Malfoy Rise at Hogwarts

Chapter 345: The Soul of the Corpse

Yaxley's pale face covered with wounds and blood showed a trace of despair. He still refused to give up. He said in a deep voice with a very struggling expression: "So what do you want? Do you really want to kill us all?"

A terrifying green light flashed in Sherin's pupils. He said coldly: "I want you and Selwyn to swear the most severe magical oath. From now on, the families represented by the two of you will serve my Malfoy family as the master and become my Malfoy family's vassal. If you violate it, you will be punished by the blood curse for generations -"

"A vassal family?" Yaxley was horrified. He had thought that Shaylin would ask for more benefits, but becoming a vassal of the Malfoy family undoubtedly crossed his bottom line in negotiations. Selwyn showed his anger without disguising it. He snorted and said sternly: "My life is in your hands now. You can kill me if you want. Don't even think about making my Selwyn family submit to you from now on!"

Yaxley was calmer. He said bitterly, "Master Malfoy, you are going too far. You should know that the power of our two families is not much worse than that of your Malfoy family. There are many hidden backgrounds behind our families that you don't know. Do you want us to become a vassal family just to humiliate us?"

The so-called vassal family has a form and rules similar to those of a vassal state in the Muggle world - usually the weak party chooses to rely on the strong, and a contract will be signed between the two. The vassal family will swear allegiance and submission to the suzerain family in exchange for the suzerain family's protection.

This is not uncommon in the wizarding world. For example, the Goyles and Crabbe families are vassals of the Malfoy family; the Borgins are vassals of the Burke family; the Bletchleys and the Vankandas are vassals of the Selwyn family. However, later on, the Vankanda family understood the changes in the times and turned to the Malfoy family.

Schelling's proposal was nothing short of a humiliation to Selwyn and Yaxley - from any perspective, neither the Selwyn family nor the Yaxley family had fallen to the point where they needed to become vassal families.

"Humiliation?" Xie Ling sneered. "Less than a day ago, I just fought a great battle with Voldemort, Dragon's Shadow, and the Pirate King, and almost completely annihilated Dragon's Shadow. And all of you Death Eaters became my captives - do you think I would waste my precious time just to humiliate you?"

"Mad! Psycho!" Selwyn could no longer suppress the rage in his heart. He cursed in an ugly hoarse voice, "You want us to surrender? Impossible! You're dreaming!"

"My opinion is the same as Selwyn's," Yaxley shook his head slowly. He closed his eyes, sighed first, and then said in a low voice with a resigned expression: "I'm sorry, Master Malfoy, we can't follow your suggestion. You can kill us - but you have to think clearly. The consequence is that you will declare war on the Selwyn family and the Yaxley family at the same time, and there will be no end to the war from then on. Even if you win in the end, you will lose the opportunity to obtain the wealth, status and power of our two families..."

No matter how powerful Xie Ling's magical ability was, Yaxley still found it hard to believe that a 15-year-old boy would have such courage and determination - to give up the benefits that were in his hands, and instead force them into a desperate situation, forcing them to make a decision that would destroy themselves together.

"Death? Hahahaha..." Xie Ling laughed wildly again. After laughing for a full minute, his face turned serious and he said softly, "Do you think that death is a privilege you can get if you want it from me?"

He waved his hand gently, and Sharfu immediately understood. She opened a secret compartment in a corner of the cell and moved a corpse to the center of the cell with a levitation spell.

The corpse was none other than Avery, one of the Death Eaters who appeared in Little Hangleton Cemetery that day.

Poor Avery was the first character to die that night - Voldemort had just resurrected, but he responded to the call of the Dark Mark and appeared, wanting to return to Voldemort's service and make achievements, so as to seize the opportunity to lead the family to glory again. Unfortunately, he was first tortured by Voldemort with the Cruciatus Curse as a warning to others, and soon after Schelling appeared, he was hit by a Killing Curse that was transferred from Schelling, and died at the hands of the master he wanted to join, and died before his ambitions were fulfilled.

Under the bleak gazes of the Death Eaters, Sherin drew out his wand, pointed it at his corpse, and chanted a long spell in a low, sinister voice.

After reciting a long paragraph full of awkward syllables, Xie Ling shouted loudly: "Dance of Corpses!"

Avery's body moved!

"Avery" stood up slowly, looking around with empty eyes. When he saw Schelling, he walked slowly towards Schelling, then knelt on his knees and bowed to Schelling in a standard servant's posture.

It was naturally impossible for Avery to come back to life. Apart from Voldemort, who created the Horcruxes, there was no magic of resurrection in the wizarding world - even if such a secret method really existed before the Middle Ages, it had long been lost in the long river of time.

And the look and behavior that Avery displayed at this moment were no strangers to the two pure-blood family heads who were knowledgeable and proficient in the dark arts.

“You, you turned him into an Inferi?” Yaxley said in a trembling voice.

It was not difficult to understand Yaxley's fear at this moment. The death of a wizard was not the end of everything, because they could become ghosts or go to the world of the dead after death.

No matter who you are, if you know that after death you will be turned into a corpse and controlled by others, the dead will not be able to rest in peace, and your body will be desecrated, you will not feel good.

