Chapter 92
On the way to the Academy of Sciences, Gu Lincheng called Jiang Zhuo while driving to order and make some decisions.

Shi Yan held the mobile phone that he was not used to, and fiddled with it upside down.

Gu Lincheng ended the call and looked at the girl who was poking at the virtual screen awkwardly with a serious and troubled face. "What's wrong?"

"I want to send a message to Yunchu."


"How to type Yun Chu's Yun characters?"

Gu Lincheng took her mobile phone and looked at the words typed on it for a long time.

There is a space in front of the first word, and the back is that I am now on my way to the Academy of Sciences.

Gu Lincheng filled in the word Yun for her, and then switched the input method for her. "You can speak to it, and it will be automatically recognized as text."

Shi Yan nodded, and added after that sentence: "Come out and meet when you have time."

She checked the text again before sending it.

Gu Lincheng waited for a while and said, "You can call her."

"I'm afraid she's in class."

"She doesn't have classes until next week."

Shi Yan straightened his face and pretended to nod indifferently. "How do you know so well?"

Gu Lincheng didn't explain.

The car became quiet all at once.

When Shi Yan received Gu Yunchu's reply letter, he was fiddling with his mobile phone again.

Gu Lincheng called up the system, performed a few simple operations on it, and then said: "I transferred the account for you. You return the money to Mr. Shang, and use the rest as you like, and don't ask me for it again."

Shi Yan read the text message that popped up, looked at the numbers on it, and instantly felt the difference between people in this world.

"How do you know that Shang Jinglan gave me the money?"

"How many people do you know in Yicheng?"

Among such a few people, there will be no other person except Shang Jinglan who can take out so much money without blinking an eye.

Shi Yan nodded, and while operating to pay back the money, he said: "If you want to give me money to spend, just transfer it to me regularly."

After she made the repayment successfully, she put away her phone and looked at him. "I'm not used to asking others for it." After finishing speaking, he said seriously: "If I ask for it, the other party usually cannot refuse."

The living conditions outside the city formed her current character.

She also wants to act like a baby like Yun Yingxue, so that she can get a lot of preferential treatment.But she also thought about it, if she really wanted to do it herself, it would be better to fight neatly.

Gu Lincheng looked at her clear eyes and resolute little face, and said calmly, "You can ask me."

Ask you, can I act like a baby to you, or will you not refuse me?
Shi Yan didn't understand very well, just like reading that book last night, he had a half-knowledge.

She was not given more time.

Gu Lincheng lowered the car and entered the exclusive lane of the Academy of Sciences.

When Shi Yan saw the line of sight, there was a tall door, a plaque with the three characters of the Academy of Sciences written in a brush, and a building that was even more magnificent than a castle. of reverence.

As the distance gets closer and closer, she looks at the carvings and scratches on the building, and she sincerely feels the deep respect that makes people tremble in a place of civilization with historical deposits.

It was between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-] in the morning, which was the rush hour for work. Many people who lived outside drove or walked to the Academy of Sciences from all directions.

Shi Yan leaned on the car window, looking at the dense crowd of people below and the strange architectural layout. "Why are there so many roads inside?"

Gu Lincheng stopped the car, and drove in after the security check. "Different paths represent different disciplines and study different fields."

Unexpectedly, he would answer his own question, and turned to look at him. "What about those X-shaped stairs that communicate with each other?"

"It facilitates the communication of different disciplines and brings out new academic conclusions or problems."

"You are so smart..." You are so smart, why can't you even deal with a small virus, and finally got a total fall?

Shi Yan didn't say what happened next.

Gu Lincheng glanced at the girl who hesitated to speak. "They're just a little smarter than the average person, so don't have too many illusions."

The low and indifferent words seemed to remind her to return to reality and not to be slandered by rumors from outsiders.

The Academy of Sciences is indeed a gathering of top talents in the academic world, which does not mean that they are omnipotent, or that they are pure, kind and brilliant humanity endowed by knowledge.

Shi Yan didn't understand the meaning behind Gu Lincheng's words, but he calmed down a little.

That's right, they are just smarter than ordinary people, otherwise the zombies would have been cleaned up long ago, and there would be no need to divide the city.

Gu Lincheng parked the car on the second highest parking lot of the S-level laboratory building.

This S-level experimental building has more than 100 floors, and there are strict categories and grades inside, so there are several parking lots, and the elevators inside can only go to the corresponding floors.

Shi Yan followed Gu Lincheng into the elevator. In the confined space, she watched the number of floors rising slowly, feeling inexplicably nervous and invisible pressure.

She thinks maybe this is the power of knowledge.

After getting out of the elevator, there is a circular, white, cold and quiet corridor.

Occasionally, a few people wearing white gossip walked by in the corridor, but they either looked in a hurry, or they were discussing something in a low voice.

Some of them saw Gu Lincheng, bumped into their companions, and saluted him together.

The Academy of Sciences is also managed militarized, and their abilities will be reflected in their military ranks.

At that time, I looked at the respectful captains and lieutenants who were not intellectually lofty.He also looked at Gu Lincheng who walked straight in front of them without even looking back.

He straightened his waist, Subaru raised his steps to keep up.

She is very beautiful, with a wanton and straight posture, and her light steps make her knee-length skirt shake slightly, revealing some of her knees and thighs.This is no different from a beautiful scenery in the hard and boring scientific research building.

The two officers waited for them to pass by, then turned to look at the girl beside Major General Leng Jun, and talked in a low voice:

Lieutenant: "Is this the girl Major General Gu brought back from Yicheng?"

Captain: "It looks like it. I heard that they are going to get married next week."

Lieutenant: "Tsk, Major General Gu has such good physical strength, I'm a little envious."

Captain: "Huh?"

The lieutenant bumped into him and gave him a deep smile. "Didn't you see? Her knees and elbows were all blue."

Seeing him winking, the captain took a moment to react, and couldn't help laughing. "Major General Gu's physical strength is of course good. You are not talking nonsense, thinking that you are a weak chicken who can't even support two experiments."

Xia Siyuan, who had just stepped out of the elevator, asked curiously, "Sven, Grant, what are you talking about?"

Captain Grant stopped laughing. "Major Xia, why are you here?"

"Come talk to Colonel Bai about something." Xia Siyuan looked at the two of them. "Is there anything I can't know?"

Lieutenant Swain shook his head again and again. "No, no. We just said that Major General Gu and his wife are very affectionate."

Hearing this, Xia Siyuan looked at them with a complicated expression. "How can you tell that they are in love?"

Sven said with a smirk: "You will know when you see the major general's wife later."

Said Pendulum and Grant left.

Seeing them leave, Xia Siyuan immediately went to Bai Mu's office.

Gu Lincheng didn't know why, but he was a little against the Academy of Sciences, and now that he came in person, he must have come to see Bai Mu.

He rushed over, and sure enough, outside Bai Mu's office, he saw a girl with nothing to do.

Maybe she couldn't stay idle, or she was dissatisfied with the decision to be shut out, so she paced back and forth in the corridor.

Xia Siyuan went over and looked at the quiet and harmless beheaded monster. From head to toe, she didn't understand what Sven said just now.

(End of this chapter)

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