Malfoy Rise at Hogwarts

Chapter 54 Opening Ceremony

Chapter 54 Opening Ceremony

The opening dinner was going on like last year.

After the sorting hat sang an ugly song, the sorting ceremony began. The first-year freshmen had to wear the sorting hat to decide which college they should study in. The hat would call out the college they were most suitable for.

Among this year's first-year class is an acquaintance of Schelling's, Daphne's own sister, Astoria Greengrass.

Daphne came to Schelling's car because she had to get her sister settled on the train beforehand, and wasted a lot of time there, so Luna let Luna get into Schelling's car before she and Meredith showed up.

Astoria's appearance is somewhat similar to Daphne's. She also has beautiful blond hair, but her face is faintly pale. She heard from Daphne that the blood curse on her sister has been activated, so she has been weak and sick since she was a child. Schelling still remembers that in the original book, she married Draco and gave birth to a child, but she did not survive the backlash of the blood curse and died young.

Not surprisingly, Astoria was sorted into Slytherin by the Sorting Hat, and belonged to the same house as her sister.

It is said that there are many good seedlings among the freshmen of Slytherin this year. Sherlin's magic eye has seen magic power fluctuations surpassing those of their peers in several freshmen. This is usually a proof of outstanding magical talent, and it also shows that they have been trained in magic by their families before entering school - Hestia Caro, Flora Caro... Sheeren silently remembered these names in his heart.

Then Professor Dumbledore stood up to speak, and the auditorium immediately fell silent.

"Welcome!" said Dumbledore, his beard glistening in the candlelight. "Welcome back to Hogwarts! I have a few things to tell you all, and one of them is very important, so I thought it best to get it clear before you enjoy your delicious meal and get confused..."

Dumbledore cleared his throat, and continued: "Our school has welcomed several dementors from Azkaban. They are sent by the Ministry of Magic to perform official duties. I think you all know this, because they searched the Hogwarts Express train."

"They are stationed at every entrance to the school," Dumbledore continued, "and I must make it clear that no one is allowed to leave the school while they are there. No tricks, tricks, or disguises will fool a dementor—not even an invisibility cloak." He added flatly, "It is in the nature of dementors not to understand excuses and begging for mercy. I therefore remind everyone here that they will not have reason to hurt you. There was a conflict."

This year's Boys' President is Percy Weasley.At this moment, he puffed out his chest and looked around with vigor.

The head of the Girls' Union is Penelope Clearwater, who is said to have become Percy's girlfriend.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two are talented and beautiful, and they match very well, but Schelling, who is familiar with the plot, is not optimistic about their relationship at all. Percy is an ambitious person, and Penello, a Muggle-born wizard, can only be the object of love for him. Only a woman who can assist his career will be the object of his marriage.

Slytherin's Gemma Farley lost the election, and during the summer vacation, Schelling knew from Gemma's letter that Gemma expressed her loss between the lines in the letter.

To be honest, Gemma is indeed very good, and she is also a very conscientious and enthusiastic prefect, but if you want to compare with Penello, Penello is undoubtedly better in academic performance, so it is well deserved that the chairwoman of the female student union falls on her.

Schelling had already comforted Gemma with words when replying to the letter. Of course, Gemma took the opportunity to propose an invitation to go out but was rejected by Schelling.It's not that Xie Lin dislikes that Gemma is older than him, but that Xie Lin feels that he already has a lot of girls around him, so he doesn't want to complicate the relationship.

"It is very pleasing," Dumbledore raised his voice suddenly, and everyone was refreshed. "This year, I am delighted to welcome three new teachers to our team."

"The first one is Professor Remus Lupine, who graciously agreed to fill in the vacancy of the Defense Against the Dark Arts course." Few people applauded, and several teachers stopped embarrassingly after clapping their hands a few times.

After the changes in the past two years, the students really dare not have too much confidence in Dumbledore's ability to find the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.And Professor Lupine is seriously ill and collapses at the first sight of the wind. With his patched robes, he looks like Professor Quirrell in the first grade.

"Look at Professor Snape!" Daphne called softly.

Schelling looked at the professor's seat, and found that Professor Snape was staring at Lupine fiercely with murderous eyes.

Apparently, he never thought much better of Lupine because of old vendettas from his teenage years.He was probably afraid that Lupine would lure Black into the school to deal with Harry, but he did it so blatantly that everyone would think he was upset about failing to reapply for the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching job.

Lupine's self-cultivation is not bad, facing the unanimous and terrifying silence on and off the stage, he didn't make any expression, he still looked at the audience with a smile on his face, showing no emotional fluctuations.Fortunately, Dumbledore helped him out in time and avoided this embarrassment.

"As for the second teacher," Dumbledore sighed regretfully, "our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, Professor Kettleburn, retired at the end of last term in order to have more time to enjoy his old arms and legs. However, I am pleased to announce that he will be filled by none other than Rubeus Hagrid, who has agreed to accept the teaching position in addition to his duties as a gamekeeper."

Everyone applauded again, this time, the applause at the Gryffindor table was particularly enthusiastic.

"As for the third teacher," Dumbledore glanced nonchalantly across the long Slytherin table, and Schelling couldn't help but hold his breath, feeling nervous for a while. Could it be that things changed because of Lucius' expulsion from the board of directors last year?
"Hogwarts, after some discussion and the hard work of the school board, decided to re-open the elective course of alchemy for this year's third-year students. We are very pleased to invite the famous alchemy master Professor Ibinos Burke. He will be the teacher of this new course."

Dumbledore pointed to a white-haired man in his seventies who was sitting on the teacher's bench, wearing a luxurious black velvet robe.He stood up and saluted the four tables below.

