The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 675 Set sail again

Chapter 675 Set sail again
Even holding a Buddhist relic, it can't change the fact that the old classmates are just ordinary people.

They have never encountered such a thing in their lives, and they have no experience in dealing with it.

The mask in the sky is getting smaller and smaller, and the area that can still be covered is less than [-] meters.

Facing the devastating movement outside the mask, everyone present chose to get together and hide in the bronze coffin.

Although the bronze coffin is full of mystery, under the current circumstances, it seems that only the bronze coffin can give them a little sense of security.

Some people's bodies were trembling, while others were sobbing softly.

Everything that happened today is like a nightmare to these ordinary people, and this nightmare has come to the scariest moment.

No one is sure whether the bronze coffin can accumulate enough energy to go to the next stop.

Pang Bo squeezed the plaque of the Great Leiyin Temple in his hand, his expression was very dignified.

He wanted to rush out to find Ye Fan.

But he wasn't sure if the plaque could protect him.

Rushing into the storm like this is no different from courting death.

Just when everyone fell into uneasiness, the five-color altar under the bronze coffin seemed to have accumulated enough energy, and a bright light rose up and shot into the sky.

These rays of light condensed the embryonic form of a Bagua diagram in the sky, and with the continuous influx of light, the Bagua diagram began to become more and more perfect.

"Great, the five-color altar has enough energy."

Liu Yunzhi was ecstatic and roared loudly.

He has always been at odds with Ye Fan.

From Liu Yunzhi's point of view, with such a bad situation outside the mask, Ye Fan might have died long ago.

But he can still ride the bronze coffin and walk along the road of the gods.

There is no better news than this.

Unlike the ecstatic Liu Yunzhi, Pangbo's expression became ugly.

From this point of view, Jiulong pulls the coffin and does not know when it will leave, but Ye Fan did not come up.

After Jiulong pulls the coffin and leaves, staying on Mars where there is no food, even if Ye Fan is still alive, he will starve to death sooner or later.

"No, I'm going to find Ye Fan."

Pang Bo made up his mind, holding the plaque and rushing out of the bronze coffin again.

Zhou Yi grabbed Pang Bo's wrist and said, "Are you crazy? Running out at a time like this is courting death!"

Because of that invisible attack, they had already lost more than half of their classmates. Zhou Yi really didn't want to see other classmates die again.

Liu Zhiyun calmed down a little, and when he saw Pang Bo's reaction, he immediately said sarcastically: "He wants to die, so you can let him go. It's hard to persuade the damn ghost with good words."

"What did you say?!"

The veins on Pangbo's neck were bulging, as if he was going to strike if he disagreed.

Liu Yunzhi didn't seem to want to give in easily.

Added: "Ye Fan and that strange guy haven't come back for so long, they must have died long ago."

"What's dead already?"

A gentle voice came from outside the bronze coffin.

Such a sudden change shocked everyone present, and they all looked in the direction of the sound.

The gap opened in the bronze coffin, Lu Yan walked in unhurriedly with Ye Fan on his shoulder.

His eyes swept over everyone, and everyone looked at him with a look of astonishment on their faces.

Two people who should have died a long time ago in their cognition, unexpectedly came back to life.

Lu Yan showed a smile in line with society's expectations: "Yo, they're all here."


After the gossip map in the sky was completed, the Jiulong coffin was closed again, and it was not known where to fly with all the survivors.

There is no light source inside the bronze coffin.

In order to save power, everyone did not turn on the flashlight of the mobile phone at this time.

The entire tens of square meters of space was pitch black.

Sobbing and sighing can be heard from time to time.

Although this will be safe for the time being, everything on the road ahead is unknown.

I don't know what the next stop will be. If it is still an environment like Mars, not to mention encountering any big monsters, they will all be starved to death just by being hungry.

Ye Fan is still in a coma, and it seems that he has been washed a little severely by the high-temperature steam from the dead door.

Time passed by minute by minute.

A group of urban men and women live an extremely comfortable life on weekdays. Most of them even have difficulty running. Now that they have experienced the impact of this tragic incident, their hearts are full of fear.

Someone turned on the phone and checked the time, it was already early in the morning.

Everyone is listless. According to the normal biological clock, this should be bed time.

But because of the things I encountered today, it was not so easy to fall asleep.

It can be said to be quite tortured.

Lu Yan was quite energetic. He lay flat on the human stele behind him, with his legs crossed, thinking about what Crocodile Zu told him.

If what Crocodile Zu said is true, then there are more powerful people in this world than he imagined, and there are many more!

Pang Bo suddenly lay down next to Lu Yan, with his hands behind his head, and asked in a low voice.

"Hey, I don't know your name yet?"

Lu Yan turned his head sideways, glanced at Pang Bo, there was no need to hide it, and said, "My name is Lu Yan."

Pangbo has a carefree personality, and he doesn't have much fear in his heart.

In addition, he couldn't sleep anyway, so he simply chatted with Lu Yan.

"What happened in the direction of Daleiyin Temple? Even I thought you were in danger. Some of them speculated that it was the mythical crocodile ancestor who broke the seal. Is it true?"

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows and said concisely: "It's true."

"It's still hard for me to accept this reality. According to my understanding, the gods may be just a race, just like you, am I right?"

A voice suddenly sounded.

It was Ye Fan who did not know when he woke up, and he looked at Lu Yan with a complicated expression on his face.

"Ye Fan, you're awake."

Seeing this, Pangbo heaved a sigh of relief.

Ye Fan nodded, but he was obviously more interested in Lu Yan now.

Among the people present, he was the only one who saw the legendary crocodile ancestor with his own eyes, and he even saw the crocodile ancestor being repelled head-on by Lu Yan.

Although because of his fainting, he didn't see what happened afterwards.

But now that he is still alive and unscathed, that speaks for itself.

That one was the big demon who was suppressed by the Buddha in the legend, even in the myth, he was not a small character.

The existence of this kind of existence should be destroyed, but it was actually solved by a "vagrant", which sounds like an absurd fairy tale.

"That's it."

Lu Yan still had that habitual kind smile on his face: "It's still the same question, what is your definition of a god?"

(End of this chapter)

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