Malfoy Rise at Hogwarts

Chapter 74 new enemies

Chapter 74 new enemies
Schelling's reaction was not unpleasant, the wand had slipped from the hidden pocket into his hand within a thousandth of a second, but Gemma, as a senior prefect and an elite student, was quicker than Schelling through mental calculations. Schelling's wand was handed over, and his whole body was knocked into the trunk of a big tree. He spurted a mouthful of blood, and he felt that several of his ribs were broken.

Xie Lin showed a sad smile, "I have always believed that I have no plans, but I didn't expect that I would end up in Gemma's hands... What are you going to do with me? If you want to kill me, prepare to face the revenge of the Malfoy family!" After the harsh words, Xie Lin coughed up blood again, looking weak.

Gemma shook her head, "I won't kill you. We just want to cast a Forgetting Curse on you to rewrite your memory, and then you can join us and become one of us... You are the most talented wizard I have ever seen, enough to make me follow with all my heart. I believe that as long as you join us, the Society of Ghosts is absolutely willing to train you to be the next Dark Lord. After Dumbledore dies of old age, this world will be ours..."

Xie Lin seemed to have changed his face, and returned to his usual calm demeanor, and sneered, "You guys are really calculating, but it's a pity, I, Xie Lin Malfoy, said that the only person who can ride on my head is my Xie Lin's hair!"

Cast spells without a sound!

A strong light erupted from Xie Lin's body, like a human-shaped flash bomb - it was a flash spell!In this dark environment, the effect of the Flashing Curse is particularly powerful. Although Gemma had long been on guard against Schelling's move, Schelling's loss of wand and the appearance of a serious injury made her lower her vigilance, and fell into a state of blindness that could not open her eyes.

At the same time, a small bright red stone slipped into the pocket of Xie Lin's left hand, and a large amount of vitality poured into his body in an instant, and all the trauma he suffered just now healed instantly.

Xie Lin already knew that someone was going to deal with him, and the top priority was to escape with his life, so he didn't plan to entangle Gemma any more—even though he should have a slight chance of winning against Gemma, if the other party had foreign aid, it would be too late for him to escape.

Xie Lin cast an invisible phantom spell and a silent spell on himself, and activated the functions of the Supreme Wizard's robe to cover up breath, smell, and body temperature. He rushed to the depths of the forbidden forest, and walked for half an hour before stopping to rest.He believed that even if the other party had foreign aid, they would not be able to search such a large area of ​​the Forbidden Forest in time, as long as he waited until dawn, he could leave safely.

Although this trip was almost caught in the enemy's hands, it can be said that the harvest was not rich.Although it was because of Gemma's relationship that Xie Lin had let down his vigilance at the beginning and was caught off guard, Xie Lin was wearing his painstakingly created Supreme Wizard Robe. If he wanted it, at the moment of being attacked, even without the wand, he could still activate the protective magic on the battle robe, and he would not suffer such serious injuries at all.

He chose to take the risk with his own body in order to find out the enemy behind the scenes and know the enemy's purpose.

As the saying goes, an open gun is easy to block, but a hidden arrow is hard to guard against. It is easy to know the existence of the enemy of the Ghost Society-even if it is mysterious?

It has been many years since Tom Riddle graduated, and Schelling didn't believe that Dumbledore's cunning would not have discovered the existence of this underground organization. He probably just turned a blind eye and let it go.What's more, as long as it needs to continue to recruit new people to maintain its operation, there will always be clues.

As for the person who invited the Ghost Society to deal with him, Schelling knew with his toes that it must be Gallup Lestrange's pure-blood diehards who don't want the Malfoy family to grow.

Although under the influence of the Philosopher's Stone, my body was not damaged at all, but the pain at the moment of being knocked into the air and breaking my ribs is real; Schelling didn't intend to let this matter go. There is a Muggle saying that "revenge is suitable for a cold dish" (meaning that it is not too late for a gentleman to revenge for ten years), whether it is the Ghost Society or Gallup Lestrange, they will face his revenge!