This time the applause was obviously much warmer, and among them, the applause on the long table of Slytherin was the most enthusiastic.

Although Professor Bork's strength, achievements and popularity are not comparable to Nicole Flamel, he is also a well-known figure in the alchemy world, and is even more precious in the British wizarding world where alchemists are scarce.At the International Alchemy Conference more than 30 years ago, he published a research paper on the disappearing cabinet, which can be said to be an expert in the field of disappearing cabinets and space magic items.

If Schelling guessed correctly, he was still in charge of repairing the disappearing cabinet in Bojinbock's shop, but it was never activated because another disappearing cabinet connected to it was left in Hogwarts without anyone knowing.

After the dinner was over, and back to the common room, Xie Lin was held back by Pansy, who hadn't seen him for a summer vacation. Pansy had grown a lot taller, and she was already a slim girl.Behind her were Tracy, Audrey, and a few other girls, all of whom kept scanning Xie Lin with eager eyes, causing Xie Lin to suddenly have the illusion that he had turned into monk flesh.

Pansy showed a playful smile, and teased him, "Schelling, I heard that you are very good on the train, and you were able to beat the dementors away. What kind of spell did you use at that time?"

The little snakes who were going back to their rooms from the lounge could not help but slow down and prick up their ears to eavesdrop. Although the proud little snakes refused to put down their face to ask Xie Lin for advice, they would not let go of anyone who could find out. Information on methods of defending against dementors.

"Actually, it's not a magic that needs to be kept secret. I use the Patronus Charm, which is a very unpopular and profound spell that can be used to ward off dementors." Xie Lin said quickly, "It's also the first time I use it. It can only emit a little strong light, and it can't form a complete physical Patronus. If you want to learn, I can teach you."

Several girls hurriedly nodded and said yes, and a blond girl standing behind Daphne was full of admiration for Schelling on her immature face.This little blonde girl is Daphne's sister Astoria.

Introduced by Daphne, Astoria is like a little fan meeting her favorite idol, with excited face and bright eyes, she made acquaintance with Schelling.

It can be seen that Daphne loves her sister very much, and she entrusts Xie Lin without hesitation, hoping that Xie Lin can give her little sister some care.Schelling originally wanted to make friends with the Greengrass family through the two sisters and establish his own initial network, so he naturally agreed without hesitation.

The new semester has begun, and everyone has once again devoted themselves to intense study.

Grade 3 has at least two more subjects than Grade 2, so the study time has become more compact than ever.

On the first morning of school, Schelling started with a Transfiguration lesson with Hufflepuff.

Professor McGonagall demonstrated the Animagus and explained the principles behind it.

Animagus is hailed as the highest achievement in transfiguration, allowing wizards to transform into animals and gain the characteristic abilities of the animals while still retaining human consciousness, and can change back to human form at any time without a wand.But after becoming an animal, you can't use magic, so most of the time it can only be used for three purposes: lurking, spying on intelligence, and escaping.

These three uses are still based on the premise that there is no Animagus registration with the Ministry of Magic.

If people know the state of transformation in advance, then the practicability of these three uses will be greatly reduced, and at the same time, there will be a risk of being sent to Azkaban.Don't look at Sirius who keeps saying that he is innocent, and being treated as a Death Eater is an unjust case - if he is reported as an illegal Animagus, he will have to go back to Azkaban and squat.

Schelling felt that this magic was quite useless—because of the complexity of Animagus, wizards could only transform into the form of ordinary animals. That was because the soul composition of magical creatures was more complex than that of ordinary animals. Once transformed into magical creatures, it would cause unknown and terrible disasters.

As for the small animals that turned into cats, dogs, and mice, Schelling really couldn't see any practical use.Wild cats and wild dogs are not common on the streets of the UK, and there is a risk of being forcibly captured by the Muggle government if they become wild dogs.

Not to mention that the type of animal that Animagus turns into is somewhat random. Although the shape of change is usually a portrayal of the mind, there is no guarantee of what it will turn into in the end.If he turned into a stag like James Potter, he would lose the only meaning of camouflage. Apart from being with his werewolf best friend, Schelling couldn't think of any practical use.

You say Sirius tricked the dementors with this?Good Occlumency can do the same.

You said Sirius used this to step over the iron bars of the prison?Brilliant transfiguration and shrinking techniques can also be done. (The premise is to know how to cast spells without a stick)
You said Sirius sneaked into the heavily guarded Hogwarts because of this?Clever disguise magic (referring to Transfiguration or Polyjuice Potion) works better.

What's more, there is a high probability that the transformed form of Animagus will be the same as the caster's Patronus form. Schelling was able to cast a complete physical Patronus at home during the summer vacation, which is one of the reasons why he decided to give up Animagus.

Then came the Charms class with Ravenclaw. Professor Flitwick explained the principle of how to use spells to affect emotions, and demonstrated five spiritual spells of happiness, sadness, fury, anxiety and fear, and asked students to write a paper on spells and emotions as homework.

Harry's trio also had their first divination lessons.During lunch, Professor Trelawney said that she saw Harry with a "Grim" divination result, which spread throughout Hogwarts. When viewed together with Sirius' prison escape, many people began to avoid Harry.

Ron didn't say anything, but he was very shy of ominous things in his heart. While worried about Harry's safety, he also secretly reminded himself to be careful this semester.Hermione felt that Professor Trelawney was playing tricks, and she had a fight with Ron because of it.

 Grim literally means "unlucky", but in fact, Grim represents the god of death in the divination world, that is to say, people who see Grim will have "death".

(End of this chapter)

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