Malfoy Rise at Hogwarts

Chapter 329 Checking Trump Cards

Chapter 329 Checking Trump Cards

Time returns to the morning of June 6th, the day after the Goblet of Fire ended.

Throughout the corridors and corners of Hogwarts, students can be seen in groups of three or five, still discussing the Goblet of Fire with great interest.

At breakfast time, in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, Dumbledore said a few words to the teachers and students of the school. He just asked everyone not to disturb Harry, and that no one was allowed to ask him questions or pester him to tell him what happened in the maze that day.

However, many sharp-eyed students have noticed that two people are missing from the teaching bench - one is Alastor Moody, the Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and the other is Ludo Bar, one of the referees of the Triwizard Tournament. Germann.

As a result, various versions of speculation slowly emerged and spread among students.

Of course, Harry himself, Hermione and Sherrin were not present.

Although Harry had woken up from his coma, he mostly hid in the dormitory. Although Ron did not mention to him what happened after he was in coma, it was not difficult for Harry to guess that many students—— It should be said that most of the students at Hogwarts should feel gloating about their misfortune, because they all think that they are trying to steal the glory that belongs to Schelling.


This was obviously not his original intention.

Harry obviously went on stage to receive the award in accordance with the judges' instructions. Besides, he didn't know that Sherrin had ever touched the Goblet of Fire!
"Shailene Malfoy!" Harry thought bitterly in his heart, "It's all you, it's all you who caused me to be like this. You lie-mouthed liar, sooner or later I will definitely reveal your true colors!"

As for Hermione, she woke up on the spot after drinking the potion that Madam Pomfrey prepared for her.

According to her, she had no memory of anything that happened that night. She only vaguely remembered that she was checking information in the library, and then half an hour before the Triwizard Tournament started, she was about to leave the library and go to the playground. Watching the game, and then...then she had no memory.

This experience of "memory fragmentation" made her very distressed - but no matter how hard she tried, she could not recall her lost memories.

According to Madam Pomfrey, her memory was erased by some unheard-of advanced amnesia spell.

Although Hermione insisted that she was fine, Madam Pomfrey insisted that she stay in the hospital for one more day of observation.

As for why Xie Lin did not attend, as mentioned earlier, Xie Lin simply lay down on his comfortable big bed, and even breakfast was brought to his room by the house elf.

As various versions of the rumors began to spread, the atmosphere in Hogwarts also began to change.

Although the news of Voldemort's return had not been announced, after that day, the castle became inexplicably tense.

All the students have the illusion that they have returned to the days when the basilisk wreaked havoc in the castle two years ago.

Panic and distrust spread in the campus, and all kinds of rumors spread at an extremely fast speed. There have been hundreds of versions of what happened after Sherrin and Harry disappeared inside the maze, and each one of them sounds like it is true. of.

Harry noticed that most people walked around him in the corridors, avoiding his eyes.

Some put their hands over their mouths and whispered to each other as he passed. He suspected that many of them believed Rita Skeeter's article and believed that he was mentally disturbed and possibly a dangerous person.

Everyone's distrust aroused his already extremely bad mood due to the embarrassment of Voldemort's return from resurrection and his being knocked unconscious by the Goblet of Fire - it is said that he finally couldn't suppress his emotions and exploded in Gryffindor Tower. , and had a serious quarrel with roommates Seamus and Dean.

The incident later alerted several prefects to come out to break up the conflict before the conflict was successfully quelled, but this incident planted the seeds of discord within Gryffindor. Now Harry always has an expression on his face that he should not be approached by strangers. Only Ron and Hermione can get close to him and keep him company - usually Ron and Hermione play chess and chat, while Harry sits quietly by himself.

Of course, this is none of Schelling's business.

Yes, because of the appearance of Schelling, Harry's character in this world is very different from that in the original work.

The original Harry would have gained character maturity because of Cedric's death, so these rumors against him could not hurt his emotions. At the same time, they also allowed him to learn to silently shoulder the burden of fighting against Voldemort, which was his step towards becoming a hero. The hero's character in the original work is an extremely important turning point.

The current Harry, whether in terms of courage, resilience, or mentality, can be said to be very different from him in the original work.

But this is not Schelling's problem - after all, although Schelling intends to compete for the honor of Triwizard Championship, it was not Schelling's original intention for the Goblet of Fire to embarrass Harry. If Harry hadn't insisted on touching the Goblet of Fire, he wouldn't have suffered the backlash from the magic on the Goblet of Fire.

Schelling still had a lot to do, and time was already very tight. He had no time to care about the impact of his plan on the Harry trio.

There were still seven days until the end of the semester, and he didn't intend to just idle around in Hogwarts and waste his time.

The first thing he has to do is check the cards in his hand.

The experience of fighting against the three quasi-great magisters this time has indeed benefited him a lot, but it has also exposed him to many trump cards - the "Moon and Star Shift" that can transfer magic spells, and the "Overweight" that can be used in a wide range. Domain", the "Perfect Li Yan" that evolved into black, the sealed "Wand of Night", as well as various treasures he has collected over the years, etc.

Although he successfully took advantage of the opponent's misjudgment this time and gained the upper hand in the battle, it will not be so easy next time if the opponent is on guard.

Not to mention, the human puppets damaged by her are not easy to make alchemical products. Even if the Hohenheim family, an alchemy family, wants to remake a batch, it will probably take a year and a half. Thinking that Eleanor knows that she will make human puppets. The reaction after the damage made Xie Lin feel a little headache.

And there is...

Demon partner...

As a carrier of magic, Demon Hunter obtains a real entity through the concretization of Schelling's magic ritual. After suffering damage that exceeds the limit of his own body, although he will not be wiped out, it can almost be regarded as being beaten back to a spirit body composed of pure magic power. change--

It is probably not something that can be accomplished in a short time if we need to regenerate the strength to achieve resurrection.

It can be said that with the loss of two trump cards and the exposure of hidden strength, Schelling's overall combat strength has also been greatly affected.

Thinking of this, Xie Lin sighed, finally put away his lazy mood, got up and left the dormitory.

Xie Lin came to the secret passage behind the large mirror on the fifth floor and entered the secret base of Mianlong Society.

There was a noise from the front end of the long secret passage.

Xie Lin thought for a moment and roughly guessed what it was about. He quickened his pace and reached the end of the secret passage.

(End of this chapter)

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