The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 712 Shocked the audience

Chapter 712 Shocked the audience
After all, it is the holy medicine of flat peaches, and the peach pits are so crystal clear.

The peach pit just drew a beautiful parabola in the air.

Lu Yan is still maintaining the Super Race state. In fact, because of his special circumstances, maintaining the Super Race state does not cost him much at all.

Before the peach pit hit the ground, Lu Yan stepped on it and stepped out.

With a heavy step, the ground was instantly stepped out of a spider web-like crack.

The golden figure swept across the underground palace like a dazzling golden light.

The speed was so fast that the Primordial King didn't even react. Just a flash in front of his eyes, he felt as if he had bumped into a Primordial Divine Mountain.

The berserk air waves raged out, and such pure and terrifying power seemed to condense into substance, shattering the surrounding void.

The deafening explosion stunned everyone present.

The ancient king couldn't control his center of gravity, flew upside down, and stopped after hitting the cave wall.

Lu Yan stayed where the ancient king was originally standing, and looked up.

"Didn't you wake up?"

The Taikoo King's face instantly became serious.

He didn't feel any trace of mana from Lu Yan's body, at most there was a hint of spiritual fruit.

So he didn't pay much attention to Lu Yan at the beginning, and because of his carelessness, he was directly injured.

Seeing this scene, there was silence in the underground palace.

The Holy Masters and the higher education leaders are better off. After all, they know that Lu Yan once killed a saint of the Jiang family in front of many monks, so the current performance is still within the acceptable range.

Those primordial creatures couldn't believe this scene, and felt a certain feeling of rejoicing.

Such a murderer was at the scene, and they were able to survive.

It's almost like saving a life.

They couldn't figure out why in this era, there could still be such a strong man among the human race in the world, who was able to defeat the ancient king with one blow.

The big black dog blushed unnaturally because he was too excited.

"Little Yezi, how did you get in touch with an existence like Senior Lu?"

Ye Fan also couldn't calm down. Even though he was mentally prepared, seeing Lu Yan's performance again still made him fascinated. He also liked fighting like this.

Lu Yan didn't care about other people's opinions.

He just silently spread out his palms and held them again.

The ability to turn the Jiang family saint into flying ash did not appear, and it was obviously not stable enough before he really mastered this human clan's clan-suppressing skill.

It seems that when this matter is over, we have to unseal the human stele first.

Lu Yan thought for a moment in his heart, then looked at the ancient king again.

He was not very surprised by the fact that the ancient king was still alive and kicking after taking a punch from him.

After all, he didn't even open the Eight-door Dunjia Formation, not to mention, this ancient king is a saint no matter what.

The so-called saint and the creatures under the saint can almost be said to be two dimensions.

The eyes of the ancient sages in this world can shatter everything, a single drop of blood can kill a powerful person, and a strand of hair weighs as much as the ancient mountain, can kill thousands of troops.

If measured by planets, at the stage of a saint, one can already explode into stars.

Every drop of blood, every bone, and every piece of flesh of the saint can be called a supreme fetish.

The vitality is extremely tenacious, and without special means, it is naturally not so easy to be killed.

Taking advantage of this period of time, the ancient king finally adjusted his breath.

The flesh and blood on his body was like a dormant savage dragon, containing terrifying energy and blood, emitting terrifying fluctuations.

There is no nonsense in the ancient king.

He was accumulating divine power, with a murderous aura permeating the air, and all the powers who stopped temporarily felt overwhelmed.

The next moment, an ancient air mechanism burst out, accompanied by a strong smell of killing.


A purple light as thick as a mountain emanated from his chest, like a purple dragon piercing through the void, the momentum was frightening.

The entire underground palace was reflected in a purple color, and it also vibrated crazily.

There is a half-step distance that is relatively close to being shaken to pieces on the spot.

Many holy masters are all horrified. This is the gap between them and the ancient saints, an insurmountable gap like a natural moat.

On the other hand, Lu Yan didn't even dodge, and there was a kind smile on his face that met society's expectations.

After witnessing the power of the Stone Emperor in the Undead Mountain, this kind of ancient king seemed to him like a small fight.

He took the initiative to rush towards the purple light.

Immediately, purple light burst forth, dazzling to the eye.

This underground palace seemed to be on fire, and the ocean-like purple light was constantly surging, colliding with Lu Yan's body, trying to crush it.

It can't be done at all!
Lu Yan almost ignored the terrifying sea of ​​purple light, approached the ancient king in a blink of an eye, and then punched out again.

Under the interference of huge roar and purple light, everyone couldn't see clearly.

The space in the field keeps collapsing, only chaos surrounds it.

The purple light shining on the underground palace gradually dissipated, and the ancient king rushed out, his body was covered with cracks, and his body was covered in blood.

Suffered a severe injury that is unimaginable for a saint.

He rushed towards Shimen at full speed, wanting to escape, and he didn't even have extra time to take his heir away.

However, Lu Yan did not intend to let him leave at all, and appeared in front of the ancient king as if teleporting.

Another punch.

But this time, he was blessed to the heart, and the special ability provided by the human stone tablet appeared again.

The Taikoo King yelled, this seemingly ordinary punch split his body apart.

Before the body fragments hit the ground, they all turned into dust, and their body and spirit disappeared.

All the holy masters were stunned.

No matter how accurate the rumors are, they are not as shocking as what they saw with their own eyes.

Such a saint fell in front of them so easily, and some of them even began to doubt the meaning of their own cultivation.

The remaining ancient creatures all shouted the ancient language and bowed in the direction of Lu Yan.

Their IQ is not lower than that of humans, and they just didn't bother to speak before.

But now that a primordial king has been easily dealt with, they have no way to get tough.

Ye Fan and the others swaggered closer to Lu Yan's side, they were completely relieved.

As far as Lu Yan's strength is concerned, let alone a Primordial King, even a few more are useless.

"Li Daoqing, is Xiao Ji dead?"

Lu Yan first briefly responded to the excitement of Ye Fan and the others, and then looked at Lord Yaoguang.

The Holy Master of the Ji family couldn't wait to shake off the Holy Master of Yaoguang who was supporting him, and said: "Thank you, Senior Lu, for saving your life. Please follow me back to Ji's house, and let me thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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