Chapter 723
Invincible from the very beginning, naturally there will be no fear.

Even though the number of these ancient supreme beings is more than Lu Yan imagined, as long as he can't be killed, the number is meaningless.

It's just a matter of spending a little more time.

Hearing Lu Yan's provocative words, many ancient lords looked unhappy.

"How brave!"

Someone yelled directly.

"Comrades, join hands to take down this beast, and we will share the law of eternal life!"

The Lord of the Immortal Mausoleum looked indifferent, and he already regarded Lu Yan as a prisoner in his words.

All of them are the former rulers of the universe, who reign supreme in the nine heavens and ten earths.

No one will think that they are much worse.

Just like when Qilin, the ancient emperor and other supreme beings teamed up to easily suppress Lu Yan at the beginning, as the emperor and the ancient emperor, they firmly believe that there is absolutely no one who can fight against multiple emperors throughout the ages.

Because in this world, they themselves cannot be surpassed, they are the best!
What's more, there are far more than a few supreme beings showing up now, but dozens of them.

The situation of losing the enemy was not considered at all.

What about resurrection in situ?
Any one of the ancient supreme masters has a powerful method of control.

The figure of Faxiang covering the sky and the sun exudes a shocking aura of imperialism.

Lu Yanling stood in mid-air, staring indifferently at the figures that surrounded him from all directions.

"It's really a big scene."

The calm tone could not hear any emotional fluctuations, it seemed that he had seen it, and then he made a statement casually.

The Supremes also looked indifferent, but they didn't attack immediately.

Judging from the fact that Lu Yan beat Changsheng Tianzun to death with a few punches, his combat power after his resurrection was not weaker than that of the grown-up emperor.

If Lu Yan is really pushed into a hurry, it is uncertain that several Supreme Beings will fall.

The law of eternal life is right in front of you, and no one wants to die at this moment.

Anyway, there are so many ancient supreme beings present, everyone wants to wait for others to make a move first, so that they can reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"I don't need to look forward and backward, the law of eternal life is enough for me to fight for my life."

A Taoist in an ancient Taoist robe spoke calmly.

But everyone could feel that while he was speaking, he had used all means.

It can be seen from the costume that this is another ancient god from the age of mythology.

But without the rest of the features, it is impossible to recognize his true identity.

This ancient Tianzun glowed all over, but he didn't move, as if he was summoning some magical item.

The answer was quickly revealed.

A small crystal clear lake rose from Shengya and rushed towards the Taoist's position.

"Young man, life is easy to break, let you experience it first."

This is Samsara Lake.

According to the rumors, it seems to be a mysterious substance separated from the sea of ​​reincarnation, which can reflect past and present lives, but various accidents will occur, which are extremely strange, even the great emperors and ancient emperors are unwilling to be contaminated.

The goal of the Supremes was Lu Yan's method of immortality, so naturally they would not kill them.

They all chose various mysterious and weird means to restrict Lu Yan.

With this unknown Gu Tianzun at the beginning, many Supremes also chose to make a move.

Lu Yan knew that in the world that shrouded the sky, things like cause and effect and the future were indistinct and accounted for a large proportion.

But he didn't care.

Since this Gu Tianzun has become the first bird, of course he will not let it go.

Just like in a group fight, you have to fight the leader first.

Lu Yan ignored the attacks of the other Supreme Beings and rushed straight towards the Taoist.

The terrifying power fluctuations continued to spread, shattering all the spaces along the way.

With the superposition of Super Race [-] and the death gate, the space of this world can no longer bear this level of power.

The palms of the white-clothed woman on the barren ancient forbidden land glowed, injecting divine power into the Great Emperor's pattern, protecting the life area of ​​the Big Dipper Starfield.

That Gu Tianzun didn't panic too much.

He just didn't want to reveal his identity so quickly, it didn't mean he was weak in battle.

In an instant, his breath changed.

The center of the eyebrows is bright, and the whole body is luminous.

The emperor's aura suddenly became many times more terrifying, and the seal was printed on the spot.

A peerless collision erupted, annihilating time and space, and the star field trembled.

But Lu Yan didn't retreat, instead he punched again.

Because this is just the beginning for him.

Under the terrifying increase, his speed was extremely fast, fierce and swift.

When you raise your hand, there are circles of terrifying power fluctuations.

This Gu Tianzun did not expect that Lu Yan's combat power would be so powerful. He was beaten to the side, his bones were broken, and blood exploded between the sky and the earth.

It was these supreme beings present who were silent, and this scene sounded the alarm for them.

Lu Yan is not an ant that can be manipulated by them, and his own combat power has already surpassed them.

The Supremes are all paying attention to the battle situation wholeheartedly, wanting to see Lu Yan to the end.

After all, if they want to obtain the law of eternal life, they still have to face Lu Yan in the end.

The ancient supreme beings were all meditating, such pure power is really amazing.

When the power is strong enough to a certain level, immortality and supernatural powers may not be effective.

Everything outside the territory at this moment is terrifying.

Everyone was stunned, and the result was really astonishing.

The previous Changsheng Tianzun can also be said to have fought before, and it was not in its prime.

But the Gu Tianzun at this time was the pinnacle of extreme sublimation, and he was defeated by Lu Yan so forcefully.

How strong is Lu Yan?
"Everyone, let's do it."

A supreme said: "If you continue like this, you will only be defeated one by one."

The supreme beings in ancient times were all human beings, and they could make their own decisions without the persuasion of others. One after another, the aura of the emperor's way rose up, brewing a powerful attack of their own.

Lu Yan and that ancient Tianzun fought together, and the fight was so fierce that time fragments flew around.

It was said to be a fight, but in fact Lu Yan fought the whole time, and Gu Tianzun hid.

The imprints of the gods are all over the sky, Gu Tianzun exudes strange power, and everything around is distorted.

Gu Tianzun's divine speed even broke through the common sense of the universe, affecting the stability of time and space.

With such performance, even Lu Yan guessed his identity.

Xiaoyao Tianzun, created the mythical Tianzun of Xingzi secret.

Lu Yan's speed was no longer slow, but he couldn't really hit in a short time.

"No wonder he dared to be the first to stand up. It turned out that he relied on his own supernatural speed."

Lu Yan's eyes were calm, he was not worried.

Xiaoyao Tianzun can dodge countless times, but as long as he is hit by him again, it is impossible to maintain such a speed.

As for the attacks coming towards him, Lu Yan completely ignored them.

To injure him is to help him exchange blood for blood.

If I can really kill him again...

After being resurrected again, his combat power will only be more terrifying than it is now.

Thinking of this, a trace of mockery flashed in Lu Yan's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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