The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 844 The Intruder

Chapter 844 The Intruder

As the reincarnated man with only half of his body left made a sound, almost everyone present turned their attention to Lu Yan.

"Tyrannosaurus God? Is that the one?!"

"Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War?"

"Great, even the tyrannosaurus god boss is here."

These people present, although they mentioned that there are many ordinary soldiers besides the reincarnation.

But those who are qualified to come to this place will not be unaware of the existence of the Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex God of War.

After the divisional qualifying competition back then, anyone who has followed the reincarnation system will know Lu Yan, the leader who stands at the top of the reincarnation system.

The reincarnation with only the upper body left didn't show much pain, but instead tried hard to crawl to Lu Yan's side with both hands.

"Boss Tyrannosaurus God, please be careful. Those immortal races are very strong and have limited missions. We are no match at all."

Hearing this, Lu Yan raised his eyebrows: "Where is the wind?"

"Minister Kuangfeng is still on the front line. Although I shouldn't say this, if the reinforcements don't arrive, this resource planet will definitely not be able to hold on..." the half-body reincarnation said in a deep voice.

It turned out that the number of the first batch of reincarnations who entered Resource Planet 103 was not small.

Therefore, under the leadership of the gust of wind, he rushed towards the position where the passage fell with full confidence.

As a result, when the immortals came out of the passage, they retreated steadily.

Even most of the reincarnations died directly on the battlefield, and there were not many wounded who could be withdrawn. There was almost no possibility of winning in a frontal battle.

The gust of wind led people to rely on space for time combined with guerrilla warfare to barely delay until now.

Lu Yan looked into the distance thoughtfully: "What information do you know about the immortal race?"

Due to the temporary failure of the life perception provided by Symmetra, he couldn't even feel the actual strength of those so-called immortals.

"Those guys who call themselves immortals say that after occupying 81 nodes all over this resource planet, their plunder will be completed."

The half-body reincarnation stopped after saying this, and this was all the clues he knew.

Lu Yan nodded.

Then he turned his attention to the other people in the camp, and he didn't ask any more questions. After all, it took a lot of effort for these injured reincarnations to recover their lives, and they couldn't ask any more questions.

"Sure enough, you still have to go and see for yourself."

At this moment, a series of reminders from the reincarnation system suddenly sounded in Lu Yan's mind.

【Ding! 】

[An intruder has been detected on Resource Planet 103. 】

[Currently 41 planet nodes have been lost. 】

[Please repel the invaders as soon as possible! 】

[Within the scope of resource planet No. 103, the restricted task is lifted! 】

Hearing this series of prompts, Lu Yan rubbed his chin and said calmly.

"Although I don't know what this node is, more than half of it has already fallen..."


Back in time a few minutes ago.

In a primitive mountain forest surrounded by strange rocks and old vines.

Figures of Kuangfeng and others sprang out one after another.

It's also fortunate that most of the resource planet's area is such a primitive forest, and the wind and the others can barely deal with it by virtue of the terrain.

"Huh~ Those guys who call themselves immortals, what the hell are they?"

Ma Yongyi, who is often in charge of driving, panted heavily.

Kuang Feng glanced back, with an incomparably dignified expression.

Now there are only six reincarnators following him, including Ma Yongyi.

In less than an hour, the casualties of the reincarnated people in the mountain city division made the wind a little unacceptable.

"Can you hold on any longer? Reinforcements should be arriving soon..."

Kuang Feng was encouraging everyone, but he had just spoken halfway, when his expression suddenly changed, and his body tensed subconsciously.

"Everyone, be careful, you're already following!"

Sure enough, after a few breaths, a misty white mist like blue smoke rose on the ground in front of them.

The figure of a young man emerged from the white mist.

He was wearing a white fairy robe, and his whole body was full of fairy light, giving him an air of immortality.

It's a pity that the playful look at the corner of his mouth broke some harmony.

"Reinforcement? If it's all at your level, it won't matter how much you come."

The fairy man sneered and said: "Oh, no, I should say that your reincarnation is really the most trash I have ever seen."

Before the man could finish speaking, Gu Feng rushed out.

The big knife in his hand is brandishing, the blade is sharp.

A red saber light wrapped around his broadsword and fell towards the head of the fairy man.

Facing the powerful wind, the fairy man just stretched out a finger and tapped lightly.

There was a piercing sound of metal clashing.

The big knife in Kuangfeng's hand collapsed, and he himself had a sweet throat, and flew out uncontrollably, leaving a crater on the ground.


"Minister Kuangfeng actually?!"

Seeing this scene, Ma Yongyi's pupils trembled.

Among the remaining reincarnators, his strength is considered to be the second under the strong wind, so he can see more things.

Absolutely can't fight, there is an insurmountable gap between them!

The fairy man covered his mouth and laughed lightly: "What? Could this guy be the strongest among you?"

"Bastard... bastard!"

Gu Feng recalled the broadsword and stood up with difficulty supporting his body.

The fairy man was unmoved, and only raised his feet after laughing enough.


Before the raised foot touched the ground, his figure turned into a pale white light, appearing behind the wind in the blink of an eye.


A huge bloodstain was split from the middle of Kuangfeng's body, and the blood kept gushing out, soaking the ground under his feet in a blink of an eye.

"Oh? The body is quite strong."

The immortal man raised his hand, ready to completely kill the wind.

At this moment, Kuang Feng was slightly taken aback.

Then gradually raised his head,

"I was going to kill you with obliteration..."

He grinned wantonly and said, "It seems that it is unnecessary now."

The fairy man was stunned for a moment, and then squeezed out a smile: "Do you think this can scare me?"

Kuangfeng straightened his back unsteadily, pulled out the big knife from the ground, and pointed at the fairy man.

"You said that you have seen reincarnations from other classes. I think it is fake. Don't you know that in the real world, reincarnations are subject to restricted tasks?"

"Huh? What are you talking about!"

The face of the fairy man became a little ugly.

"I mean..."

The voice did not fall.

Kuang Feng's entire body disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived in front of the immortal man.

The broadsword in his hand glowed red, and it was cut down instantly.

"I was just fighting you with one percent of my strength before!"

(End of this chapter)

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