Malfoy Rise at Hogwarts

Chapter 66 Christmas Presents

Chapter 66 Christmas Presents
In the prefects' lounge of Slytherin House.

On a tall armchair that looked very classical, carved with two giant snakes intertwined with each other, sat a tall female prefect with straight light brown hair.

On her face as delicate as a sculpture, she was so indifferent that the air in the secret room seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.If Daphne was sitting here, she would recognize this female student—the new prefect of the fifth grade, the eldest daughter of the Selwyn family, Irina Selwyn.

There are also two boys in the secret room. Facing Irina's overwhelming aura and overwhelming pressure at this moment, their faces are very ugly.One of the two boys is Gallup Lestrange, who was defeated by Schelling, and the other is Miles Bletch, the goalkeeper of the Quidditch team. Both are fifth grade students.

Irina said, "That kid from the Malfoy family seems to be gaining more and more prestige—you have also seen his performance on the court today. His support is no longer limited to Slytherin, but there are also quite a few Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. What do you think about this?"

Gallup said with difficulty: "Although the Malfoy family has declined in the past few years, it is still one of the most powerful families. And the strength of the young Malfoy is even more unpredictable. Last time we launched a duel to try to suppress the arrogance of the Malfoy family, but the result was just the opposite. Instead, he took the opportunity to consolidate his prestige in Slytherin. He can't fight, and he probably won't be able to use force. Ignore it. I really can't think of any other way..."

Miles Bletch nodded in agreement, "I have to say, that kid is not simple. A series of tight planning has made his reputation grow faster than the fire dragon - look at what he has done in the past three semesters, defeating giant monsters, killing basilisks, and Merlin fighting for hegemony, but the savior even sent him to his door to beat him twice. -"

Speaking of this, he sighed, "This kid has already gained momentum, and now he is in full swing. I suggest that we avoid it temporarily and wait for a better opportunity."

An imperceptible sarcasm flashed in Irina's eyes, "Is the ambition and belief of the two of you only at this level? I have to wonder if the family chose to take you in as vassals at the beginning..."

Gallup raised his eyebrows, "Irina, what do you mean?" Even though the Lestrange family's current situation is not good, they have not yet fallen to the point of being bullied, and his two uncles are not dead yet. Who knows if they will be able to successfully leave Azkaban one day like Black did.

Irina said unhurriedly: "It doesn't mean anything, I just think you have lost the courage to face Malfoy. And your intelligence seems to be behind, and you may not know it—the Higgs family has made friends with the Malfoy family through Terrence Higgs, along with his close friend, Derian Puse (the Chaser of the Slytherin Quidditch team), these two people have high prestige among the Slytherin fourth-year students."

(Note: In the original book, Terrence and Derian are the only two players in the Quidditch team who never foul. The author thinks that it is reasonable for them to have a good relationship. In this book, they are set as friends.)
She paused, giving the two of them some time to digest the information, and continued: "Even in our 5th grade class, Cassius Warrington and Graham Montague faintly revealed their intention to befriend the Malfoy family. Cassius, a half-breed with no background, was first selected to participate in Merlin's test, and then took away the prefect that should have been you—Galup. This in itself explains a lot..."

"If you add the Quidditch captain Marcus Flint, he took over the Malfoy family's broomstick, at least he won't be biased towards us; from this point of view, in the entire Quidditch team, at least five of the seven people are biased towards Malfoy, and we only have Miles who is weak..."

"If we choose to bury our heads in the sand and do nothing as you suggest, soon, I dare say, not only Quidditch, but also the position of prefects and other resources will be slowly eaten away by them, and by then it will be too late!"

(Note: The position of prefect is not just a medal or a false name - there are special lounges, special compartments, and special washrooms; there is the power to deduct points and confinement for ordinary students; most importantly, you can freely enter the restricted area of ​​the library. Hermione, who became a prefect in the original book, can freely search for information about Horcruxes in the restricted area as if no one was there.)
Miles frowned, "Even if what you said makes sense, what should we do specifically? Now in terms of momentum, strength, and background, the other party is faintly above us..."

Irina's red lips, which were as delicate as red roses, curled up slightly, "Now that 6 of the 4 prefects are from our side, we still have a good chance, not to mention, I think... it's time to drag the Ghost Club into this muddy water..."

Schelling didn't know about the secret conversation in the prefect's lounge. He only knew that there were only two weeks left before the end of the first half of the semester.

The castle was filled with the atmosphere of Christmas in advance, and almost all the students were happily discussing their respective vacation plans. Because of Sirius Black, most of the students were going home for Christmas.

Draco, Daphne, Astoria, and Meredith all decided to go home for the holidays, but Schelling decided to stay at school.Narcissa was a little dissatisfied at first, but Schelling tried to pacify his mother on the grounds that the professors wanted to give him private treatment.

He has already contacted Nicholas, and successfully exchanged three bottles of eight-eyed spider venom for a phantom smelling grass.He also asked Dobby to help him sell the jumping toadstools on the black market in exchange for 60 Galleons.

With the basilisk venom, phantom smelling grass, and other materials collected by Dobby from various pharmacies, the materials for refining the enchantment potion are complete. Xie Lin plans to use the two-week vacation to make the enchantment potion at school.

Both Ron and Hermione had decided to stay at Hogwarts this year, Ron saying he couldn't bear to spend two weeks with Percy, and Hermione insisting she was going to the library.But Harry knew in his heart that they were doing it to keep him company, and he was very grateful for that.

In the last week of term, everyone can go to Hogsmeade village again.Everyone was happy except Harry.

