Chapter 117 Signing Party

"Look there! Do you recognize where this is? Kato."

Ai Lunya, who had her arms outstretched, pointed at it with excitement - Zhanqian Street, which is ordinary in the eyes of first-time visitors.

However, in the eyes of the readers of "Love Metronome", this is the place that makes them feel special.

Because what is displayed in front of you is exactly what you will automatically see when you open the first volume of the novel, the color picture scene on the front page.

"It turned out to be here."

Kato Yusuke nodded and echoed, "It's really restored, it's better to say it's exactly the same."

"Right, right! This is the so-called holy land pilgrimage, Kato!" An Yilun also said emotionally: "Okay~! Next, continue to the next place!"

Facing the morning sun, the two waited at the traffic lights on the street.

Compared with the busy Tokyo, the rhythm of Hehe City is obviously much slower.

For example:

Compared with the hurried pedestrians on the street, here are more figures strolling leisurely in the park.

Compared with the busy streets, the roads here are surprisingly empty.

Compared with the bustling city full of high-rise buildings, here are more buildings full of life.

It's just relative, although there is not as many people as Tokyo, but the young faces are much less.

However, compared to Kato Yusuke's hometown, Saitama, this place is much better. After all, it is a place that looks like a countryside when you leave the station, and you can often see rice fields and the like.

Generally speaking, Hehe City should be regarded as an ordinary living city.

While thinking about this, Kato Yusuke observed the situation on both sides of the lower road.

Although the light was still red at this time, there was no traffic.

Therefore, he patted An Yilunye on the shoulder, intending to ask him to cross the road together.

This is just a normal thing, including in Tokyo, everyone will more or less do the same thing depending on the situation.

It's not true, but it's human nature.

At least Yusuke Kato thought so, but he didn't expect that An Yilun would also run into a wall here.

"No! The so-called traffic rules are to be obeyed even when no one is watching, Kato!"

The otaku who was still excited about the tour last second, suddenly turned into a nagging aunt, and began to preach in his ear.

And this situation didn't stop until the two of them crossed the road at the green light and came to a three-story bookstore with the sign of the store in front of the station.

"This is the 48th page of the first volume, the place where the protagonist Naoto and the heroine Sayuka met by fate - Tie Wen Tang Bookstore!"

Ai Lun, who has turned back into an otaku, also introduced with a high voice, and those who don't know thought it was a narration.

The corners of Kato Yusuke's eyes twitched.

So I once again understood the fact that this person really cannot be considered with common sense.

Pointing to the bookstore with the rolling shutters in front of him, feeling a little tired for no reason, he also spoke to An Yilun.

"So, isn't the door still open at all?"

He nodded repeatedly to the convenient "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" to respond, as if taking it for granted, he replied: "Of course, it's not business hours yet after all."

Kato Yusuke then asked: "... When will the autograph signing start?"

Regarding this question, An Yilun who checked the time also said a number.

That was an answer that made Kato Yusuke unable to bear the violent impulse.

"45 minutes left..."

He took a deep breath, "Then An Yi, can you tell me the reason why we came here so early?"

"Huh? What are you talking about, Kato?"

Xiangfang tilted his head strangely and said, "Of course it's because I want to be the first to meet Teacher Xia Shizi!"


After a long silence, Yusuke Kato, whose eyes were filled with jet black, suddenly felt that it was really great not to bring Sayu with him today.

After all, if he really saw his girlfriend had to wait outside for so long because of someone's selfishness, he was not sure whether someone An would be able to return home safely today.

Of course, this is just a joke. (Serious Face.jpg)

But now that everyone has come, Kato Yusuke can't leave again.

Aside from the expensive train ticket, he still had the task of buying the second volume of the novel for Sayu.

Maybe it's time to bring a copy back to Eriri. After thinking about what Mrs. Sayuri said at the time, the other party's reaction after reading the first volume, Kato Yusuke felt that this should be the right decision.

Time passed bit by bit, and people with numbered coupons began to queue up one after another.

He thought that there would not be too many people who would come to Hehe City to participate in the activities, but when he turned his head inadvertently in the middle, the scene that caught Kato Yusuke's eyes made him startled.

I don't know when it started, there was already a long queue behind them with an invisible end.

Looking around, there are at least three figures of people gathered here.

He patted An Yilunye on the shoulder and asked, "An Yi, when you rushed to sign and sell the conference tickets, do you remember how many tickets there were in total?"

"Huh? Total?" An Yilun also shook his head, "Sorry, I didn't pay attention to that kind of thing after I got the tickets."

"By the way, this is your number."

An Yi handed over a queuing ticket.

Printed on it is today's date, and the words "Commemorate the release of the second volume of the Love Metronome, Kasumi Shiko's autograph session".

The style is so simple that it looks like it took an hour to make a design with a computer.

In this regard, An Yilun also commented in the same way.

"It's the kind of thing that would be made by small and medium-sized bookstores that are not familiar with holding events."

It turns out he was right.

Whether it was the flustered look of the bookstore staff when they first saw the crowd outside when they opened the door, or the clerk who also felt unfamiliar with hosting the event before the event started, it was a strong evidence for this point of view.

"Then, teacher Xia Shizi's autograph session has officially started! Please applaud and welcome!"

After 5 minutes of tedious explanation of the precautions, as the partition inside the venue opened, a tall figure sat down in front of the signature table with flowers.

She was wearing an OL-style white suit and skirt, her slender legs were wrapped in black pantyhose, and she was wearing a pair of white high-heeled shoes. (picture)

Teacher Xia Shizi, who seemed to be the author, appeared amid applause.

"It's coming! It's finally here! I'm finally going to see that Xia Shizi!"

An Yilun also looked excited and apprehensive, turned her head and said to Kato Yusuke.

It's like an avid fan who is about to meet his idol.

To this, Kato Yusuke did not answer, but looked at the figure not far away with some doubts.

always feel strangely familiar...

Before he could think too much, the staff quickly came over.After knowing that the two came to participate in the event together, they generously let them go together.

 Thank you [Pick up xiaololi and run] for the reward.

  Thank you for subscribing, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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