It is a pity for Schelling that Gemma is one of the few friends he has, and the next time the two meet, they will be enemies rather than friends.

The next morning, Schelling appeared in the auditorium as if nothing had happened.Gemma sat at one end of the long table, eating breakfast expressionlessly, as if nothing had happened.

Xie Lin sat down on the long table, and Meredith stared at Xie Lin carefully, and asked softly: "Did something happen? There is something wrong with your expression..."

Xie Lin smiled wryly, "Sneaked into the Forbidden Forest last night, and almost couldn't come back."

After thinking about it, Xie Lin felt that it was not appropriate to drag the people around him into this pool of muddy water for the time being. Judging from last night's experience, the number of people in the Ghost Club should be very small, but they were all prefects or elite senior students, and there was a mysterious leader in the organization who was responsible for teaching black magic. The power of black magic with the addition of evil thoughts is definitely stronger than ordinary magic.

(Note: The elite level here refers to the top 5 in academic performance, and has nothing to do with magic power and record)
Daphne asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Xie Lin smiled slightly and said, "Of course it's fine. Fortunately, I have made several preparations in advance—" Then he sneered, "However, I think someone will be busy soon!"

In the middle of breakfast, the owls delivered various letters, and Schelling also received one-he had already sent a letter to Lucius through the school's owl when he just left the Forbidden Forest in the early morning , told what happened last night and his speculation about the Lestrange family.This letter was obviously Lucius' reply to himself.

Opening the letter, Schelling frowned—Lucius told Schelling to do nothing and give up the idea of ​​revenge against Lestrange!

Of course, an explanation was attached to the letter, and the Lestrange family firmly insisted that Schelling's attack had nothing to do with them, while other pure-blood families came forward to express their solidarity, among which the Avery family, the Carlo family, and the Nott family all clamored for joy.

But his beloved baby son was attacked, and the anger in Lucius' heart was not so easy to appease. What really made Lucius endure this tone was that the pure-blood families who usually don't show up often came forward to mediate - Cobain Yaxley, who held a high position in the Ministry of Magic, the mysterious Mrs. Selwyn, and Dolphin Rolle, who was closely related to the werewolf in Knockturn Alley...

(Note: Cobain Yaxley can use the Imperius Curse to control Pius Thicknesse. Obviously, he has a lot of opportunities to get in touch with the high-level Ministry of Magic. It should be quite reasonable for the author to set him as a high-level post in the Ministry of Magic.)
No matter how angry Lucius was, he knew that with his own Malfoy family alone, he had absolutely no chance of winning against the seven families at once, not to mention that his allies, the Burke family and the Parkinson family, might not be firmly on his side in this kind of dispute among the juniors within the pure-blood family.

On top of that, the assailant of the whole thing was Gemma Farley, and Schelling had absolutely no evidence that Lestrange was involved.

Most of the time, things are like this, you know it's him, I know it's him, they know it's him, but as long as there is no evidence to prove it, the Malfoy family can't justify their empty words.

Schelling gritted his teeth, since he can't attack Gallup, then he can always target the Ghost Society.It seems that we still have to find an opportunity to ask Snape for information.

As for Gemma, Schelling doesn't want to have too much contact with her for the time being. In addition to scaring the snake, with Gemma's shrewdness and the strict organization of the Ghost Society, it is impossible not to prepare for Schelling.

This feeling of being angry and having nowhere to vent is indeed very aggrieved and uncomfortable, but as a human being, Xie Lin quickly adjusted his mood and returned to his daily life.

The boring days repeated day by day, and the time came to April very quickly.

Xie Lin was indulging in the study of advanced magic. It has been three months since the Christmas holiday ended and he took the potion of enhancing magic.

After tireless research and practice, Schelling finally finished reading the esoteric "Abatel Volume One", and his understanding of spiritual magic has stepped to a higher level. At the same time, he has also firmly mastered all the family spells of the Malfoy family through hard practice over and over again, and he has already become proficient at casting spells silently and without a stick in an instant.

