Chapter 150 Obsessed Youth (2 more)
Kate's flying machine is called Xiu Neng. It has an advanced system and focuses on speed. After all, she is not a combat force. The use of this flying machine is mainly a symbol of transportation and status.

However, even if she does not focus on war, her defense system and attack system are still very powerful. If the people of the empire really want to catch up, it is not impossible to fight.

Now the Xiuneng has left the alley safely and smoothly, facing the coming sunset, flying to the boundless land of freedom and broadness.

After Zhai Lixin made a comprehensive inspection of Xiu Neng and made sure that he would not be located and tracked, he lay down on the ground with the terminal in his arms, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Kate stepped directly over him. "Relax, we're out of town."

As long as you leave the city, everything is easy to talk about.

Zhai Lixin shivered when he saw the woman in skirt and high-heeled shoes stepping over him, and hurriedly got up. "No, we can't take it lightly! The difficult guy from the special mission department, and that pervert Gu Lincheng, if he catches up with us, we're doomed!"

Kate looked at Zhai Lixin, who occupied the system center and was advancing at full speed in operation and repair, not worried at all.

"Don't worry, with Barton's arrogance, he won't ask the Special Mission Department for help so quickly."

There is nothing wrong with this teacher of hers, except that she can't tolerate others being better than him, and always takes advantage of her previous achievements to be arrogant and conceited.

It was only at Gu Lincheng's wedding two days ago that he forcibly brought Qi Zhou and Zhai Lixin back to the Ministry of Security. It was impossible for him to put down his face so quickly and beg him to help.

As the boss of the security department, Kate must be very confident if she dares to say this.

But Zhai Lixin was really scared. He didn't want to be caught again even if he was killed. He focused on the map, looking for the safest route.

Kate ignored the frightened person, looked at the handsome young man in the passenger seat, and asked with concern: "Dr. Qi, are you okay?"

This man's superior intelligence and talent since he was a child made him arrogance and arrogance different from ordinary people.He has always been high-spirited, as if there is nothing he can't handle.

In fact, he did.

He successfully entered the Supreme Academy of Sciences all the way, became Qu Hongru's proud disciple, discovered the principle of the X virus lure, and conquered the human cloning experiment.

Not only that, he successfully transformed the dead, broke through one after another irreversible bugs in life, and let them have life again, as well as power that did not belong to them.

It is no exaggeration to say that Qi Zhou is a god who can recreate life, and his life is more important than her and anyone else in the Juan Yu organization, so after she knew they were arrested, she was planning how to rescue them.

But now this calm, elegant and personable young man was looking out of the screen in the cab with gloom, wondering what he was thinking.

Is it because of the torture, or is it because he couldn't accept this defeat?

Kate didn't feel unhappy about revealing her identity, and said comfortingly: "Dr. Qi, although I don't know why you did this, you are a pioneer. This is the first record of zombies entering the city since the empire was founded almost 200 years ago."

Not only is it a blow to the empire, but it is also a major event that will be inserted into the history of the empire.

Qi Zhou looked back at the beautiful and worried woman. "Kay, I'm fine."

Kate pressed, "Then what were you thinking?"

There are some gaps between the various departments of the empire, but it is not the time to initiate revenge.

Qi Zhou thought for a while, looked at the beautiful sunset and said sadly: "It's a pity that I couldn't bring her out."

"who is she?"

"A very pretty girl."

Kate paused, seeing the pity and sadness on his face, smiled knowingly and said, "You should have said it earlier. It's just a girl, and it's not like I can't bring it out."

Zhai Lixin said excitedly: "No, you can't!"

Kate looked suspiciously at the technical dead otaku. "how?"

"She is the one who caused heavy casualties in our operation!"

"Is it the girl that Major General Gu brought back?"

"Yes! She is now Gu Lincheng's wife!"

So even if Kate had the most careful plan, it was absolutely impossible to bring her along.

Kate wowed and looked at the default handsome young man in surprise.

She was surprised by Qi Zhou's obsession with that girl, and at the same time said thoughtfully, "Dr. Qi, you should tell me earlier, there is no way to bring her out."

Zhai Lixin looked terrified, feeling that she was also crazy.

He was already thankful for being able to escape from Xiacheng, if he wanted to bring back that calamity star, who knows what would happen!

Kate told Zhai Lixin who couldn't believe it: "Shi Yan is Gu Lincheng's wife, and Dr. Qi meets her frequently. If I invite her to the Ministry of Security to ask about the actual situation, I think Major General Gu will not refuse." of."

Before she revealed her identity, she was the boss of the Xiacheng Branch of the Ministry of Security. It's not that Gu Lincheng won't refuse, but she can't refuse, because she has the right to investigate suspicious elements.

First lure her into the security department, and forcefully bring her into the Xiu Neng before evacuating, and everything will be settled.

So pulling her in is just a matter of piggybacking.

According to what Kate said, it was indeed very possible, but Qi Zhou didn't have any special reaction.

Zhai Lixin looked at the proud Kate, sighed and said, "Gu Lincheng will not refuse your request, but it's a banquet."

Kate questions his words.

"She only wants to be a commoner, so she won't accept your invitation. If she is not willing to go, can you arrest people?"

Not to mention whether Gu Lincheng would allow her to take away his nominal wife, even the people in the whole city would not agree.

