Chapter 679
Having never encountered such a situation before, the Emperor Ruthless didn't know how to react for a while.

Since she became enlightened, more than 20 years have passed. When did she encounter such a stunned young man?
He dared to ask her for treasures in front of her face.

According to her indifference to everything, she probably didn't even bother to talk to Lu Yan, so she directly killed him.

What makes her a little helpless is that she has no way to deal with Lu Yan.

In the state of dodging seriously, even if Lu Yan stood in front of her like this, it was like nothingness, no power could be applied to Lu Yan.

Unique and weird.

Unheard of!

What kind of magic is this?
If it's just purely powerful, then it's okay to say, at least a solution can be found.

But now, no matter what she did, she couldn't affect the other party. For the first time, the Ruthless Emperor felt helpless.

Compared to facing a weird guy like Lu Yan, the Ruthless Emperor would rather fight with an existence of the same level.

Lu Yanling stood in the air of the main hall, feeling one after another inexplicable but huge force passing by him, he shook his head amusingly.

"You just give me something good, and I'll leave here."

In the eyes of the Ruthless Emperor, Lu Yan was like a scoundrel.

Unfortunately, she couldn't do anything about it.

As the great emperor, she has her own majesty, and it is absolutely impossible for her to bow her head easily in the face of such robbery-like behavior.

Thinking of this, the Ruthless Emperor closed his eyes and ignored Lu Yan.

I hope that Lu Yan will take the initiative to leave after making fun of himself.

But then again, even if she is willing to spend money to eliminate disasters.

She didn't have much to offer either.

It's not that I'm poor.

The main reason is that for an existence of her level, most things in this world are meaningless to her. In addition, the Ruthless Emperor has no heirs, so there is no need to leave any legacy for future generations.

Therefore, in this vast and ancient forbidden land, probably the only thing that can be called a treasure is the elixir and spiritual spring on the nine outer peaks that are divided into nine parts.

But Lu Yan didn't know this.

In his opinion, as the owner of a restricted area of ​​life that has existed for countless years, how could there be no stock in the dojo.

Not wanting to give it to him can only show that the great emperor is a miser.

Lu Yan pouted.

If you don't give it to him, then he will find it by himself.

First, I wandered around in the main hall, not to mention any treasures, and there were no furnishings such as seats.

It can be called completely destitute.

"Have they all been hidden?"

Lu Yan looked up at the entire ancient temple.

In the end, his gaze fell on the Ruthless Emperor.

Without too much hesitation, he stepped directly on the steps and walked towards the ruthless emperor sitting cross-legged.

The Ruthless Emperor's whole body was shrouded in chaos, so he couldn't see clearly, and he didn't know what expression she had when she saw Lu Yan's behavior.

Lu Yan tentatively stretched out his hand and touched it.

In the serious dodge state, he is unselectable.

In a sense, it just doesn't exist.

Therefore, the energy wall formed by the chaotic gas did not block Lu Yan's arm at all, and directly let his arm stretch in.

Probably even the Ruthless Emperor didn't realize this, and didn't react immediately.

Lu Yan touched her head habitually, and then he was going to continue to grope her body to see if there were any treasures.

But the next second.

The aura that seemed to destroy the world suddenly crushed the earth.


For the first time, the ruthless Emperor, who had always been as indifferent as water, had a strong killing intent.

In an instant, the star field fell into silence.

There are endless galaxies being annihilated, and infinite dao lines are collapsing.

The extremely terrifying breath seemed to freeze the world.

Everyone in the entire Big Dipper Starfield was horrified, and in a daze, they saw a magnificent figure in white clothes standing above the starry sky, looking down upon the heavens for eternity.


A vast and majestic aura spread out from the central area.

The ground trembled violently.

Ye Fan and the others were far from leaving the ancient forbidden land at this time, and everyone was stunned in place.

Many people were shocked to the extreme, and also terrified to the extreme.

What kind of world did they come to?
Everyone can't help but think about this question


Donghuang, the closest to the ancient forbidden land.

Desolate ancient family, Ji family.

There was a great emperor in his ancestors, the blood of the great emperor flowed, and the family has the extreme emperor soldiers of the void emperor as the foundation.

Even so, in the face of such a sudden change, everyone inside the Ji family seemed panicked.

All the important figures of the Ji family rushed to the ancestral hall.

A bright mirror in the ancestral hall vibrated at this moment, as if it was about to recover.

"What the hell is going on, it will touch the void mirror?"

"It seems to be the breath coming from the ancient forbidden land..."

Not only the Ji family, but at the same moment, other ancient families on this land also discovered the source of this change.

The old immortals of the ancient clans all woke up from the silence, and looked towards the direction of the ancient forbidden land, with horrified looks in their eyes.

"That's the direction of the Ancient Forbidden Land... Has the Lord of the Desolation been born?!"

An old king of the ancient royal family said this with a difficult tone.

Compared to the panic of those people, the existence of those taboos in the restricted life zone seemed very indifferent.

After all, they were once the strongest under a starry sky, and in the era of their existence, no one could be defeated.

Just to survive, he cut himself with a knife. From the ancient years to the present, it has spanned tens of thousands of years.

These taboo existences turned their attention to the direction of the ancient forbidden land.

"It's not yet time, how could this be?"

In this era where even immortal kings who slash the way are rare, why did the owner of the ancient forbidden land cause such a big disturbance?

And the source of all this.

In the abyss in the central area of ​​the ancient forbidden land.

Lu Yan blinked his eyes.

He turned a blind eye to the constantly tearing space around him and the raging chaotic airflow.

He just watched the Ruthless Emperor calmly.

"It's useless, you should be able to see that none of this will affect me."

The ruthless emperor restrained his momentum a little, and remained silent.

Yes, although I don't want to admit it.

But the Ruthless Emperor found that he really had nothing to do with Lu Yan.

Maybe she can choose to ignore it and leave here.

But this choice is more like running away.

She won't do that.

Silent for a long time.

The ruthless emperor said flatly, "What do you want?"

Before finding a way to deal with Lu Yan, she decided to endure it.

"Cultivation techniques, magical medicine, utensils, etc., are all fine."

A kind smile appeared on Lu Yan's face.

(End of this chapter)

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