Malfoy Rise at Hogwarts

Chapter 222 Element 5

Chapter 222 The Fifth Element
In the following time, Xie Lin spent almost all of his time delving into the six snake-language magics.

During the period, he also jointly published the research results of the "Humanoid Restoration Curse" and the Medieval Wizards Union on "Spell Innovation".

In a short period of less than a year, Schelling once again developed a spell that was enough to change wizards in the field of fighting against black magic and dark creatures.The last time he published a happy spell to enhance the power of the patron saint spell was already a remarkable innovation, but this time he published a spell that can directly restore werewolves to human form, greatly reducing the danger of werewolves.

The invention of these two spells can be said to have rewritten many iron rules of the previous Defense Against the Dark Arts, causing an uproar in the international academic circles.

Ulyssy Hicks, chairman of the Defense Against the Dark Arts League, looked at Schelling's second achievement, and couldn't help but feel sad that he didn't make up his mind enough to compete with Gulana from the Medieval Wizarding Union last year for Schelling's talent.

Even the International Federation of Wizards, which Dumbledore is in charge of, is quite critical of this. Dumbledore's momentum has indeed been somewhat weak in recent years.In the past few years, he has focused on cultivating Harry, and has hardly published any new achievements in the academic world, nor has he made any great achievements for the organization that can be spread all over the world. There are even a lot of public opinions attacking Dumbledore in the mainstream media of various countries.

As the relationship between Xie Lin and Susan became closer, Aunt Leah had long regarded Xie Lin as her own. She used all the power in her hands, all the contacts she could use, and once again proposed to the Ministry of Magic to award Xie Lin the second class of the Order of Merlin.

As the director of the Department of Law Enforcement and one of the four powerful figures in the Ministry of Magic, the power mobilized by Amelia is quite terrifying.What's more, Schelling's fame and achievements are indeed worthy of these two awards. According to the constitution of the Merlin Sir Order, the second-class medal is used to commend "extraordinary achievements", and it is well deserved to be used on Schelling.

With no objections, the award was passed quickly.

The award ceremony was scheduled for the first day of the Easter holiday, when Schelling and Dumbledore would set off for the Ministry of Magic to attend the award ceremony.

Before the Easter break, Eleanor approached Schelling again.She came here this time in the name of expressing her gratitude. Xie Lin had a headache for this girl who had confessed that she wanted to pursue her.In any case, the other party is the first daughter of the first German family, and she is also the object of an alliance that she has just formed. To forcefully save the other party's face will only affect the future relationship between the two parties, which is what Schelling tried to avoid.

Schelling, who has been a man for two lives, does not have the absurd idea that "the great power of the wizard belongs to himself" and "absolute power rules everything".He knows that no matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to rule the world by force, because humans are a species that will continue to improve, and no one can guarantee that their strength will always be at the pinnacle of the world and will never be surpassed by others.

He didn't like Voldemort's set in the original book at all.Voldemort chose to protect the interests of the minority and stand on the opposite side of the majority.Under his high-handed rule, even if there is no savior Harry, there will be thousands of other rebels standing up in a steady stream, and one day, someone will find a way to defeat him and eliminate him.

And Schelling's tenet in this regard is always to reduce one's enemies and increase one's allies; even if one cannot become friends, one must avoid becoming enemies.

Therefore, Schelling finally chose to meet Eleanor secretly in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, but——

Daphne had to be there.

The reason for choosing the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets is to reduce the awareness of those who are interested in their alliance, and it also expresses Schelling's trust in Eleanor.After all, being allowed to touch and know about a level of secrets like the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets is a manifestation of a high degree of trust in itself.

As for Daphne being present, it was to allow Schelling to prove his innocence, and to prevent Eleanor from taking the opportunity to seduce Schelling.

Although Xie Lin had confidence in his xinxing, he never dared to underestimate Eleanor's methods and scheming, let alone her unique and unpredictable alchemy methods. After all, in the alchemy world, even the Philosopher's Stone that avoids death has been created. God knows if there will be a kind of alchemy that can break the rules and create "true love".

Sure enough, because of the presence of Daphne, the meeting between the two was very formal.

According to Eleanor, because Schelling's kindness of retreating the enemy and donating medicine last time has never been repaid, and Schelling also agreed to share the contents of the Book of Truth with the Hohenheim family for free. This kind of favor is indeed a bit too big for an ally who has just established it not long ago, and it makes her a little uneasy.

In return, she found a book written by her ancestor Palather in the family's collection, and wanted to give it to Schelling.

Xie Lin took the book and glanced at the cover. On the quaint and old sheepskin cover was "The Fifth Element".He asked calmly, "Eleanor, why did you suddenly think of giving me this book?"

