Chapter 874 Warning
After half a day.

Lu Yan returned to the headquarters of the Special Affairs Bureau.

Under the reverent eyes of a group of high-level officials from the Special Affairs Bureau, he casually found a sofa in the conference hall to lie down on.

Although his attitude was a little arrogant, but he didn't have the arrogance of the high-level officials who didn't open their eyes to stand up and scold him, and would only regard it as a special talent.

"Information about Weird's intention to gather has been communicated to every office."

Consultant Meng reported to the Old Man in Military Uniform: "At present, all we can do is to increase our vigilance and minimize casualties."

After all, they still don't know how many of these strange existences are going to gather, and where are the gathering places.

The only thing that is certain is that in the face of such a large number of strange gatherings, no office can handle it.

Instead of increasing casualties in vain, it is better to find a place to hide.

At least it can ensure that the post-disaster reconstruction work will not be short of manpower.

Well, if there is an aftermath...

After listening to Consultant Meng's report, the old man in military uniform nodded.

Turning to look at Lu Yan, he said, "Mr. Lu, is there anything we can do?"


Holding a cup of instant coffee, Lu Yan said lazily.

It seems that there is no consciousness of being targeted by Weird at all.

I have to say that something like confidence can often infect people around you.

Seeing Lu Yan's performance like this, the senior officials of the Special Affairs Bureau present were inexplicably relaxed.

At this moment, the big screen in the meeting room suddenly started flashing black and white snowflakes like a bad signal.

The sound of clattering made people irritated.

The signal suddenly stabilized.

But on the screen, a dry well appeared, and even the colors were only black and white.

"A dry well in black and white."

"This is, a weird video tape?"

All the high-level officials of the Special Affairs Bureau present were shocked.

Because the people who have seen this weird video are all dead, so they are not sure if this is the weird video of Sequence 09.

"Isn't that video tape tightly sealed? How did it appear here?"

A high-level voice sounded a little trembling.

This is a horror and weirdness that has killed hundreds of millions of human beings.

Now that they have all seen the video tape, doesn't it mean that they are all dead? !
"Why panic?"

The old man in military uniform yelled loudly: "Quickly ask someone to check the situation in the locked room."

"The weird video tape should have been released by a weird one."

Lu Yan stood up with his instant coffee in his hand: "I guess they came to look for me?"

The picture on the big screen changed.

I saw a black-clothed, white-haired, wet female figure crawling out of the dry well.

"Hey hey hey..."

"We don't want to play anymore, humans, cherish the last time..."

After speaking, the screen disappears.

The big screen returned to normal.

There was a deathly silence in the chamber.

It's been a long time.

Only then did the old man in military uniform ask Lu Yan solemnly: "Then if Wei Wei joins forces, are you sure?"

Lu Yan pursed his lips and said, "I guess so."

Anyway, for him, the big deal is to die a few more times.

Those weirdnesses can't use the control ability on him uninterruptedly.

After hearing his answer, the old man in military uniform didn't continue to ask any more questions.

And turned to look at the rest of the top secret affairs bureau.

"Go ahead and hold a press conference at night. This is the life and death of human civilization!"

The Secret Service had planned to hold a press conference.

But at the beginning, it was just to introduce Lu Yan's situation and give everyone more confidence.

After all, since the Bureau of Special Affairs announced the news that someone can deal with Weirdness, after a period of fermentation, it has become an uproar on the Internet.

People have been suffering from Weird for a long time, and finally learned that someone can deal with Weird, no matter how intense the reaction is, it is not surprising.

Almost everyone wants to know who this man who can deal with weirdness is.

The enthusiasm of the people is really too high. For the sake of appeasing the people, it is only natural to push Lu Yan to the stage.

Coupled with the fact that something strange came to the headquarters of the Special Affairs Bureau to warn about it, this press conference was even more necessary.

Lu Yan didn't care about such trifles.

It's nothing more than taking time to show up and answer a few questions.

Before the weirdos came out to make trouble, he had plenty of time.

The whole afternoon passed quickly while Lu Yan drank his instant coffee in a daze.

The location of the press conference was chosen in a multimedia conference room in the Bureau of Special Affairs.

It adopts the form of global live broadcast.

Facing the topic of most concern to the public at present, the Bureau of Special Affairs was held again.

All the major media have sent their best reporters to attend the press conference.

Unfortunately, the time is still too tight.

The press conference had already been held before most of the reporters from the news media arrived.

But even so, the entire conference room was packed to the brim.

A large number of viewers flooded into the major official live broadcast rooms.

"It's so lively and full of people."

"Where? Where?"

"Where is the boss who can solve the weirdness?"

"Does anyone know if that person is a human or some individual machine?"

"Is it a human? I've seen the clip. Although it's blurry, it doesn't look like a robot."

"My second uncle's nephew is a front-line member of the Special Affairs Bureau. Before this news came out, even he didn't know that there was such a person in the Special Affairs Bureau..."

Before the press conference officially started, people were already having heated discussions in the live broadcast room.

Lu Yan sat behind a long table with several senior officials of the Special Affairs Bureau. He looked at the flashing lights below and blinked a little uncomfortably.

The old man in military uniform was sitting next to Lu Yan, and a staff member came over and whispered a few words in his ear.

Then, the old man in military uniform coughed twice into the microphone in front of him.

The meeting room quickly fell silent, waiting for him to explain the matter.

He didn't keep everyone waiting too long, he said in a deep voice.

"I believe everyone knows what the purpose of the press conference held by the Bureau of Special Affairs is."

The reporters below did not interrupt and kept quiet.

"Weirds, a full-scale attack will soon be launched!"

As soon as the old man in military uniform said this, the meeting room could no longer keep quiet, and suddenly fell into a commotion.

It's simply not surprising and endless.

The reporters present, including the people in the live broadcast room, were caught off guard.

"Wait, isn't the purpose of this press conference to introduce the strongman who can deal with weirdness?"

"What's going on with Weird's all-out attack?"

(End of this chapter)

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