Malfoy Rise at Hogwarts

Chapter 28 Bloodline Research

Chapter 28 Bloodline Research

After class, the Slytherins were still happily discussing what happened in the previous class in the corridor. This time, Slytherin made a big face and earned a full sixty points for the house.

Schelling gradually built up his prestige in the hearts of his fellow Slytherin students.

Among the boys in Slytherin, the two brothers of the Malfoy family and Theodore Nott of the Nott family were the most distinguished. They had experienced the last semester——Sherling was invited to participate in the Transformation Club, the Charms Club, and won the "Transfiguration Today" Most Promising Newcomer Award. These achievements all showed the outstanding strength of Schelling himself.Even the rebellious Theodore Not, at the moment, had to agree with Schelling as the leading figure among the students of Slytherin.

Several Slytherin girls in the same class began to look for opportunities to get close to Schelling, such as Tracy Davis and Audrey Runcorn who often hung out with Pansy. They sometimes used the reason of asking for homework to talk to Schelling, and sometimes waited for Schelling to go to the auditorium for dinner in the lounge. However, Daphne and Meredith would turn into kittens whose territory had been violated at this time, guarding Schelling tightly, preventing them from getting any chance to get close to Schelling. .

Schelling was not a showy person, and what he did earlier in Defense Against the Dark Arts actually had another purpose.

The first week of school is over quickly.

During the first week of school, Schelling attended the Defense Against the Dark Arts class three times in total. Although the subsequent Defense Against the Dark Arts classes no longer had practical content similar to that of the little green fairy, Schelling, who knew Lockhart's works by heart, could often give Slytherin points in the daily questions and answers in the class, and won a lot of favor from Lockhart.

On the weekend of the first week of school, Draco passed the selection of the Quidditch team without any accidents and became a Seeker. Harry Potter also followed the original track in the original book and became a Gryffindor Seeker in the second grade.

Schelling didn't care much about it. Draco was different from the lazy boy in the original book, because he was inferior to Schelling in terms of academic performance, and Draco felt that he was only good at flying. So Schelling witnessed Draco's hard training day and night during the whole summer vacation. His strength is probably not much worse than the talented Harry. If you include the difference in broomsticks, it is not impossible for Draco to crush Harry.

(Note: Oliver Wood once suggested to buy Harry a Nimbus 2000 or Sweeping Seven Stars, which means that the craftsmanship of the two brooms is similar, but Nimbus 2000 is known as the fastest broom at that time, so it should be faster than Sweeping; the Nimbus 2001 used by Draco is faster and more optimized than Nimbus 2000, and it can be determined that the craftsmanship level is at least one grade higher than Harry’s Sweeping Seven Stars)
It's worth mentioning that on the day of the trials, my worry-free older brother clashed with Harry's trio again.

Hermione sharply satirizes Draco's ability to join the Quidditch team by paying for it, and Draco, who is so angry, insults Hermione by saying "Mudblood" to Hermione in public, which leads to a big scuffle between the two houses of Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Ron recklessly cast the "Slug Vomiting Curse" on Draco, and his battered wand misfired and shot the spell at himself, leaving him spitting slugs out of his mouth all day long.

Schelling, who heard about this, could only shake his head and express his speechlessness at his brother's act of death. In his opinion, his brother's imitation of his father's behavior of always talking about "Mudblood" was very stupid. Hogwarts is now ruled by Dumbledore, who is biased towards Muggles. Doing these things that he hates under his nose is not what death is.

During the second week of school, Schelling asked Dobby to buy him a bottle of Ogden Old Fire whiskey and take it to Lockhart's office himself.As soon as Schelling knocked on the door, the door opened immediately, and Lockhart stood at the door to greet Schelling with his trademark smile. "Ah, it's Mr. Malfoy, my best student, welcome, this way please."

In Lockhart's office, countless framed photographs of Lockhart hang on the wall, brightly lit by many candles.There is also a large stack of photos on the table, all of which show portraits with white teeth and deliberate smiles.

Schelling first gave Lockhart Ogden's Old Flame Whiskey, saying that he was a fan of Lockhart's books and admired Lockhart's adventures very much, which made Lockhart suddenly full of vanity.

After some pleasantries between teachers and students, Xie Lin saw that the atmosphere was getting better, so he proposed the purpose of today's visit: "It's like this, professor. I have finished reading your books and encountered some problems. For example, I don't quite understand the slow-onset ghoul venom mentioned in "Traveling with Ghouls"; and the method of resisting hagsha's mind control in "Vacation with Hags"; and the spell that finally restores werewolves to human form in "Wandering with Werewolves..."

