Malfoy Rise at Hogwarts

Chapter 239 The Skeleton of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 239 The Skeleton of the Holy Spirit
The moment Susan opened her eyes, she seemed to be transformed into an ancient giant as tall as a hill, and an invisible force radiated from her. The air seemed to stagnate suddenly, and an ancient and heavy force enveloped her like a hill.

Xie Lin frowned, feeling extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

Although this feeling was not obvious, his perception was as keen as his, and he could clearly feel an ancient and magnificent force pressing towards him.The power made him feel threatened, and...disgusted.

This is a very mysterious feeling, which comes suddenly and inexplicably, as if it originated from an ancient entanglement.The power displayed by Susan repelled Schelling abnormally, and it could even be said that she was full of hostility towards Schelling, as if the two were born in hostile camps, and once they met each other, they would spontaneously attack and create oppression for each other.

At first, Schelling thought it was a conflict between white magic and black magic. The blood power of the Bones family was obviously some kind of ancient white magic inheritance, and he had practiced a lot of black magic over the years, and his body was contaminated with the aura of black magic, so it had a mutually exclusive effect with the aura that Susan was showing at this moment.

But when I think about it carefully, I don't think it's right.

Snape's proficiency in black magic is definitely much more than his own, and seeing that he can help Dumbledore suppress the power of the curse planted by the curse master Voldemort in the original book, I am afraid that his black magic attainments are only stronger than his own, but it is not necessarily that there is such a phenomenon of repulsion between him and Dumbledore.

What's more, the magic that Xie Lin is best at is not black magic. What he is best at is... Uh, it seems that there is no magic that he is not good at——

He was originally good at the field of spirit and soul magic, and then changed to the field of transformation magic after he practiced multi-form magus, and then he practiced elemental magic and successfully made the elements show their original nature, and then he awakened the magic of snake pupils and snake language.Any one of these magical fields, as long as you spend your time and effort to practice it to the peak, it is enough to become a legendary wizard at the level of Dumbledore and Grindelwald——

But Schelling has progressed in parallel in almost every field mentioned above, without falling behind.

He hasn't even given up the study and practice of space magic and ancient runic spellcasting.

That's not all, the time he met "Fate" in the mysterious space, "Fate" seemed to have given him a strange power, allowing him to advance to a level in the field of "spells" for nothing.If magic is divided into eight fields according to the sub-volumes of "Abatel", then Schelling has made achievements in charmology, transfiguration, spirit department, soul department, and curse department.

Although he is not good at the rest of magic, spells, and enchantment, he is not ignorant of everything. At least he was able to research the spell of "Sleeping Dragon's Mark" by himself.

Summarizing the above two reasons, Schelling thinks it is unlikely to be a question between black magic and white magic.

At this time, the imprint on the back of his neck became hot, and the phantom of Aguilar, who hadn't appeared for a long time, appeared on the upper left of Schelling. It circled gracefully and landed on Schelling's left shoulder.

"Tsk tsk," Aguilar commented solemnly: "What did you come up with again? Why is there such a big battle?"

"Aquila," Schelling did not respond to Aguila's inquiry, but directly raised the question in his heart, "Do you know what happened to Susan? What is the source of this power?"

Aguilar looked straight at Xie Lin with examining eyes, and then slowly said: "What fate!"

"I don't know exactly what happened to this girl, but I guess she awakened the talent in her bloodline, and it's a very old kind. It's understandable that you don't know. After all, as far as I know, there is no record of this kind of bloodline talent in the current literature... The name of this talent is—"

"The skeleton of the Holy Spirit," Aguilar looked away from Schelling, looked back at Susan, and said meaningfully: "The inheritance of the skeleton of the Holy Spirit is longer than the time Hogwarts was founded. The last person who showed this talent was Andros, one of the four powerhouses at the end of ancient Greece. You should be familiar with this name, right?"

"Well, I know him," Schelling replied, "His nickname is 'Invincible Andros'. It is said that he is the first wizard to master the Patronus Charm without a staff, and his Patronus is said to be the same size as a pure-blood giant. Although the size of a Patronus does not affect its power, a Patronus like him is a unique existence in history. It is obviously a powerful high-level Patronus that has evolved."

"The one you are talking about is recorded in the history books, and everyone knows it," Aguilar said with a hey, "Then do you know the most famous battle of Andros?"

"Uh... Is it the famous Battle of Thermopylae in history? Andros fought against Jafar Yahya, the great black wizard of ancient Persia?"

"This duel can only be considered barely. Few people know that Andros already had a lot of hidden injuries at that time, and the remaining strength that can be displayed is less than [-]%..."

"What!" Xie Lin was surprised, "How can a strength of less than [-]% be able to hurt both Jafar?"

Schelling was indeed very surprised. He was an adventurer and archaeologist in his previous life, and he had a deep understanding of this famous Bosch battle of great historical and military significance.

The Battle of Thermopylae, also known as the Battle of Three Hundred Warriors, originated in 480 BC when the Persian Empire prepared a large army to conquer ancient Greece in order to avenge the Battle of Marathon.Faced with this threat, the two major Greek city-states, Athens and Sparta, united against Persia regardless of past suspicions, forming a coalition led by Sparta.

