Chapter 107

After Gong Zaixian stepped into the Canglang Realm, he quickly retracted the nebula into his body.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he quickly looked around.

The scene here was not much different from what he had expected before.

And Zaoxuan's sword light did not strike for a long time.

But no matter how busy Gong is, he always feels a little uneasy, as if something is spying on him, which makes him feel like a light is on his back.

"What the hell is wrong!"

Gong Zaixian whispered this, and didn't expect anyone to answer.

But to his surprise, a flat voice came from behind him.

"I went to Yaozhen Realm at your invitation, but you sneaked to Canglang Realm. This should not be the way to treat guests!"

Although the voice was not loud, it made Gong Zaixian tremble all over.

Since he practiced to return to his destiny, he has never been bullied close to him without noticing it.


As soon as Gong Zaixian let out an exclamation, his whole body turned into a streamer and disappeared in place.

At the same time, the nebula that had just been withdrawn from his body burst out in an instant, trying to block possible sneak attacks.

His series of responses flowed like clouds and water, without gaps.

However, when he reappeared, he was horrified to find that the feeling of thorns on his back hadn't weakened in the slightest.

Just when he was startled, the voice just now rang in his ears again.

"Your response was quite steady, but it's a pity that you still can't bear to burn your soul."

Gong Zaixian felt a sudden chill in his heart, without even thinking about it, he stabbed again and turned into a streamer.

But this time, he failed to escape again.

An invisible giant palm fell from the top of his head, colliding with the flowing light transformed by Gong Zaixian.

A thunderous sound echoed throughout the Canglang Realm.

The nebula originally condensed around Gong Zaixian's body exploded like fireworks and scattered between the heaven and the earth.

No matter how busy Gong is, he doesn't care to gather Xing Yun, who he has worked hard for half his life.

At this time, he has turned into a streamer again, trying to escape from this world.

But the speed at which he escaped was obviously not fast enough.

With a flash of Fang Mu's figure, he stopped in front of this ray of light again.

He raised his right hand to the level of his shoulder, and lightly tapped the streamer with his index finger.

In the twilight, Gong Zai was full of energy, trying to bypass Fang Mu who was blocking the way.

However, after trying twice in a row, he discovered to his horror that he was unable to change the trajectory of the escape light.

Before he tried for the third time, the ray of light had already hit Fang Mu.

Gong Zaixian could only watch Fang Mu's fingertips pointing towards his forehead in speechless horror!

The sound of fingertips entering the water echoed softly.

The next moment, Gong Zaixian's escape came to an abrupt end.

Feeling his gradually fading vitality, Gong Zaixian said with a face full of unwillingness: "If I hadn't consumed too much Dao Yun when I just broke the boundary..."


Fang Mu waved his hand boredly, interrupting Gong Zaixian's words.

Although what Gong Zaixian said was correct, Fang Mu felt very upset.

From the beginning of the battle, Gong Zaixian has been on the run.

This made Fang Mu feel that he was just playing a chase game, not fighting at all.

In terms of combat experience, it wasn't even as enjoyable as the one he had with Li Suye.

At least Li Suye got him a solid slap.

In contrast, although Gong Zaixian's cultivation level is high, he can't even be regarded as a serious opponent.

For this kind of person, Fang Mu really didn't want to show him any respect.

He casually patted away the last trace of vitality in Gong Zaixian's body, then turned his head and glanced in the direction of Qingxuan Sword Sect.

Fang Mu's gaze stayed in that direction for a while, and then he raised the corner of his mouth again, before disappearing in place.

At this time, Gong Zaixian's corpse had completely lost its color, like a pile of ashes piled up together.

A gust of wind blew by, and the monk who once dominated Yaozhen Realm turned into a cloud of smoke and dust, blowing away with the wind.


The back mountain of Qingxuan Sword Sect.

Zao Xuan looked at the sky quietly, the light in his eyes flickered slightly.

Although he had already expected that this old antique that was approaching its end would not last long in Fang Mu's hands.

But this crushing battle still somewhat exceeded his expectations.

He vaguely felt that Fang Mu's strength might be stronger than he expected before.

'He... has already embarked on the road of detachment? '

Just when his mood fluctuated slightly, Fang Mu's gaze turned towards this side.

Although the two were separated by hundreds of miles, they both felt each other's gaze.

But Fang Mu's gaze didn't stay for long.

He quickly disappeared in place.

Zao Xuan looked at Fang Mu's disappearing back, but doubts appeared on his face again.

Because Fang Mu didn't go to pick up the few monks he threw outside the boundary wall.

Judging from Dao Yun's feedback, Fang Mu flickered in the direction of Xia Yunzong.

Zaoxuan was slightly taken aback, and murmured: "What is he doing at Xia Yunzong..."


Xia Yunzong.

Yan Fenghua stared at the direction where Gong Zaixian disappeared for a while, then murmured:
"This return to the upper realm, which has been raging outside the realm for many days, just disappeared?

How could the Demon Lord kill a Guiming so easily? "

Not far from him, Wan Shanqing was also in a daze.

And his expression was even more exciting than Yan Fenghua's.

After a while, the former cultivator at the Supreme Profound Realm said with a difficult face: "I'm afraid this is not the only one who was killed by the devil..."

Yan Fenghua's eyes widened immediately and said: "Could it be that the Demon Lord killed another Guiming in Yaozhen Realm?"

Wan Shanqing nodded with difficulty and said:
"Not only did he kill another Guiming, but he also wreaked havoc on all sects in Yaozhen Realm.

Wherever the Demon Lord passed by, the cultivators of Yaozhen Realm were invincible.

Now most of the treasures in Yaozhen Realm have been collected by the Demon Lord! "


After Yan Fenghua was stunned for a while, he said with a look of astonishment: "Master Zu, how do you know this?"

Wan Shanqing took a deep breath and explained: "Li Suye took my formation manual that day.

But he didn't know that on the manual, there were some miniature magic circles that I set up when I was studying.

Among them is a kind of formation, which can monitor the sounds and breaths within a few miles, and record them temporarily. "

Yan Fenghua was stunned for a moment and said: "Isn't that manual left by Li Suye in Yaozhen Realm?"

Wan Shanqing nodded in a daze and said: "Yes, it was indeed left in the Yaozhen Realm.

But when the Demon Lord returned to the Canglang Realm this time, I sensed the formation manual again.

Just now, I used the resonance of the formation to copy part of the content recorded in the formation. "

"I see……"

Yan Fenghua nodded suddenly.

But then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he asked:

"Can you hide this move from the Demon King?"

Wan Shanqing's eyes widened immediately.

After he and Yan Fenghua looked at each other for a while, he slowly shook his head and said, "It should...not be possible."

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure appeared above the two of them out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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