.

"Your name is Raditz, right?"

After a short rest, a bloated bearded man suddenly walked over and greeted Lu Yan enthusiastically.

Lu Yan opened his eyes and showed a smile that met the expectations of society.

"Yes what's the matter?"

The bearded man stretched out a thumb, and said in amazement: "It doesn't look obvious, I didn't expect you to have such great strength, you can kill a cow with one punch."

Lu Yan smiled habitually, noncommittal.

"I think you can at least make it to the semi-finals of this World's No. [-] Martial Arts Association. I'm not underestimating you. I heard that in District [-], there was a short, bald man who blew up the tester with one punch." gone."

You know, with such a big show, the organizers will naturally not use any cheap testers.

They're all standard boxers from Capsule, and they can take blows of up to a thousand pounds.

But he was actually blown up by a little bald head, and this kind of thing quickly spread to all the testing areas.

The bearded man talked more and more vigorously, and it was obvious that he was a very familiar guy.

Of course, exploding the boxer is nothing to Lu Yan.

He was more concerned about the little bald head in the bearded man's mouth.

"Could it be Krillin?"

Boom! ! !
There was another gong sound that resounded throughout the test hall.

This marks the end of the pre-selection stage.

A staff member walked into the hall with a score sheet, looked around, and shouted: "Contestant No. 925, please follow me to the promotion area."

"Radiz, I'm calling you, go, I'll cheer you on from the audience."

The bearded man gave Lu Yan a kind push.

Lu Yan got up, followed the staff and walked towards the rest room of the quarterfinals.

The process of this martial arts meeting will be told to the contestants in advance when they sign up.

The overall quarter-finals are no different from the No. [-] Budokai in the world back then. The only difference is probably that there is an extra championship challenge.

The final winner will be able to fight against Mr. Satan.

What Lu Yan wanted was to break into this position and blackmail Satan.

The layout of the rest room is exactly the same as that on Papaya Island. The room behind the ring is also used as a rest room, which is also convenient for players to go directly to the stage to compete.

However, because it is very close to the auditorium, there are noisy conversations outside, and the lounge is not soundproof.

Under such circumstances, it's hard to say how much rest the lounge can have.

"Eh! Raditz?!"

As soon as Lu Yan entered the waiting room, before he had time to observe the players inside, he heard Kelin's voice full of surprise.

Clint was a little confused.

He really didn't expect to see Lu Yan in this kind of place.

With an opponent of this level, if Gui Xianren hadn't signed him up, he wouldn't be interested in participating.

However, Lu Yan, a strong man who can even beat Sha Lu violently, actually came to participate in the world's number one martial arts meeting full of ordinary people, which made him a little incomprehensible.

"Klin, it really is you."

Lu Yan was also puzzled.

It feels like I secretly bullied a child and was seen by an acquaintance.

Of course, Klin was just wondering for a while, and didn't mean to get to the bottom of it.

For him, it would not be too boring to have an acquaintance on such an occasion.

"Wukong? It seems like I'm going back to accompany Kiki."

"What have you been doing these days?"

"Hey, it's not that Teacher Wu Tian insisted on signing me up. He said that the relatives of the contestants can sit in the front row of the auditorium."

Lu Yan could see that Klin's resentment seemed to be very large, and it would be endless once he talked about it.

Fortunately, the process of the Martial Arts Association is very fast, and there is not much time for them to chat.

Not long after, a staff member walked in with a battle form.

"In the first round of the quarter-finals, Raditz played against Klin."

Clint: "!"

Hearing this grouping, Kelin's face suddenly collapsed.

Kelin was too aware of Lu Yan's strength.

He didn't think he had a chance to defeat Lu Yan at all.

Turning to look at the staff with a bitter look on his face, he said, "Can I forfeit the game?"

(End of this chapter)

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