854 Threat
With Yu Wulin's appearance, if he changed his beach pants and put on a small flag, he would look like a fortune teller.

It can be matched with beach pants and flip flops, giving people a very uncoordinated feeling.

Although he didn't lower his volume when he said the Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex God of War, the commercial street was full of people and no one noticed.

For some unknown reason, Lu Yan lifted up the mask he was wearing.

On the contrary, Duan Jianhui asked a little strangely: "Why are you here?"

In his impression, there is a big gap between Yu Wulin's psychopath who pretends to be crazy and ordinary people.

It is hard to imagine that Yu Wulin will come to participate in business activities.

"Why can't I be here anymore, I'm also a reincarnation."

Yu Wulin said very casually: "If you're bored, you can only have some fun by yourself. Besides, you can all come, so I can't come?"

Lu Yan glanced at him, did not speak, and walked towards the crowded place.

It is worth mentioning that, although the organizers hold the activity with the hot spot of reincarnation, they are really bold, at least there is no discount on eating, drinking and having fun.

As long as you can prove your identity as a reincarnation, you can eat whatever you want in the commercial street.

It is true that for most reincarnators, it is not difficult to make money, but who can refuse free things.

Such a move made many reincarnated people feel a little more favorable towards the organizer of this event.

Walking on the commercial street, you can see reincarnated people who actively perform abilities everywhere.

Moreover, the organizer also spent a lot of money to invite some reincarnation people to perform special performances. With the applause, the overall atmosphere of the event became more and more high.

Holding a cup of free instant coffee from a nearby shop, Lu Yan squinted happily, feeling pretty good.

But when he turned around and saw Yu Wulin who had been following behind him, his good mood was immediately discounted.

"Can you find something to do?"

Hearing this, Yu Wulin pondered for two seconds.

Then he looked up at Lu Yan sincerely and said, "How about I wash your clothes?"

Lu Yan silently turned around.

"I'm crazy to talk to you."

Duan Jianhui himself had a great time.

After all, it doesn't cost money, and there are so many tricks.

At the beginning, he followed Lu Yan for a walk, but after a while, he deviated from the road and went to play by himself.


Union campus.

In the principal's office in the office building.

The high-level executives of the Mountain City Reincarnation Branch, such as Kuang Feng, Wu Zigang, and Lao Li, all focused their attention on the small screen in front of them with solemn expressions.

The picture shown above is exactly the area of ​​the commercial street where reincarnation parties are still being held.

"What is the meaning of this surveillance video?"

The strong wind made Monk Zhang Er confused.

This video tape appeared in front of the gate of the joint campus not long ago, and it was not reported until the guard noticed it.

At first I thought it was lost by someone, so I planned to play back the surveillance at the main entrance to see who lost it.

As a result, after checking the surveillance, it was discovered that this video tape appeared in front of the gate out of thin air.

"With the current level of technology, as long as the speed is fast to a certain level, it is indeed possible to avoid being captured by surveillance cameras, but is it so hard just to play a video tape?"

Wu Zigang showed suspicion.

This was obviously placed on purpose, but what was the purpose?

Dick dick~
The landline phone on the desk suddenly rang.

The wind is a little strange, who will call him at this time.

He picked up the phone and put the receiver to his ear.

"Is it the head of the Storm Division?"

The voice from the other end of the phone sounded a little mechanical, as if it had been specially processed.

Feng Feng's expression froze, he subconsciously turned on the hands-free, and responded naturally.

"It's me, who are you?"

"You must have watched the videotape we sent over, right?"

Hearing this, Wu Zigang and Lao Li on the side held their breath decisively and concentrated without making any sound.

"seen it already."

"It's so lively, tell me... if there is an explosion in this commercial street, will it be more lively?"

Kuangfeng and the others looked at each other with surprise in their hearts.

Although it was called a meeting of reincarnations, most of the people in the commercial street were ordinary people.

In such a densely populated place, once an explosion occurs, the casualties will definitely not be small.

Absolutely an appalling vicious event!
"Don't worry, there is still more than an hour before the set explosion time. We don't want to lose our lives, but we are more interested in the portal of the resource planet..."

"If you don't want to see an explosion, prepare the portal. For the head of the Storm Division, there shouldn't be any hesitation in such an exchange, right?"

"Don't try to send people to stop the explosion, otherwise I can't guarantee that it won't explode early. So let's do this first, and leave this period of time for the head of the Storm Division to prepare, and we will contact you again."

After speaking, the phone was hung up.

The office fell into silence, but the atmosphere became more and more dignified.

Kuangfeng raised his head, looked at Lao Li and said, "Have you traced the source of the call?"

Lao Li looked at the message from the communications department and shook his head.

"The other party is a number simulated by a computer. Our technicians tracked down the past and found out that the IP address is only a broiler. If you request technical support from the headquarters, it may be too late."

"Call for technical support first."

Feng Feng's face became extremely gloomy.

In fact, the nature of this incident was too bad, and the time they chose was also very uncomfortable for them.

It happened to be the time when the support from other branches left, and the official reincarnation power of the Shancheng branch itself was extremely weak.

Gu Feng slammed his fist on the desk: "Which side are these guys from?"

"It's all possible, but if the other party dares to make a move, they will definitely do a good job and will not reveal their identity."

Wu Zigang rested his chin in one hand, and said in a deep voice: "The resource planet is meaningless to the reincarnation organization, and only those big countries care about the ownership of the resource planet. The scope of our suspicion is not large."

"We will talk about this kind of thing later. What we should consider now is how to deal with this matter. I don't think the other party is bluffing. The explosive substance must exist."

Lao Li helped his mirror frame.

"Let's report first..."

With a livid face, Kuang Feng played the video tape repeatedly, trying to see some clues from it.

"No, wait a minute, don't worry."

The wind clicked to pause, and then pulled the progress bar back a bit.

Point to the two figures on the screen.

"This guy wearing a mask, and the guy next to him wearing sunglasses, do you look familiar?"

(End of this chapter)

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