He is confident that he has not lost to anyone in the field of spiritual magic, including Snape, who is proficient in Legilimency, perhaps only the headmaster, Professor Dumbledore, who can't see through the depths, is the only exception.

During this period of time, he has also seriously trained Daphne and Meredith. Now he has a deep understanding of the disadvantages of being single and weak. As one of the most powerful families in Britain today, the Malfoy family can only choose to retreat when facing several families that are united in solidarity.

Daphne and Meredith's spell attainments are quite good, but they have been pampered since they were young, and they lack practical training. If I hadn't led them to break through the professors' level in the first grade, maybe their actual combat performance would not be as good as Harry's.

This day, in Schelling's suitcase space.

Schelling took out two skeletal mannequins and used the Inflation Charm to turn them into adult heights for Daphne and Meredith to practice fighting against them.

Under the effect of the activating spell, although the skeleton man cannot cast magic, he can wield swords, bows and arrows and other weapons, and has the ability to fight at a distance and in close combat. Moreover, under the micromanipulation of Schelling's powerful mental power, various attacks, defenses, and dodges are very flexible and agile. Therefore, for the two women who lack actual combat, this pair training is not easy.

After several sparring sessions, although most of the attacks of the two women were swiftly dodged by the skeleton man, there were still some scattered spells that fell on the skeleton man successfully, but these scattered attacks did not affect the skeleton man at all. Strictly speaking, it was Daphne who was dripping with sweat and her hair was disheveled. She was shot with an arrow on her right shoulder and slashed at her left leg.

Of course, the skeleton man's attacks were all illusioned virtual weapons, which could only leave marks; Meredith was not much better, she was stabbed twice in the back by the skeleton man's sword, and even the hand holding the wand was injured.

Schelling hastily stopped.

Xie Lin said seriously: "Look at your performance. If you were in a real battle, you would have died a long time ago. Now, do you know the difference between actual combat and daily practice of spells?"

Seeing the two girls nodding with a taught face, Xie Lin continued: "You have mastered a lot of attacking spells, your spell casting speed is fast enough, and your shooting accuracy is not lacking, but your spells can't hit the skeleton man. Do you know why?"

Xie Lin first asked them to think for a while, and then asked and answered: "That's because your attacks lacked planning! You rely too much on your combat intuition, so every spell is directed at the skeleton man, but you never thought about what to do when the opponent's dodge ability is higher than your hit rate. A brilliant battle wizard will plan and layout for the next round of offensive while fighting, such as—"

Xie Lin waved the magic wand in his hand and said: "Flocks of birds!" A flock of birds appeared immediately where the wand pointed, and then Xie Lin pulled down the wand and said: "Ten thousand bullets!" The birds shot at the skeleton man overwhelmingly like bullets.

Facing the attack of a large number of flying birds, the skeletons dodged and resisted, and were forced into a corner by Schelling. In order to firmly suppress the skeletons in the corner, Schelling also cast a few flame spells around the corner, so that the skeletons could not break through the tight encirclement, and slowly compressed their movement range-in the end, Schelling easily smashed the skeletons into powder with the shattering spell.

"You have also seen that the flying bird illusion spell and the ten-thousand-shot spell can be used together. This spell-casting technique is called 'combined spell'. Through this combined spell, I created a dense attack formed by a flock of flying birds impacting at high speed. In order to resist this impact, I successfully forced them into a corner. Then I continued to suppress them with the flame spell, reducing their movement range. After there was no room for dodge and movement, I could easily deal with them with a crushing spell."

 Yesterday I saw that "From Hogwarts to the Minister of Magic" announced its entry into the palace, and I feel sorry for it. Sure enough, the most important thing is for the author to write happily.Although this work is considered to be at the same time as this book, since the setting is the heroine + pro era, it is not considered a competition. It is a pity to see an excellent work enter the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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