Chapter 665 Family
"Old Lu? Why did you come back so late..."

Duan Jianhui stood up and looked towards the door, but stopped suddenly in the middle of speaking.

Because he found that the person who opened the door and came in was not Lu Yan!

This is a man wearing a gentleman's hat and a neat and neat brown suit.

"Who are you?!"

Peng Zhi was a little nervous.

Duan Jianhui stood in front of Peng Zhi without a trace.

Although his reincarnation level is not high, and his strength is not too strong, he is stronger than ordinary people like Peng Zhi.

The man took off the hat on his head and bowed gracefully to the two.

A smile appeared on his face: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Horst Mercado..."


The door was pushed open again.

Lu Yan walked into the living room, and raised his eyebrows after seeing the situation in the room.

He said with a smile: "You two haven't slept yet so late."

In the living room, Duan Jianhui and Peng Zhi were lying on the sofa and swiping their phones.

After hearing Lu Yan's words, Duan Jianhui responded with a smile: "I'm waiting for you."

"How can we sleep at this age?"

Peng Zhi even joked about it.

Lu Yan didn't feel anything wrong either, he laid down on the sofa in a leisurely manner, and took out his mobile phone to watch the drama.

I've been busy all day, and I don't have time to watch dramas.

The three of them just played with themselves, and the living room suddenly became quiet.

Lu Yan flicked his finger on the screen and stopped suddenly.

"By the way, what time did you wake up in the morning?"

When he said this, he didn't even look up, it seemed that he raised his mouth suddenly and curiously.

Duan Jianhui thought for a while and said, "Today? It seems that it was noon when I woke up."


Lu Yan responded casually, and after a moment of silence, he continued, "I just met a guy named Hoss...and I killed him."


There was a brief silence in the room.

The door of Peng Zhi's bedroom was pushed open, and Horst Mercado came out: "When did you find out?"

Horst Mercado is weird.

He actually knew that Lu Yan suspected to have some kind of perception ability, so when he was hiding in the room, he used the natural ability of the blood race to fall into a state of suspended animation. It stands to reason that Lu Yan should not be able to feel his existence.

"I found out when I got back."

Lu Yan raised his head with a smile, and looked up and down at the vampire.

He did not perceive the existence of this blood race, but he could feel the changes in the breath of life of Duan Jianhui and Peng Zhi.

Duan Jianhui can also explain that he is a reincarnator. Peng Zhi is an ordinary person, how could his breath of life change so easily.

"It seems that you are stronger than that guy before."

Lu Yan was still lying on the sofa, and he didn't even sit up straight, as if his body was full of flaws.

Pointing to Peng Zhi and Duan Jianhui, he added: "They should be made into family members by you, right?"

Horst Mercado smiled, but he didn't mean to hide it.

"Being able to kill Demir, I guess I shouldn't be your opponent, but these two guys are your friends?"

While Mercado was speaking, Peng Zhi and Duan Jianhui stood up from the sofa and stood in front of him.

"After becoming a family member, I need to use my blood to maintain my life every other month. You can indeed kill me, but you two friends have to be buried with me."

Hearing Mercado's threat, Lu Yan was delighted: "Did you forget that the reincarnation system can eliminate negative effects?"

"If I'm not mistaken, this guy is not a reincarnation, right?"

Mercado put his hand on Peng Zhi's head, and continued: "The reincarnation system will only bind a certain type of race each time, and I can tell you clearly that after becoming a family member, this guy is no longer a human race in essence. gone."

"I'm a little curious, can the so-called family members created by your blood clan continue to become stronger?" Lu Yan said.

"Naturally it is possible."

Mercado revealed a proud expression.

Lu Yan stood up with a smile and rubbed his hands.

"That seems like a waste of my summoned beast quota."

"summon monster?"

Mercado frowned.

Lu Yan's ability to seal the magic box has never been demonstrated in front of others, and Mercado naturally has no information about it.


"It turns out that the training method of the family members is to develop offline?"

Lu Yan thoughtfully put Mercado's card into the magic sealing box.

Mercado wasn't lying about that.

Families can indeed become stronger.

But the way for the family members to become stronger is not to practice some unique cultivation method.

Instead, let the family members create their own family members.

It sounds convoluted, but it's just like pyramid schemes.

For example, if Peng Zhi develops three of his own families, his strength will be improved.

And if the three family members he created develop their own downlines, Peng Zhi's strength will also be improved again.

Lu Yan learned from Mercado that there is currently an ancestor-level family member in the blood clan, who has grown stronger to the level of a blood prince by relying on the huge family members developed under his command.


As Mercado was made into a card, Peng Zhi and Duan Jianhui also woke up from the controlled state.

"Old Lu, it's a good thing you're back."

Seeing Lu Yan present, Duan Jianhui guessed that Lu Yan must have rescued them. He scanned the living room and asked, "Where's that guy? Did you get rid of it?"

This is also the strength of the family. After being controlled into a family, only the subconscious is left, and they don't know what happened at all.

"Hey, Lao Lu made a move, there is no accident, okay?"

Having just come into contact with this kind of supernatural event, Peng Zhi has no feeling of fear at all, instead he feels that he has another thing to talk about to pick up girls.

Lu Yan's eyes fell on the two of them, and he quietly explained: "Do you know about vampires..."


"So Peng Zhi and I have to drink blood once a month to stay alive?"

Duan Jianhui's face was a little ugly.

Lu Yan waved his hands with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, you can just go to the Samsara Mall and buy a clearing potion. Now the problem is Peng Zhi."

Hearing Lu Yan's words, Duan Jianhui's expression improved a little, but Peng Zhi's situation still made him more worried.

"But this Laoshizi family can become stronger, right?"

Peng Zhi suppressed the negative emotions in his heart and began to think about the good.

He didn't think that after becoming a reincarnation, he would be able to survive those dangerous reincarnation experiences.

But after becoming a family member, it is different. There is a stable way to become stronger. As long as he develops enough downlines, he can also become a "superman" like a reincarnation.

(End of this chapter)

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