Following Schelling's command, Avery flexibly performed a strange dance and made various funny and comical movements. His agility did not show that he was a mindless corpse being manipulated by others.

"You, you are so cruel!" Selwyn's eyes were red with anger, but he did not dare to insult Xielin anymore. Xielin's methods were far more evil and cruel than he expected. He himself was also a dark wizard who had killed countless people, but he had never thought of playing with the corpse of his enemy after killing him. At this moment, he felt unprecedented fear for the first time in his life. He was facing a fate more terrible than death.

Schelling is very satisfied with the effect of his current performance.

"Well done, Sharfu," a cruel smile appeared on Xielin's face, and he praised with a smile: "The body is well preserved, and the soul is also intact and well preserved." Sharfu, who had left the cell at some point, walked back into the cell with graceful lotus steps. She was holding a thick black iron chain in her hand. The other end of the chain was connected to an iron ring collar, which was put on a creature similar to a wild boar.

"Thank you for the compliment, Master." Sharfu bowed gently and said softly, "This is what I should do."

Refining the Yin Corpse is a kind of black magic recorded in "Secrets of Advanced Black Magic". The black magic in this book is at the most extreme and evil level.

Although Schelling put his own collection of books and those of the Greengrass and Bones families into the shared library of the Sleeping Dragon Society for the core members of the organization to study and refer to, this obviously did not include the secret magic of the major families, nor the forbidden books of dark magic in Schelling's hands.

These are the trump cards in Xielin's hand, the trump cards in the bottom of the box, and they must not be easily exposed. Moreover, the black magic books will affect the readers' minds and lure them into depravity, and they are not suitable for teenagers who are still in school. Therefore, Xielin and Salfu are the only two people who have actually read these forbidden magic books.

So, although Astoria was in charge of the Dragon Tail Team responsible for logistics, the dark green potion needed to refine the Inferi was refined by Sharf alone in the secret laboratory in the suitcase space - after spending countless money and resources on Schelling, she successfully created a potion pool of about ten square feet in the laboratory, which was named "Magic Refining Pool" by Schelling.

(Note: The setting that the Inferi need to be soaked in dark green potion is taken from the scene in Fantastic Beasts 3 where Grindelwald refines the Kirin Inferi)
After Sally captured a group of Death Eaters, she also brought back Avery's body lying there and soaked it in the magic pool.

Only by doing this can the various functions of the corpse be strengthened by necromancy magic and eventually transformed into an Inferi. However, this is not the end of this magic. The Inferi still needs a caster to cast an Animation Spell for it, giving it a certain degree of action, thinking and reaction ability, so as to integrate a complete combat instinct - it can be said that at least 80% of the combat ability of an Inferi is determined by the Transfiguration level of the caster who casts the Animation Spell.

The highest known Transfiguration achievement in the world is Animagus, followed by Human Transfiguration - Schelling not only mastered both, but also created the "Animagus" which combines the advantages of both. It can be said that Schelling's Transfiguration is already the best in the world - just a few months ago, when he completed the second task of the Triwizard Tournament in the form of Animagus, the International Animagus Symposium sent a letter to invite him to participate in the next symposium as a senior VIP. The tone of the letter even put Schelling's status on a par with Transfiguration masters such as McGonagall and Zhang He, which shows Schelling's status in the field of Transfiguration in the international academic community. These side issues will not be mentioned here for the time being.

Let's turn the scene back to the cell.

Seeing that the game was almost over and the effect of scaring Selwyn and Yaxley had been achieved, Sherin decided to lift the spell.

"Funeral of the corpses!" As the spell was uttered by Xielin, the magic controlling the corpses was lifted by Xielin. A strange green light appeared on Avery's body, and his whole body slowly stiffened and finally fell to the ground.

At this point, all the Death Eaters gave up the idea of ​​seeking death. They finally understood that although Schelling was young, his methods were as harsh and his mind was as vicious as their master Voldemort, and even worse.

It’s a pity that they still underestimated Xie Ling.

"It's not over yet," Xie Ling said again. His eyes flashed with an inexplicable light. He grinned and said softly, "The fun is just about to begin... You guys - watch carefully!"

The magic wand in Xie Lin's hand trembled rapidly, and at the same time he shouted loudly: "Seal the soul!"

A sound like the cry of a dragon or a horse was heard faintly in the void, and a golden light burst out from the end of Schelling's magic wand with amazing force, turning into star-like golden lights, all covering "Avery".

A silver-white spirit was violently pulled out from Avery's body, and the spirit's face was exactly like Avery's.

At this moment, Avery, who was in spirit state, had a look of pain on his face. He kept struggling left and right and making extremely shrill screams. It was obvious that this black magic of extracting the souls of the dead could cause harm to the spirit.

Everyone present fell into extreme silence.

The Death Eaters' nerves have become numb.

Everything before their eyes was beyond their imagination.

Desecrating the bodies of the dead is evil enough, but now they are not even sparing the souls of the dead?

"You've seen it too—" Xie Ling said coldly, "Avery, who died less than 24 hours ago, had his soul and body sealed by me using special means, and then his body was turned into a Yin corpse. As for his soul..."

"Soul returns to the body!" As Schelling's spell sounded, Avery's soul was forcibly pressed into the body of the boar-like creature. (End of this chapter)

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