Chapter 88
In that world, Bai Ling is a high school student who has just graduated and just turned eighteen.

Although living in the world of the ghost school, as a marginal figure in the world, he still accepts materialism, and the current situation shattered his three views.

Various voices in his mind kept ringing, stimulating his nerves.

Finally, it gradually weakened again.

The cold voice dropped a sentence when it was about to disappear, "Don't dirty my things."

Bai Ling who just woke up felt a little inexplicable, there was an unknown touch from the tail, Bai Ling saw Jing Jue's eyes looking at her, a flash of light flashed in the bright eyeballs, and then there was an electric shock from the fish tail The feeling, and then the shameful voice overflowing from the throat...

Jing Jue looked at Bai Ling's slightly shy face in front of him, and there was a flash of interest in his eyes. Has this person started to change again?

Is it the sequela left by the unfused soul?

Jing Jue probed with his hands, and approached his neck to confirm his breath.

No replacement, still the original.

So his hands started to mess around on the fish's tail, inadvertently flicking the scales directly under his abdomen a few times.

The air is thick with water vapor.

Bai Ling thought of the beautiful scenery under the red gauze in her memory, the snow was dark and fragrant, the leaves in the forest were rustling outside the window, the candle lights were fading, and the moon was getting darker.


Forget it!
Bai Ling's brain seemed to have its own thoughts, and various indescribable clips played in his mind one by one, and the mermaid's tail began to curl and shrink unconsciously.

Jing Jue looked at the constantly changing face of the mermaid, and a shadow fell from his eyelashes.

The blood began to flow again, and the hunting light flashed in his eyes...

I was excited and accidentally shared the memory of the mermaid just now, just like seeing the memory in his mind when the puppet Bai Ling met.

But this time it seems a little exciting...

What was going on in his head?
System organisms have never suppressed their desires, and Jing Jue admitted that at this time she was a little...
Want to obey your inner thoughts!
The ignorant mermaid continued to think wildly, where Jing Jue's finger passed, the fish's tail trembled...

A hoarse male voice came out, with a hint of pleading, "Don't touch...touch me..."

Jing Jue felt a little amused by the overwhelming images that swirled in the mermaid's mind.

"You want me to touch you?"

Jing Jue was lazily sleeping next to the bed, and Yuwei had been forced to return to its original form halfway.

Soon, Bai Ling's face was flushed, and she opened the door to a new world.

Thinking that this memory would be seen by the person who killed him, Bai Ling frowned unhappily, feeling a little sour in his heart, he could clearly feel that with each passing day, the connection between the few of them would become stronger.

Could it be that one day, he will disappear too?

The brown eyes slowly fell, and then he approached the person beside him, he was a little shy just touching the skin with his hand...

And then—hug.



The voice of getting dressed came, "You are really..." Jing Jue rubbed his waist.

"You did it first." Bai Ling spoke slowly, enunciating the words clearly.



Jing Jue replied with a word, chose to shut up, the two of them were silent for a while, and she said, "I can't control the system configuration."

Bai Ling looked at her quietly, revealing her neck with red marks.

Jing Jue shut up embarrassingly.

"Let's go, we should go to the next world."

"Not taking a break?" Bai Ling asked curiously.


After a moment of silence, Jing Jue replied, "Let's go."


(End of this chapter)

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