Malfoy Rise at Hogwarts

Chapter 244 With Deng Moupi

Chapter 244 With Deng Moupi
Schelling maintained a cynical expression, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Instead of answering Dumbledore's question, he drew out his wand, and first used an illusion spell to transform a large mahogany chair decorated with various gemstones in front of him.

The cushion of the large chair is woven from unicorn fur, which shines bright silver.The left armrest is carved in the shape of a honey badger, and the right armrest is carved in the shape of a goshawk, both in prostrate postures with their heads bowed.

There are 99 unicorn horns inserted one after another on the top of the back of the chair, and colorful streamers circle around the long horns.In the gap between the long horns is a big green snake coiled, the big snake is carved lifelike, and the snake pupils are shining with a strange red light, as if a real snake is staring at its prey.The most amazing thing is that the appearance of the big snake is more than [-]% similar to the snake representing Slytherin in the Hogwarts school badge.

The four chair legs are thin and slender, and the bottom is pressed with a kind of unpretentious dark gray stone.Anyone who has a certain understanding of British history can tell at a glance that this is the Stone of Destiny in Scottish legend. Only the king appointed by fate can subdue it. It is a sacred object of the medieval royal family.

The wooden grain on the whole chair is faintly showing a dark golden light, with a thrilling oppressive feeling, just like...

King of the world.

Xie Lin smiled, as if he was very satisfied with his Transfiguration work, first he adjusted the robe on his body, and then slowly sat down on this imposing chair with a perfect and impeccable posture.

The moment he sat on it, an invisible wave of magic power suddenly spread around the chair in all directions.The phoenix Fawkes, who was dozing on the gilded wooden shelf, was suddenly awakened and let out a shrill cry.The silver instruments on the small table against the wall not far away made tinkling sounds, and an instrument that looked a bit like a pipe even spewed light green smoke.

Schelling turned a blind eye to the battle he had made. He lightly pressed his left hand on the honey badger, and then he leaned lazily and powerlessly to the right. His right elbow rested on the goshawk, and he supported his chin with his wrist, supporting the weight of his upper body. The snake-shaped ring on the finger of his right hand facing Dumbledore emitted a faint green light. beast.

Of course, Schelling would not choose to stand up to answer Dumbledore's question, and put himself at a disadvantage in the beginning.Since your principal is sitting and talking to me, I will also sit and answer you, and my chair must be cooler than yours!
Dumbledore looked at the snake-shaped sculpture representing Slytherin, and fell into a slight daze.

Smart people never need to talk nonsense between smart people. Apart from showing his own strength, Xie Lin's actions also showed that the entire Slytherin house has stood behind him. Although he is only one person, he can represent the will of a school.As for the meaning of the two armrests, it is clearly speaking, and it is also under his control.

Don't forget that the principal's power is not absolute.

In the world of the original book, because of Dumbledore's powerful reputation and prestige that people can only look up to, and his control over Hogwarts' interior, the school's operation layer—that is, the professors are almost monolithic, and the board of directors is completely emptied, becoming a shadow institution of Hogwarts.The students only knew about the existence of the headmaster and professors, and they never noticed that Hogwarts had the School Board, an organization that could check and balance the power of the headmaster.

The original book is written from the perspective of Harry, a young wizard who has just entered the wizarding world. Throughout the seven books, there are only a few pitiful descriptions of the school board, and a considerable part of them appear as failed clowns, such as the embarrassing story of Lucius being expelled from the school board, and the story of Lucius trying to kill Buckbeak but failing again.

In this world, although Lucius was still expelled from the school board, there was a faculty hiring committee established.And Schelling happened to be one of the committee members.

As Schelling's fame has grown, Dumbledore's authority has been challenged to some extent.It is impossible for those fools on the school board to turn a blind eye to Schelling's potential and remain unwavering.You must know that among many competitors, none of the people who can win the position of school director is simple. Who doesn't know that Dumbledore is over a hundred years old, and who doesn't want to prepare in advance for the situation after Dumbledore stretches his feet and continue his power and status.

At this moment, Schelling properly expressed his right to speak in Slytherin House, and the threat contained in it was self-evident.

Another point, Dumbledore didn't say it in his mind, maybe he didn't want to think about this possibility——

There are honey badgers, goshawks, and green snakes, but what about griffins?The positions of the back of the chair and the armrests have been taken, so the only thing left is...

Dumbledore's eyes flickered behind his two half-moon glasses, and he sighed after a while.

Although he tried his best to overestimate Schelling's potential, he still underestimated Schelling far.He had to start wondering if he was really old.

The last meeting with Xie Lin was not long ago. At that time, Xie Lin, whether it was his eyes, tone or attitude, was not in awe of himself, but at least there was a sense of fear.

The current Xie Lin can be said to have no taboos against him at all, like a beast that has been lurking for a long time, and has dared to open its fangs to him naked.

