Chapter 829 Action
Lu Yan didn't stay outside for long, and returned to the machiya after a while.

Toshiji Muliang was lying on the table at the moment, concentrating on writing his homework. After seeing Lu Yan came back, he took the time to say hello to him.

After all, after playing all day, you have to make up for it.

Naturally, Lu Yan didn't intend to disturb him, and the front hall became quiet again.

He glanced around, silently thinking about what would happen next.

Before it was completely dark outside, Muliangxinmei came to the dining table with a tray,
She carefully placed the tray on the table.

It can be seen that she is not boasting when she says that she is a good cook.

In addition to the basic dishes, miso soup is also prepared.

At least judging from the appearance and taste of the dishes, it is really exciting.

Even Toshiji Muliang put away the book and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Okay, my sister hasn't cooked such a sumptuous dinner for a long time."

Muliangxinmei was silent for a while, and then quickly squeezed out a smile: "If you like it, I will do it for you in the future."

"I'm gonna start now!"

After finishing speaking, Toshiji Mera picked up the rice in front of him and began to pick up vegetables.

"Yan... Mr. Yan, what's wrong?"

Mu Conscience Mei noticed that Lu Yan didn't move his chopsticks, and quickly said, "Let's eat together, you're welcome."

Lu Yan nodded, picked up a thick egg and put it in his bowl.

After watching Lu Yan eat it, he heaved a sigh of relief.

And said with a smile: "Eat more, both of you, it's best to finish it all."

"Well... don't worry, leave it to me!"

Toshiji Muliang replied energetically, and then continued to cook.

Although Lu Yan looked slow, he was actually eating.

In a blink of an eye, the dishes tasted delicious.

Toshiji Mera covered his slightly swollen belly with one hand, hiccupped, and praised.

"My sister's craftsmanship is really nothing to say, Brother Yan, you earn..."

Before he finished speaking, Toshiji Mera tilted his head, collapsed on the seat and fell asleep.

My conscience and beauty were startled, for fear that Lu Yan would see something.

Quickly squeezed out a smiling face and teased: "It's true, little brother, he fell asleep while talking, haha."

Lu Yan, however, seemed not to have seen this scene, and calmly swallowed the food in his mouth.

Then he said calmly: "I thought it was some kind of strong poison."

Hearing this, Muliangxinmei only felt a tingling scalp, and subconsciously covered up.

"Ah? Mr. Yan, why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

Lu Yan put down his job, tilted his head and looked at Mu Conscience.

"Someone should be monitoring the situation here? Or do you need to notify?"

He stood up, patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, walked to Toshiji Muliang, and said casually, "What's the signal? Turn off the lights? Throw a cup as a sign?"

As he spoke, he made himself laugh instead.

"That's right, now is the age of technology, and it should be a communication device such as a mobile phone to report the situation."

Mu Liangxinmei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, she had no idea how to react in this situation.

Lu Yan put his hand on Muliang Junzhi's neck and lifted the unconscious Muliang Junzhi.

"I suggest you notify them now."

Seeing his only biological brother being dragged up by Lu Yan, Mu Conscience's emotions were completely overwhelmed.

She didn't dare to bet on whether Lu Yan would really attack, so she took out her phone tremblingly and sent a message to the other party.

While sending it, he said frightenedly: "I... I have already notified you, don't be impulsive."

The terrified expression of Muliang Xinmei made Lu Yan frowned unconsciously, and he casually put Muliang Shunzhi back on the seat.

He slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his expression had turned into indifference.

Raising his head slightly, looking at the ceiling above his head, he muttered as if talking to himself.

"When did it start?"

Taking a closer look, I don't know when, he started to complete various training tasks deliberately.

Regardless of whether such a change is good or bad.

Lu Yan just suddenly felt that something was wrong. He remembered that he was not like this at the earliest time.

For him, the so-called reincarnation experience should be just novel trips.

It shouldn't be so utilitarian.

Well, it might not be accurate to say strong, but there is indeed such a clue.

Due to this experience task, he used "no self" to adjust himself to the state of an ordinary person from the very beginning.

You need to eat and sleep like ordinary people, and you don't have the terrifying power to collapse mountains with one punch.

It was precisely because of living like this for a period of time, and after comparing before and after, that he discovered something was wrong.

He looked up at his palm, clenched his fist and then let go.

"It turns out that I will also be lost because of power? It's ridiculous."

Just when Lu Yan was confused, the TPC personnel who received the information from Muliangxinmei had already taken action.

Teams of people in blue and white uniforms surrounded the Machiya of Mera's house according to the plan.

This time, Director Sawai personally coordinated the operation, and the Police Department and the Victory Team jointly carried out the operation.

They are all very clear about the huge damage that would be caused if an existence with that kind of terrifying power let go of its hands and feet.

What's more, Lu Yan has proved that he is not a stable person who abides by order.

In the coral grove not far from the machiya, Dagu looked at the action plan displayed on the PDI with a very tangled expression.

When the Far East Headquarters was in chaos, he and Xincheng had just gone out to deal with the attacking Gazot, so they didn't know exactly what happened.

I can only get a rough idea of ​​what happened from Lina and the others.

Although Dagu felt that there must be some misunderstanding, there is no doubt that Lu Yan did kill Jigang Zhesi.

Therefore, Dagu couldn't find a reason to stop this action.

Zongfang Chengyi, who was standing beside Dagu, probably saw Dagu's hesitation, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him: "Anyone who makes a mistake needs to pay the price, this is not your problem."

"What's more, there should be no need to fight this time. If everything goes well, Lu Yan should have fallen asleep by the time we rush in."

Dagu raised his head and glanced at Zongfang Chengyi, then sighed heavily and did not speak.

"Cheer up, Dagu! If the plan goes wrong, your strength is still needed. You should have not forgotten the responsibility of the winning team, right?"


Dagu nodded slightly dejectedly.

While the two were talking in low voices, a team of police officers had already approached the Machiya, and it only took one stride to break through the wooden door and rush in.

(End of this chapter)

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