"The last time I was in the cabin, didn't I see the elemental magic you cast?" Eleanor said with a smile: "I must say, I am very surprised by your accomplishments in the field of elemental magic. Ordinary people cast elemental magic can only make the element highlight certain characteristics, such as the heat of the flame, the corrosion of the water, the flow of the air, etc. But if you can visualize the spell and restore the elements to their most primitive and true appearance, then it is really amazing..."

"According to the theory of elemental magic, the true appearance of the fire element should be a Salomanda salamander, the true appearance of the wind element should be Syrph, the true appearance of the water element should be Undine, and the true appearance of the earth element should be a goblin; and I have seen you perform the first two," Eleanor said firmly, "I have no doubt that you must have mastered the latter two."

"Even in Durmstrang, which is famous for studying black magic and combat magic," Eleanor's eyes sparkled, "no student has been able to do this in the past 20 years or so."

"It's just luck," Xie Lin said modestly: "My grandmother came from the Rocher family. Because of the decline of this family, I just inherited its secrets and learned these elemental magics from it. It's not how good I am."

"Hypocrisy," Eleanor rolled his eyes at him. "Don't think that because I live in Germany, I'm blind to the situation in Great Britain. Before the Rocher family fell, that guy named Ivan Rocher, why didn't I hear that he had such strength? Even if I go back a few generations, his father, grandfather, and even great-grandfather, I have never heard of anyone who can show such a high level of elemental manipulation..."

This time, Xie Lin chose to smile lightly, unable to deny it.

"You should also know that the patriarch Palaser is not only a famous alchemist, but also one of the pioneers in the study of elemental magic," Eleanor said in a deep voice. , no one can understand this book, let this book be reduced to the fate of being a pearl..."

"Okay, then I'll accept this book." Schelling said.

"That..." Eleanor hesitated to speak.

"Don't worry, what I said is absolutely true, especially to my allies." Xie Lin said, "Since I have promised you that I will share the contents of the Book of Truth with you, I will never break my promise. Right now, the Book of Truth is not with me, and you probably don't know it. When the Book of Truth was handed over to me, it was already locked with a kind of advanced alchemy lock, so I handed it over to a team of alchemists that I absolutely trust. Just wait!"

["Fifth Element" obtained! 】

After Eleanor received Schelling's affirmative promise and guarantee, she showed a grateful look.This book of truth is too important to her family, and it is probably the biggest key to whether she can revive the family and lead the family to glory.

After Eleanor left, Schelling also asked Daphne to leave first.He stayed where he was, flipped through the "Fifth Element", his face became serious.

It's no wonder that none of the hundreds of talented people in the dignified Hohenheim family can understand it. There is not a single word in this book, and it is all curves like ghost symbols.

If it hadn't been for the fact that Eleanor gave this book to him with great care, Schelling probably would have thrown this book away as some kind of prank.But at the moment, Schelling couldn't think so. After all, what could be written by the famous Palaser and cherished by the Hohenheim family was obviously impossible to be just a prank.

Thanks to his previous life, Schelling was an adventurer and a scholar of mysticism, and he was no stranger to the theory of elements in mysticism.

In occultism, elements, or Classical elements, are the most fundamental entities, or energies, that make up all matter in the world.In history, many different nations have constructed their own elemental thoughts. The most famous representatives are the "four elements theory" of ancient Greece, the "four species" of Indian Buddhism and the "five elements" of China.

Until 300 BC, Aristotle was born.He was a student of Plato and a teacher of Alexander the Great, and he left many masterpieces that have been handed down to later generations.The four-element theory he put forward can be said to be the most widely known in later generations, and it can also be said to have laid the foundation for the elemental theory of Palaser and Cornelius Agrippa in the field of European mysticism in later generations.

Aristotle's formal definition of "element" is found in Metaphysics:
"The meaning of an element is a kind of thing that is inherent in things, and things are originally composed of, and cannot be decomposed into other kinds of things. For example, the elements of sound are the elements that constitute sound, and the sound is finally decomposed into them, but they themselves cannot be decomposed into other kinds of sounds. If they can be divided, they can only be divided into parts of the same kind.

(Note: The name of "Metaphysics" was added by later editors. The original meaning of this book is "what Aristotle taught after the physics course")
He believes that these four elements have the nature of two opposites that can be felt by people.It is further deduced that the origin of all things in the world is four original properties: cold, hot, dry, and wet, and elements are composed of these original properties in different proportions.

Later, he conceived the five-element theory in his book "On the Sky", which is to add "ether" (ther) to the four elements, that is, "the void without separation from matter" and "the void without objects".Those half-knowledgeable Muggle scholars and scientists in later generations understood it as the elemental energy existing in the void of the universe, allowing light to travel through the universe to the ground through this medium.

But, in fact, Schelling knew that things were not so simple.

(End of this chapter)

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