Dumbledore knew very well that Schelling was never an impulsive student, he dared to behave like this, it must be that he already had enough confidence in his heart!

"Schelling, I don't mean anything else. I'm just worried about the safety of you and the other students." Dumbledore's tone was much more relaxed than before.

Schelling didn't feel any contempt because of Dumbledore's submissiveness——

In his opinion, Dumbledore's ability to manipulate people's hearts with words is not much weaker than Grindelwald.Didn't you see that the Order of the Phoenix, an organization with no money, no food, no benefits, can have a group of people who can be regarded as social elites willing to sacrifice their lives for a lofty ideal?
"Well, on this matter, I think we can have an open and honest talk." Schelling restrained the unscrupulous expression on his face, and said seriously: "I can confirm that the crazy person is Mr. Crouch. As for the person who attacked me, it is very likely to be under the command of the mysterious person, but it may also be the shadow of the dragon."

"Oh," Dumbledore put his hands on the table, crossed his fingers, looked at Schelling with interest, and said, "What's the reason?"

"The person who attacked me used the Killing Curse in one hand, leaving no room at all. Obviously, he didn't intend to keep me alive. This is the style of Death Eaters, rough and direct." Schelling explained: "Then I wounded him with the Whirlwind Curse, and then he exploded with black energy similar to what I saw on Pettigrew and Lockhart.

"As for Mr. Crouch, he's all right. I put him in the suitcase Scamander left with me."

"So, Schelling," Dumbledore said slowly, "may I ask you to release Mr. Crouch? I have something to ask him."

"Yes, yes, but..." Xie Lin purposely didn't finish his sentence.

"Don't worry. I know this is an important favor. I will make it clear to him that you rescued him alone, and I won't take your credit." Dumbledore said firmly.

Xie Lin pretended to ponder.

"Okay," Xie Lin said after a long while. It seemed that he had made a decision after careful deliberation in a short period of time. He shrugged and said, "Who said I still owe you the kindness of "Abatel"?"

Schelling lifted Mr. Crouch, who was still asleep, out of the space of the suitcase and put it on the ground. Then he quickly swung his wand over his head to remove the sleeping spell on him. At the same time, he said softly: "I think Harry should have told you that Mr. Crouch acted crazy when he suddenly appeared. Later, his emotions became more out of control and crazy. I worried that he would do something that would hurt himself and others, so he fell asleep."

Dumbledore nodded understandingly.

After Crouch woke up, he rubbed his sleepy eyes and said doubtfully, "Dumbledore? Malfoy? Where is this? Why am I here?"

Dumbledore's azure blue pupils were shining, he stared closely at Crouch's eyes, and said, "Baddy, don't you remember anything?"

"Remember what?" Crouch was a little confused. "I just remember that I was very busy at work today. There was no progress on the international ban on private duels. I put young Wetherby in charge of this matter... He was very enthusiastic... To be honest, it was a bit too high... I just got home, didn't even eat dinner, and fell asleep on the sofa. Then... I woke up here."

"Now..." Crouch said a little gloomyly: "It's time for you to tell me what happened?"

Dumbledore succinctly described to him the process of Schelling and Harry discovering him in the Forbidden Forest, as well as the process of being attacked and finally rescued by Schelling.

Crouch's eyes widened, obviously unable to believe he'd been through so much in one night.If it weren't for Dumbledore who was talking to him now, he would never believe a word.But obviously, Dumbledore and young Malfoy had no reason, nor any motive, to deceive him with such a thing.

He wanted to go home, but Dumbledore insisted that he rest in the school hospital for one night, let Ms. Pomfrey observe him for one night, and let him go after making sure that there were no sequelae.Crouch couldn't argue, and his condition was indeed very weak, so he could only obey Dumbledore's wishes, so he stayed at Hogwarts for one night.

A few hours later, exactly 12 midnight.

Crouch, who was sleeping with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, sat up from the lying position, and sat on the hospital bed in the school hospital.He was alone in the ward, and Madam Pomfrey's footsteps could be heard outside.

He touched his forehead and face, and found that a lot of cold sweat flowed from his forehead, which made his face drenched.

 The archetype of Jafar:
  Ja'far ibn Yahya is a real person in history. He was the prime minister of the ancient Persian Empire, and he didn't do any evil deeds, but I don't know why he is only regarded as the prototype of the villain in later literature.In the "Aladdin" chapter of the fairy tale "Arabian Nights", he is the evil magician; in the video game "Prince of Persia 1 and 2", he is also the villain.

  Why did the author choose him for the role in this book, as Hai Erbo's Horcrux?

  Because, what's very interesting is that no matter in the setting of "Aladdin" or "Prince of Persia", this guy can speak snake language and transform into a big snake. (Aladdin's magic is obtained from the power given by the magic lamp, while Prince of Persia's magic comes from the snake god he worships)

(End of this chapter)

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