Chapter 716
"Little Ye Zi and the dead dog have followed the three old men, Qishi Academy..."

"Hey, that means I don't want to go."

"Come on, with your talent, people have to accept you even if you go."

"What do you mean, let's fight!"


Li Heishui and other descendants of the big bandits returned to the thatched cottage in the oasis.

Seeing that the thatched cottage was empty, Wu Zhongtian sighed.

"I guess it will take a long time for Little Leaf to come back."

"Yeah, this thatched cottage is useless."

"If you insist on living here, I have no objection."

"The spirit body of the Ji family and his sister have both gone to Zhongzhou."

"The holy sons and daughters of these holy places have all gone, so it's boring."


After the Great Kou, the voices of people talking became smaller and smaller, apparently gradually drifting away.

In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that almost all major events are caused by the younger generation.

When the younger generation gets old, they don't have the desire and need to continue to venture, so they start to find a place to retreat and seek a breakthrough.

The higher the realm, the longer the time of one retreat will be.

Because of the sudden opening of the Qishi Academy, after these young people left, the Eastern Wilderness, which had been in trouble for several years, finally regained some peace.

Of course, no matter whether the outside world is turbulent or vicissitudes, it will not affect Lu Yan.

As the saying goes, when a person dies, everything rests.

Lu Yan's current state is actually almost dead.

He has no plans to go out temporarily, just quietly waiting for the Terran stele to be unsealed.

There is no rush to experience the trading tasks and strengthen the body.


Lu Yan under the oasis slowly closed his eyes: "Let's sleep again."


Time flies, and nearly a hundred years have passed.

During this period, the ancient royal family began to appear and walk in the world, young people walked out of the forbidden zone of life, and there were rumors of emperors and ancient princes sealed by Shenyuan appearing from time to time.

This era is a truly prosperous world.

All kinds of powerful physiques emerge in endlessly.

It can be said that a hundred flowers are blooming and the stars are shining brightly.

Those stunning figures attracted the attention of all the people, and everyone from all races sighed.

Even in such an era where geniuses are as numerous as stars, there are always some monsters who stand at the pinnacle of the younger generation.

Ye Fan, the ancient holy body, is naturally among them.

Peers rule the roost!

Years run over like a torrent.

Time heals everything.

Many things have been forgotten.

The strongest man in the Eastern Wasteland a hundred years ago, after the appearance of many saint kings and even great saints, seemed so insignificant.

But for some forces, Lu Yan's actions will never be forgotten.

The members of Huang Gu Jiang's family searched all over the Eastern Wilderness, but found nothing.

It has to be admitted that they still lost their emperor's extreme emperor soldiers after all.


It is said that ten years of trees.

Nearly a hundred years have passed.

The oasis was originally an open space caused by the fighting, but now it is covered with dense weeds, and there are still trees standing among them.

The traces of the past have been completely erased.

one day.

A tree nearly ten meters tall suddenly shook.

As the shaking became more and more violent, the big tree finally collapsed, causing a flock of birds to flutter.

The leaves detached from the trunk slowly fall.

After a muffled sound, soil splashed everywhere.

Lu Yan stepped on the air and returned to the ground.

Instead of cleaning up the dirt on his body immediately, he lay down casually.

The sunlight penetrated through the leaves and became mottled, hitting Lu Yan's pale face.

The chest rises and falls with the frequency of breathing.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

"I... I, this is... How long have I been asleep?"

In the pit.

The surface of the human stele that fell off from Lu Yan's body began to glow with golden light, and densely packed inscriptions began to emerge gradually. The illuminated inscriptions did not take long to brew, and they naturally detached from the stele.

It condensed into a group of golden light spots, and nodded towards Lu Yan's brow.

After all, he had experienced it once before. He didn't panic, and he was still lying flat under the shade of the tree...


Outside the ancient forbidden land at this time.

All kinds of saints are full of breath.

There are many saints who are not even Big Dipper.

The Ziwei Starfield, Huosang Starfield, Gouchen Starfield, etc., all the powerhouses from the Life Starfields flocked here.

After enduring for eternity, I finally saw hope at this moment.

The huge crack outside the ancient forbidden land burst open, expanding to tens of thousands of feet, and the divine power surged, extremely bright.

"The road to immortality has appeared!"

"It's really going to manifest in this world!"

Without personal experience, it's hard to imagine how deeply obsessed the creatures in the world of Shrouding the Sky are with becoming immortals.

Even if none of them have ever seen a fairy and don't know how strong a real fairy is, they all have a consensus...

Immortals represent eternal life!

Under such a change, a large number of rainbow glows soared into the sky and fled to the outside world.

They all knew that the road to immortality was opened, and the ancient supreme beings were about to dispatch, so they had to make way for them.

Only the old monks and ordinary mortals who are close to lifespan still stay in the Big Dipper.

The white mist surged in the huge cracks, pure white and peaceful, just taking a sip would refresh one's mind, and even enter the realm of enlightenment.

"This is real immortal energy! Nourishing the primordial spirit and the physical body, the road to immortality has really opened!"

Someone couldn't help but let out such a roar.

Before that, no one was sure that the immortals really existed.

More, it is actually a kind of illusory spiritual sustenance.

But now, the fairy world seems to really exist, which makes everyone go crazy.

The supreme beings in the forbidden zone of life are all awakened from self-appointment!

"It finally appeared!"

In the sea of ​​reincarnation, the Supreme roared, causing some stars to be shaken off directly, which was extremely terrifying.

A supreme being in the ancient mine in the early days let out a faint sigh.

"Waiting for eternity..."

After waiting for a long time, even beheading himself, paying an irreparable price, he finally waited for this life.



Lu Yan slowly opened his eyes, his pupils were out of focus, and he stared blankly at the meteors passing by in the sky.

After a long time, he took a long breath.

After receiving the light spot, he finally knew what clan-suppressing skills were hidden in this human stele.

At first, because of the effect that turned the saint into ashes, he thought that the human clan's clan-suppressing skill this time was an attack type.

But the fact is quite the opposite.

[One of the four major clan skills of the human race: perfect]

[Wholeness: The strongest foundation of the human race, as one, check for omissions and make up for vacancies. 】

(Humans are not sages, who can do without faults, and if faults can be corrected, there is nothing good about it.)
Lu Yan already knew the effect of this ability very well.

Simply put, this is also a passive skill.

It will raise his weakest attribute out of thin air to the same level as the strongest attribute.

And the reason why people can be turned into ashes is because a certain attribute of the other party is directly wiped out by "completeness", and the body naturally collapses.

(End of this chapter)

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