Chapter 838-Light

Lu Yanling stood in midair, his blond hair curled up high under the blast of air waves.

The pale golden air swirl surrounding his body was burning like a flame, and at the same time, electric arcs jumped around him.

As he unscrupulously released his own power fluctuations, the whole planet began to tremble violently, and one couldn't help but suspect that after this continued for a long time, the earth would directly collapse.

Di Jia on the ground barely stood up at this time, raised his head and stared at Lu Yan in the sky, not knowing what to do.

No, to be precise, he didn't have the ability to deal with this matter at all.

"Mr. Yan must be stopped!"

Dagu in Tiga's body clenched his fists subconsciously.

Even if Lu Yan showed incredible strength, Dagu couldn't just watch the earth be destroyed like this.

"Yeah, get ready, it's time to go!"

Dijia's voice was directly transmitted to Dagu's mind.

No matter how enlightened Dijia and Dagu below are, it doesn't make any sense to Lu Yan.

At least Lu Yan didn't take them seriously at all, he was still adjusting his current strength.

It's not that he can't master this kind of power, it's just because this power is too huge, it has already exceeded the upper limit of this world.

He just mobilized his power at will, and almost detonated the nearby submarine volcano.

"good chance!"

Di Jia, who had been staring at Lu Yan all the time, found that his movements were unnatural for a moment, and without further delay, he exploded his energy directly.

Tiga spread his hands and quickly accumulated enough energy.

Then he crossed his hands, and a blaze-level Zapelio light emitted from his crossed arms.

The incomparably huge energy light hit Lu Yan directly.

Lu Yan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled meaninglessly.

Raise one hand, and gradually bend the other fingers, leaving only one index finger.

The enhanced version of Zapelio's light hits in an instant.

However, the huge energy light was blocked by Lu Yan's index finger like this, and he couldn't advance an inch.

If someone looked down from a high place at this time, they would notice that the energy light seemed to have an entity, and it was sunken by Lu Yan's blocking.

After a brief stalemate, the uncontrolled energy light exploded.

After a hum that resounded through the sky and the earth, a violent energy storm swept around like a hurricane.

Fortunately, the place where the explosion happened was in the sky. If it were replaced by the ground, this level of energy explosion would probably change the entire coastline.

Tiga's energy is of the light attribute, so there was not much smoke and dust produced after the explosion.

But it is precisely because of this that it is possible to see more clearly what is going on.

"What... what?!"

Even Tiga himself is now standing in place as if petrified.

With his full blow, the opponent blocked it with just one finger.

With such a gap, it is really difficult to bring up the will to fight.

"Say it so you can feel it."

Lu Yan waved his hands casually, and glanced at Di Jia below: "But it's only for a moment, don't get distracted."

Before the words fell, Lu Yan had already appeared behind Di Jia.

The speed is extremely fast, at least in this world absolutely no one can keep up, and it is even impossible to see his movements.

The next moment, every part of Dijia's huge body began to burst out bright to somewhat desolate colorful streamers.

With all kinds of explosive powers in full swing, Lu Yan's casual blows far exceeded the limit that Di Jia could bear.

With just this one blow, Di Jia's body directly collapsed and disintegrated!
After doing all this, Lu Yan began to restrain his aura.

It happened that Dagu was thrown out of Dijia's body, and the magic light stick that had just been repaired not long ago turned into ashes and scattered.

However, Di Jia's body could no longer be repaired. Di Jia himself made a decisive decision and separated from his body.

The huge human-shaped light seemed to be a little diffuse at this time, that is, the consciousness was still there, which ensured that his consciousness did not disappear directly.

"As long as there is light in the universe, I will not disappear."

Holding the mentality of losing but not losing, Di Jia said with restraint.

Hearing this, Lu Yan frowned.

"Are you provoking me?"

While speaking, he took two steps in the direction of Dijia himself.

Although Lu Yan doesn't exude any terrifying aura now, he looks like an ordinary person.

But when he thought of the aura he showed before, Ti Jia himself was a little startled.

"No, wait a minute, Mr. Yan!"

Dagu now only feels that he can't lift the slightest bit of strength, but seeing Lu Yan's movements, he still braces his weak body to stop him.

Di Jia himself hesitated for a moment, and said nothing more.

"Consciousness or something, just break it up."

Lu Yan just restrained his breath, but he didn't withdraw from the Super Race state.

A punch hit the top of the human figure's radiant head, and the fist wind caused by the frightening power fluctuations was simply not something that the current Tiga himself could bear.

Even if Dijia himself had condensed an energy barrier in a hurry, it was only delayed for a while before being smashed through by the fist wind.

There was a crisp sound like bubbles breaking, and the radiant head of the human figure was beaten into a few scattered golden streamers.

As if causing some kind of chain reaction, the light from the original human form scattered into an irregular light from top to bottom.

The energy possessed by the deity of Tiga is still huge from a certain point of view.

Such a huge force suddenly lost its restraint, and if it caused energy fluctuations, it would also cause considerable losses.

Fortunately, the energy of the light attribute is relatively soft.

This huge pile of light attribute energy did not erupt immediately, but unconsciously rushed towards Dagu beside him.

Dagu's injuries and lack of body were repaired at an unimaginable speed.

But he no longer has the power of Dijia in his body, and even the magic light stick has turned into ashes.

In other words, it is impossible for his human body to accommodate such a huge amount of energy.

As more and more energy poured in, Dagu's skin all over his body gradually turned red.

These energies did not intend to explode Dagu, and when they found it unbearable, they stopped pouring in.

If Lu Yan hadn't been present, probably these light-attribute energies would have naturally merged into the universe in the end.

It was different with Lu Yan present.

After all, strictly speaking, he also possesses a rather pure light attribute power.

The Symmetra pattern on the back of Lu Yan's hand lit up, as if receiving a signal, a large amount of dissipated light-attribute energy began to pour in like a tide.

(End of this chapter)

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