At the beginning, the Persian army was in full swing, advancing all the way until King Leonidas I of Sparta led 298 elite Spartan warriors and 700 Tespians as the main force (of course there were some engineers and assistants, this is not an archaeological novel, let’s not mention it for the time being), and chose to establish their defensive stronghold at Thermopylae.Hot Spring Pass is a narrow passage that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, with the sea on one side and a steep mountain wall on the other.

In the end, the Greek allied forces successfully took advantage of the terrain to resist the Persian army, which far outnumbered them, for three days at Thermopylae.Later, a Greek farmer named Ephialtes reported a trail near Thermopylae to Persia as a reward, allowing the Persian army to follow the trail in the mountains to the rear of the Greek coalition army, which led to the Greek coalition army being encircled and eventually wiped out.

Schelling did not underestimate the bravery of the ancient Greek warriors, but with such a huge gap in numbers, it is indeed surprising that the war could be fought to such an extent during the cold weapon period.Not to mention, at that time, the royal family of Persia hired many famous black wizards as royal advisors, that is, a status similar to that of a national teacher, and Jafar was one of the best.Any terrain advantage does not exist in front of magic.

If it hadn't been for Andros' shot in the end, and Jafar and Jafar were both injured in the duel, the 300 warriors of Sparta were able to complete the feat of defending the soil for three days without magic intervention.

You must know that Jafar is not an ordinary wizard. He is a famous snake whisperer, claiming to be the mortal incarnation of the God of Cobra, and had countless followers in the Persian Empire at that time.His reputation is terrifying enough to make children stop crying. Even today, his name can often be seen in Muggle fairy tales and video games, and they all appear as super powerful villains. .

Such a character, actually fought against Andros, who was less than [-]% strong?Then Schelling couldn't imagine how powerful Andros was in his heyday?
Aguilar was very satisfied with the surprised expression on Schelling's face, and continued: "Andros has the reputation of being invincible, obviously he has defeated countless opponents in duels. Among the opponents he has fought in his life, Jafar can only be regarded as above-average, not even ranked in the top five..."

"What I want to talk about is his decisive battle with another famous wizard in the late ancient Greece..."

"Ah!" Xie Lin said, "You're not talking about the despicable Hai Erbo, are you?"

This is not difficult to guess. There were only four most famous wizards in the late ancient Greece. They could be regarded as Andros' opponents, and there was a high probability that they would conflict with Andros. The despicable Haierbo was the well-deserved number one.

"That's right, that's him." Aguilar said, "In order to pursue immortality, Haierbo dared to violate the taboo to study the magic that seals part of the soul in a container, which is called Horcruxes in later generations. It was not like now, the magic of Horcruxes was only described in a few words. In order to research this magic, he murdered many Muggles and wizards frantically..."

"In the end, Andros and Haierbo met for a decisive battle on the Olympian Zeus Colossus. This battle lasted for seven days and seven nights, completely destroying the entire Zeus Colossus, and it became a legend passed down by word of mouth..."

"The battle ended with Haierbo being seriously injured and defeated and fled. But Andros, who won, also paid a heavy price. Lord Ravenclaw took me to the dilapidated Colossus of Zeus to trace and research the situation at that time. According to her deduction, Andros was entangled with at least ten powerful curses, enough to reduce his strength by at least half. Can you imagine how tragic this battle was?"

Xie Lin nodded first, then shook his head suddenly. He already had a vague idea in his mind, but he still needed to confirm it.

"Aguilar, did Andros' cause of death be in the decisive battle with Jafar, the latter's snake language caused old troubles, plus some new injuries, and then he died of serious injuries after repelling Jafar?"

"Yes, why do you ask that?" Aquila was a little puzzled, he was no stranger to Schelling's expression, it seemed that this frighteningly clever kid had figured out the key.

"There is one thing that seems too coincidental to me. One of Jafar and Haierbo is in Persia and the other is in Greece. Both of them have received the inheritance of the Parsel Whisperer, and they both fought a battle with Andros..."

"You mean..." Aguilar seemed to realize something.

"Helbo made a horcrux. He should have an immortal body, so no matter how badly he was beaten by Andros, he can't die." Xie Lin said firmly: "And another function of the horcrux is that the remnant soul inside can attach to other magical creatures, or even other wizards, and use these bodies to resurrect briefly. This kind of possession can also allow the container to acquire the innate ability of the remnant soul, such as snake language..."

"I suspect that Jafar himself is a horcrux possessed by Haierbo's remnant soul. It is impossible for a black wizard to refuse the temptation of great power and immortality. It is normal to be bewitched by a horcrux."

"Great deduction," Aguilar admired, and then asked: "So? What does it have to do with what we are talking about now?"

"Don't you understand?" Xie Lin showed a confident smile, and said lightly: "Susan's power is repelling me, which means that this power from Andros has a high probability of encountering an old enemy, and you have been sleeping for too long. You don't know, I have awakened the snake whisperer and the inheritance of snake tongue magic from Slytherin's secret room—"

"The current phenomenon is actually the grievance between the skeleton of the holy spirit and the snake whisperer!"

"Hey!" Aguilar lost his voice with a look of shock on his face: "You even inherited Slytherin's snake language? Don't you want to complete the feat of bringing together the inheritance of the four founders?"

Schelling smiled faintly and declined to comment.

(End of this chapter)

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