Malfoy Rise at Hogwarts

Chapter 302 Scribbling

Chapter 302 Scribbling
Harry's life has not been going well since school started.He's wasted his entire Christmas break on fun, and he's still clueless about the clue to the second event, the golden egg.

On the first day of school, Hagrid missed Harry's Care of Fantastic Beasts class, and was replaced by the temporary substitute teacher, Professor Graplan, an elderly witch with short gray hair and a very prominent chin.Only then did Harry know that Hagrid was a half-blood giant. He was discovered by Rita Skeeter, a reporter from the Daily Prophet, and wrote it in the report:
"Rubus Hagrid admits that he was expelled from Hogwarts in his third year and has been working as the school's gamekeeper ever since, a job Dumbledore found for him. Last year, Hagrid went so far as to use his mystical influence on the headmaster, winning out a number of more qualified candidates for the post of Care of Magical Creatures teacher. Hagrid was a large, vicious-looking man who abused his new-found powers to scare the pupils in his care with a series of terrifying animals. .Dumbledore turned a blind eye to the fact that Hagrid had injured and maimed several students in a series of lessons that many described as 'very horrific'."

"As if that wasn't enough, the Daily Prophet has recently found evidence that Hagrid is not a pure-blood wizard as he always pretends to be. In fact, he is not even a pure-blood. We can exclusively reveal that his mother is none other than the giant Friedwafa, whose whereabouts are unknown. The giants are brutal and bloodthirsty, and were brought to the brink of extinction by cannibalism in the last century. Murder. Many giants who served You-Know-Who died at the hands of Aurors fighting the dark forces, but Friedwafa was not one of them. She probably fled to a giant village that still exists in foreign mountains. However, if we analyze the eccentric behavior in the Care of Fantastic Beasts class, Friedwafa's son seems to have inherited his mother's cruel nature. Unexpectedly, Hagrid is said to have formed a close friendship with a boy who caused You-Know-Who to lose power and thus Hagrid's own life. The mother remained incognito and went into hiding. Perhaps Harry Potter was not yet aware of these unpleasant things about his bulky friend, but it was undoubtedly Albus Dumbledore's responsibility to ensure that Harry Potter and his classmates were conscious of the dangers of association with half-blood giants."

The Harry trio tried to find and contact Hagrid, but Hagrid seemed to be avoiding them. The Harry trio knocked on the door outside Hagrid's cabin for a long time, but did not get any response.They didn't see a shadow of Hagrid for a whole week.Hagrid hadn't been seen at the staff table at mealtimes, nor had they seen him performing his gamekeeper duties on Hagrid's grounds.Professor Graplan continues to act as a substitute teacher for Care of Fantastic Beasts.

In mid-January, the students all went to Hogsmeade village to play.Xie Lin once again led the members of Sleeping Dragon Club to the three broomsticks to meet up to enhance mutual communication and friendship.There are already 30 members in the Sleeping Dragon Club, 12 of whom are young Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaw wizards who have just joined the club. They were surprised to find that members of the Sleeping Dragon Club can sneak out to play, and all consumption is paid by the generous seniors. They were pleasantly surprised by the benefits of the organization and also had a greater sense of belonging.

During the party, Schelling saw the Harry trio sullenly arrive at the Three Broomsticks, sitting at a table and chatting.At the same time, in a dark corner, Ludo Bagman was sitting with a group of goblins. Bagman lowered his voice nervously, and quickly said something to the goblins. The goblins all crossed their arms, looking menacing.Just then Bagman glanced at the bar, saw Harry, and stood up.Bagman hurried towards Harry and led Harry to the end of the bar away from Ms. Rosmerta. The two chatted in low voices for a long time, and finally bid farewell to Bagman with a somewhat disappointed and annoyed expression.

(End of this chapter)

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