Lockhart froze there, a little speechless.A few of Schelling's questions seemed to be a bit out of line for him.

"Of course, I didn't come to ask you for advice!" When his eyes were rolling, Xie Lin said hurriedly: "I think you can easily answer these simple questions, but you didn't write them in the book, so you must want us to explore these questions by ourselves..."

"Really!" Lockhart blinked: "No, I mean you are right, Mr. Malfoy. I really want you to explore the answers to these questions by yourself. You are indeed my best student!"

"So I want to find some books from the library, hoping to clear up my doubts. But the problem is, these books are in the restricted area of ​​the library, so I need a restricted area permit signed by a professor."

Lockhart nodded: "Of course, I can't prevent a seeker from exploring the truth." He signed a big, swashbuckling name on a note in a flying style, and the flowing letters on the note read: Sherin Malfoy is allowed to enter the restricted section of the library.Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Thank you, Professor!" Schelling quickly took the note.

"You're welcome, Schelling..." Lockhart waved his hand grandly: "Study hard, you are very likely to achieve something close to mine in the future!"

[Restricted area permit obtained! 】

That's right, the purpose behind everything Schelling did was to enter the restricted section of the library!

Schelling has the books of the Malfoy family and the Black family, the family spells of the four major families, Professor McGonagall's transfiguration experience, and Nicole Flamel's alchemy experience. He does not lack any powerful magic at all. He is very clear about the problem he is facing now, that is, his magic power is not enough for him to learn high-level magic that consumes a lot of power. The lack of magic power is the biggest bottleneck for him to learn magic.

There are very limited ways to increase magic power. In addition to relying on the natural increase of the wizard's age, the other three known methods are:
First, collect legendary magical artifacts such as the Elder Wand, but the number of legendary magical artifacts is very rare, and it is very difficult to obtain. Many wizards have never seen one in their entire lives;
Second, use black magic to transform his body like Voldemort. It is said that Tom Riddle in his student days was very handsome, and he was not at all the same as the ugly and terrifying Voldemort later. This method is easy to obtain powerful power, but Schelling does not want to become a monster without a nose like Voldemort;

The third is to use various potions and alchemy items to stimulate the wizard's magical potential, which is generally hidden in the wizard's blood power.

Although Schelling had browsed the collections of several families, he did not find any records about the power of the blood, so he turned his idea to the restricted section of the Hogwarts library, where he hoped to find useful materials for his research on the power of the blood.

Schelling often spent the rest of the time in the restricted section of the library.There was a cool atmosphere in the restricted area. When Xie Lin walked in lightly, he felt the coolness seeping through his pores.

Schelling looked at the books on the bookshelf, "Toxic Magic", "Sonnets of the Wizard", "Book of Spells", "Powerful Potion", "Mysteries of the Soul", "Demon Code", etc. The titles of the books made people shudder at first glance, and the cover was even more terrifying and gloomy.For example, the book "Sonnets of the Wizard", on the cover is a skinny wizard bleeding from all seven orifices, reciting something with his head up.

Schelling opened a copy of "The Mystery of the Soul" curiously, the texture was soft and smooth, but there was a roar when he opened it.A skull made of thin mist rushed towards Xie Lin ferociously, but he avoided it vigilantly, and floated into the air and turned into nothingness.

Xie Lin didn't open this book again. He is not interested in soul magic that is too advanced. The first thing to do is to look for books about blood magic.Schelling hurriedly scanned the names on the spine of the book row by row. After experiencing the Voldemort incident, Dumbledore would not allow books like "Secrets of the Advanced Dark Arts" to exist in the restricted area.

After three weeks of hard work, Xie Lin managed to collect all the information he needed.

Even with the abundance of books in the library, there is still not much information on bloodline magic.Among the many materials, the most helpful is the research notes of the legendary wizard Merlin on bloodline transformation. Merlin wanted to increase the magic value of the human body by implanting the bloodline of magical creatures in the human body. Unfortunately, this research finally touched the taboo field and had to give up.

Although he was a little disappointed that he couldn't find a specific way to help him stimulate the power of his bloodline, Xie Lin was not discouraged. Magic research was a step-by-step thing that couldn't be done overnight.

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(End of this chapter)

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