Shi Yan saved the teachers and students of the whole school that day, and is the great hero of Xia Cheng, so she tried it.

If this is the case, then everything Kate said above is invalid.

Kate asked in disbelief: "Are you sure she wants to be a commoner? Now she is not only Gu Lincheng's wife, but also a hero loved by all the people of the empire."

Although Zhai Lixin didn't understand why Qizhou took risks for that girl again and again, he still said to the point: "I've seen her twice, no matter when she is between us and Gu Lincheng, she is always Neutral. She married Gu Lincheng, and I guess it is very likely that she wants to get the chance to stay in Xiacheng. As for becoming a hero, it is an opportunity we created for her on our own initiative."

They didn't attack, and she wouldn't come to their rescue.

Kate said: "That's funny. A strong girl who has the potential to make a difference, but wants to be mediocre."

"She doesn't want to be mediocre." Qi Zhou who had been silent for a long time suddenly said. "She's experiencing mediocrity."

Both Kate and Zhai Lixin looked at him.

Qi Zhou looked at them and said, "I saw her calmness and tranquility beyond this world. If it weren't for the supernatural beings who never appeared as prophets, I think she would be the one who can see the essence of the future."

He stated thought-provoking words that left the two listeners speechless.

Zhai Lixin said after a while: "Is this...too ridiculous?"

Qi Zhou asked back: "Anyone who becomes a king must have ambitions. What made her leave the free life outside the city and come to the city to be a commoner with nothing to do?"

Not only that, she obviously grew up in a world forgotten by the world, where it was backward and barren.Now that she has just entered the prosperous city, she refuses Shang Jinglan's money and the power they can bestow.

This is so intriguing.

Kate looked at the two people who were thinking seriously, and said simply: "Since she is so special, why don't you just grab her and ask her?"

Zhai Lixin was frustrated. "It's so easy to catch."

After he finished complaining, he asked Qi Zhou in confusion. "Dr. Qi, I really don't understand why you are so obsessed with her? Even if she is different from ordinary people, there is no need to pay such a high price, right?"

Kate doesn't think that the price this time is fruitless, but she is also curious about Zhai Lixin's question, and wants to know what about that girl can make Dr. Qi Da miss her so much.

Qi Zhou looked at the two of them, and said in silence for a while, "She is a therapist."

Hearing these calm words, Zhai Lixin and Kate were startled.

"She can treat the boss's unknown headache, and can also suppress the X virus that broke out in Gu Lincheng's body. Her healing ability is above all known healers."

Qi Zhou looked at them. "Not only that, but the research on the X-1 serum has been stagnant. I have a hunch that she can help."

However, she can suppress the X virus, does it mean that the virus is not uncontrollable?

If it is controllable, can we find a way to eliminate it?

There are too many things Qizhou wants to do, but the only thing he lacks is someone who will allow him to do all these experiments.

Zhai Lixin and Kate were greatly shocked after hearing his words.

Not to mention whether she can help the research, but she can suppress the X virus in Gu Lincheng's body, which is awesome enough.

After being horrified, Kate decided to say: "If you can capture her, not only can you treat the boss' illness, but you can also control Gu Lincheng!"

Kate, who seemed to be about to turn around and go back immediately, Zhai Lixin, agreed with her words very much, but said with lingering fear: "I think she is living under people's noses, and she is also Gu Lincheng's wife. It's not easy to catch, so I have to think long-term."

The torture he suffered in the special mission department made his scalp tingle just thinking about it, and he didn't want to go back in this life.

Kate nodded approvingly. "Of course. Now we have to clean up the mess you made."

When Zhai Lixin heard this, he bowed his head and remained silent.

Qi Zhou saw the two tacitly. "What's wrong?"

Kate smiled mischievously, looking at Zhai Lixin who shrank like a mullet. "When he was in the special mission department, he said a lot."

Hearing this, Qi Zhou's expression darkened a lot.

Zhai Lixin immediately explained. "Half true and half false, I didn't do it all!"

"Which half is true and which half is false?"

"The place and address are real, but the name is fake."

Kate reported: "Three of our bases were kicked out. Fortunately, I made arrangements as soon as I found out to avoid losses as much as possible."

In the Ministry of Security, Shel Barton focused on interrogating Qi Zhou, and Zhai Lixin, who was in charge of Kate.

When Cui Lixin saw her, he told her about his recruitment.

But at that time, the Special Mission Department had already taken action, so she had to give up on nearby places and let people from remote bases evacuate.

But even so, the loss is immeasurable.

The price they paid for this operation that Zhai Lixin said before was not only the sacrifice of their comrades in arms and the fact that they were captured, but also this.

Qi Zhou glanced at Zhai Lixin again. "You will stay at the base from now on."

Zhai Lixin nodded his head repeatedly.

"How long until Jicheng?"

"It will take more than 60 minutes. Dr. Qi, you can go and have a rest."

Facing the serial interrogation of Shel Barton in the Ministry of Security, even with Kate's secret help, it is still an unbearable event.

Qi Zhou glanced at the scenery outside the screen again, instead of resting, he said to himself, "I have to think of a way to get her out of the city."

Zhai Lixin nodded approvingly.

Kate looked at the young man who was obsessed with it, and smiled with a strange smell, without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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