On the morning everyone went to Hogsmeade, Fred and George gave Harry an early Christmas present - the Marauder's Map, and it was Harry's happiest day since the Quidditch match.Using the Marauder's Map, Harry successfully sneaked into Hogsmeade Village, found Ron and Hermione, and overheard Black's betrayal of his parents at the Three Broomsticks.

That night, Harry didn't sleep very well. His mind was full of thoughts of revenge against Black, which made Ron and Hermione very worried about him. Harry was born with the attribute of death. As friends who knew him well, Ron and Hermione knew that Harry would do stupid things to seek revenge on Black whenever he had the chance.

Schelling heard inadvertently that Hagrid was not doing well there either. He received a letter from the school board about Buckbeak's attack on Blaise.

While he himself won't be punished for the matter, Hagrid and Buckbeak must appear at a hearing before the Commission on the Disposal of Dangerous Animals.According to Hagrid's knowledge, Buckbeak's trial this time is very dangerous, and it is very difficult to escape death. After all, except for Hagrid, no one cares about the life and death of a hippogriff.

Hagrid was getting depressed day by day because of this incident, and occasionally he would drink away his sorrows and let people see him drunk.

On Christmas morning, Schelling found that he was more popular than last year—he had received nearly 100 gifts, more than half of which were from girls he didn’t know, from girls in grade 1 to grade 7, all over the three houses of Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. Most of them were snacks and chocolates.

Dobby sent a pair of socks again, Kreacher sent a wooden carving, Draco sent a Zonko joke shop toy, and Narcissa sent a pair of very practical dueling gloves.

The anti-disarm spell magic is engraved on the glove. When the hand wearing the glove holds the wand, there will be an invisible and close magical connection between the wand and the glove. Unless the owner loses consciousness or dies, the wand will never leave the glove.Perhaps the disarming spell cast by a great magister at Dumbledore's level can break the glove's function, but how many great magisters can there be in this world?

[Duel Gloves Obtained! 】

Daphne and Meredith, as in previous years, gave a precious book collection of their own family. Astoria imitated her sister and also chose to give books. Xie Lin preciously stored them one by one in his portable library. There were more than 400 books in it (he asked the house elf to copy all the books of the Malfoy family for him).

Murray gave a scarf woven by himself. Although the style and craftsmanship are very ordinary, Schelling can feel the full heart on the scarf and cherishes it very much.Even Luna gave herself a pair of glasses with a very strange style. It is said that after wearing them, you can see the harassment horsefly and the hook.

What surprised Xie Lin even more was the Christmas gift from Hermione. In addition to thanking the guidance at the Patronus Charm exchange meeting, Hermione also thoughtfully attached the key notes of the exam written by herself, which made Xie Lin's preparation for this year's exam much easier.

It is worth mentioning that Ellerby and Badmore Flying Broom Company in Germany did not forget to send a Firebolt to Schelling, the major shareholder.

Although the Firebolt was valuable, Schelling had neither the time nor the interest in participating in Quidditch, so he gave the Firebolt to Draco as a Christmas gift, and asked Draco to keep it a secret, and it would appear as a secret weapon to defeat Gryffindor.

Draco couldn't put it down, and he promised Schelling that he would do his best to win glory for Slytherin and glory for the Malfoy family in the next Quidditch match.

At the same time, a lot of things happened on the side of Harry's trio.

Harry received a Firebolt from an anonymous person as a Christmas present. Both Harry and Ron were very excited about it, but Hermione thought it should be checked by the professors first.While Hermione and Harry were arguing, Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, attacked Ron, correctly speaking, Scabbers in Ron's pocket, and Hermione and Ron had a bad fight.

That night, Hermione called Professor McGonagall and temporarily confiscated Harry's Firebolt on the grounds that inspection was needed, which put Hermione, Harry, and Ron into a cold war.

Hermione never went back to the Gryffindor common room and hid in the library all day.Occasionally, when Schelling went to the library to look for information on refining enchantment potions, he would see Hermione sitting in a corner with disheveled hair and slovenly, fidgeting through books.

In his lab in Suitcase Space the day before school started, Schelling smiled contentedly with a bottle of light green potion in hand.Thanks to Xie Lin's unremitting efforts, a bottle of magic potion was successfully released!
Xie Lin opened the sealing wax directly, and poured the magic potion into his mouth.I didn't feel much at first, but after the potion entered my throat, it was as if I drank some terrible poison, and there seemed to be a flame burning in my throat.Xie Lin pinched his neck with his hands and coughed violently.

Soon, Schelling's temperature began to rise, and he grabbed a pre-prepared bag of ice and placed it on his forehead to cool his head.Immediately afterwards, the heartbeat accelerated significantly, and the blood was rushing in the blood vessels. The whole person seemed to be in a raging flame, and there was an illusion that he was about to ascend directly to the sky. Even in Xie Lin's state of mind, he couldn't help but let out a roar like a beast.

This bad feeling lasted for about 10 minutes before it gradually weakened and finally returned to normal completely, but Schelling's body and clothes were completely wet with sweat.

Xie Lin had a good night's sleep until he woke up the next day refreshed. The first thing he did was to observe himself carefully with his magic eyes.

He found that his magical power had indeed improved significantly, and he had caught up to the level of senior students, similar to the seventh grade elite students Percy, Penello and the like.Xie Lin is very satisfied with the effect of the potion, now his biggest problem is solved, and he can start to practice more advanced spells.

He has already planned a series of spells for himself to learn, and he has already mastered the theory, and the only thing left is the actual practice.

 According to Irina's words, the five players in the Quidditch team who prefer Malfoy are Marcus, Cassius, Montague, Derian, and Draco.Terrence has been replaced by Draco as an alternate.

(End of this chapter)

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