Chapter 736
"The reincarnation department doesn't know about this yet?"

Lu Yan didn't care about Yu Wulin's attitude, and asked.

Although this elite-selected dungeon can't pose any threat to him, he also knows how dangerous the elite-selected dungeon is to ordinary people.

Even if the reincarnated people are screened by elites, there is a great probability that they will still die inside, let alone those ordinary people who strayed into the overlapping space.

"It is estimated that it will be found soon."

Yu Wulin seemed to be focusing all his attention on the breakfast in front of him, responding to each other one after another.

Lu Yan was not in a hurry. If he really wanted to say how much interest he had in this matter, it wasn't necessarily true. It was more like looking for something to pass the time.

The two of them ate breakfast leisurely, talking about the overlapping space as if they were chatting.

Yu Wulin put down the empty bowl in his hand, and hiccupped: "How about it, do you want to play with me?"


Lu Yan nodded.

Although the two were having breakfast, they chatted with each other throughout the whole process.

But after a meal, Lu Yan almost had a basic understanding of the overlapping space.

According to Yu Wulin, the overlapping space that appears is a subway car.

I don't know when it started to appear, but what is certain is that this overlapping space itself can be moved.

It will appear at Dongjiekou Subway Station, and then drive around the line for a while.

Yu Wulin traveled all the subway lines before finally determining the starting location of this elite selection dungeon.

Of course, this guy really didn't mean to solve this risk factor.

If Lu Yan agrees to join forces with him, in addition to the rewards for clearing the dungeon itself, he will also unconditionally give the creatures in the dungeon to Lu Yan.

And his purpose is just to get this carriage.

Lu Yan was really surprised when he heard this.

Even if it's just a carriage, it's still a complete copy of the elite screening. Why does Yu Wulin dare to keep it for himself?

Or, why does he have this ability?

Yu Wulin stood up from his seat, smiled crookedly, and said, "Let's go, talk while walking."


The distance from the old city to Dongjiekou is not far away. Rather, Dongjiekou itself belongs to the scope of the old city.

The two came out of the breakfast shop in a leisurely manner and walked along the street to the subway station.

On both sides of the road are saponins trees with thick bowl mouths.

As the weather gradually turned cooler, the day time also shortened a lot. It was already past six o'clock, but the sky was still foggy, and there were not many pedestrians on the street.

However, the subway station is already in operation.

Lu Yan was wearing a thin white T-shirt, which contrasted sharply with Yu Wulin who was wrapped in a thick windbreaker.

The staff of the subway took a few more glances at the strange pair and did not question them. After a rough inspection, they were let in directly.

The rush hour for the morning subway is around [-] o'clock, and there are not many people at this time.

The two came to the platform and stood still.

Before Lu Yan could open his mouth to ask, Yu Wulin laughed: "It's really a coincidence, it's better to be a coincidence."

As soon as the words fell, a lonely subway car drove into the platform.

The safety shutter of the platform was not opened, and the schedule above did not show the information of this car.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was a carriage in front of him, Lu Yan doubted whether it really existed.

However, since the elite selection dungeon appeared, Lu Yan did not hesitate, and was about to step over the safety barrier and enter the compartment.

Yu Wulin took the initiative to reach out his hand to stop him: "Wait a minute, I advise you young man not to be too young."

Lu Yan: "..."

"If you talk like that again, I will really hit you."

The carriage door suddenly opened at this moment.

The decaying sound came with a stale musty smell.

Lu Yan looked sideways slightly, trying to see what was going on in the carriage, but found that there was only such a small distance, but he couldn't see what was inside.

It's like, there's some sort of limit in between.

"You can go in."

Yu Wulin's familiar appearance made him feel like it wasn't his first time entering this dungeon.

Lu Yan followed behind him, crossed the safety barrier, and walked into the carriage.

The moment he entered, Lu Yan looked back, and the original platform really disappeared, leaving only endless and deep darkness outside the carriage.

Only the incandescent lamp above the carriage is still providing weak lighting function.

There is only one shabby spot in the whole section, and many seats are too damaged to sit on. A crack spans five or six seats, and the crack is so big that you can stick your fingers in it.

Lu Yan carefully observed the situation in the carriage.

Surprisingly, besides the two of them, there were seven other passengers in the carriage.

Three women and four men, each of them had a blank look on their faces, as if they had lost their self-awareness.

【Ding! 】

[External influence is detected, the space where the host is located overlaps, please interrupt the space connection as soon as possible. 】

[The game is loaded. 】

[Dungeon Name: Resentment Carriage]) (Eight Realms level dungeon)
[Current number of copies: 2 people]

[During the elite screening, personal abilities and items are banned. 】

[System prompt: The death rate in the copy of the resentment carriage is extremely high, please be cautious when reincarnating. 】

(Note: Eliminate the mediocre, leaving only the elite.)
After a series of hasty beeps, the reincarnation system fell into silence again, and did not tell what the mission of this dungeon was.

Among other things, this is the first time even Lu Yan has come across a dungeon at the level of the Eight Realms.

He looked at Yu Wulin, motioning for an explanation.

"Don't worry, don't be intimidated by the level of the Eight Realms. I have tried this dungeon many times. If you pass the level normally, you don't need to fight."

Yu Wulin had already found a seat to sit down, and added: "The customs clearance time is about an hour. As long as you find the resentful souls among the passengers within the time limit, the dungeon will be considered as a customs clearance."

"You can ask the passengers themselves, or you can look for clues in the compartment."

"However, I need to remind you that out of the seven passengers, four will be resentful souls, and only three will be good souls."

"What the good soul says is credible, but what the wrong soul says may be true or false. It's up to you to decide."

With the sound of the whistle, the carriage shook slightly.

This is the subway departure.

Yu Wulin clapped his hands together and said, "Let's start. I'll ask the male passengers, and you can ask the female passengers. Is it okay?"

Lu Yan walked up to a passenger with a normal face, reached out and touched the passenger's head, and said, "There is no need to fight, which means that fighting is okay, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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