Chapter 398

Ji Wubian's spiritual consciousness torn by Fang Mu has not yet recovered, so he shouldn't have forcibly predicted.

But in the face of Xuefa, he had no room to refuse.

In order to calculate this result, his fairy mountain has completely collapsed, and even his spiritual consciousness has been torn apart again.

Now the spiritual consciousness in Ji Wubian's heart is frantically warning, but he dare not show the slightest, and can only silently wait for the next disposal.

I don't know how long it took before Han Chengyun stopped the deduction.

He directly set his eyes on Ji Wubian, and asked, "How many chess pieces do you have in the Canglang Realm?"

Although Ji Wubian's heart was trembling, he didn't show the slightest bit on his face.

He said respectfully: "Hui Mojun, and the other two are spiritual practitioners who have transcended the realm.

It's just that I have lost contact with these two pieces.

To re-enable it, you need to rely on the power of the Demon Lord. "

Before Han Chengyun could finish posting, Xuefa laughed and said:

"Two pawns are enough.

As long as it is used well, it is enough to devour tens of thousands of spiritual consciousness in an instant and leave demon seeds in the realm.

At that time, I'd like to see how the protector reacts! "

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and said to Xinghuan:
"The plan has changed, you immediately change the way of penetration, let my magic energy penetrate into those two pawns.

Also, I want you to have the means to explode at all times.

When those two chess pieces are activated, I will forcibly break into the Canglang Realm. "

At this time, Xinghuan has also completed the deduction.

Although he felt that doing so seemed a bit risky, this plan did not require him to enter the Canglang Realm.

This reassured him a lot.

Xinghuan glanced at Han Chengyun, and seeing that he did not object, he took out a bag of bone meal from his arms.

This bag of bone powder does not contain too strong aura.

However, under the control of Xinghuan, all these bone meal penetrated into the boundary wall of Canglang Realm.


In the Canglang Realm, Fang Mu, who was tempering himself with the help of the power of heaven and earth, suddenly opened his eyes.

Just now, his spiritual sense was faintly alert.

However, he didn't feel any obvious changes in the void.

The void on the opposite side was still peaceful.

Fang Mu frowned slightly, and murmured: "Could it be that the sky demon opposite has changed his plan?
But besides breaking in, what else can they do..."

After thinking for a moment, he couldn't help but look to the Canglang Realm in the distance.

In this world, the only place where he can be considered weak is the Canglang Realm.

If the Canglang Realm he worked so hard to manage was destroyed, his resonance with the heaven and earth would definitely weaken several notches.

'Could it be that they have a way to directly invade the Canglang Realm?
But now doesn't seem like a good time...'

Fang Mu's eyes instantly penetrated the endless void, and landed in the heaven and earth in the round sky.

At this time, Canglang Realm is crowded with people, and excited players are everywhere.

Because the first sword-testing conference after the reshaping of the world is about to begin.

Millions of players have already poured into the Canglang Realm.

These excited players are extremely active mentally.

The strong spiritual power gathered into a purple cloud in the center of the Canglang Realm.

As more and more players poured in, the purple clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker.

Later, the rich purple clouds had a faint tendency to spread outward from the Canglang Continent.

On several neighboring continents, one could clearly see the purple clouds that shot straight into the sky.

Even in the Heavenly Ghost Realm farther away, one can faintly feel the spiritual fluctuations emanating from the center of the continent.

Such a beautiful scene almost alarmed all the high-level monks in the entire Canglang Realm.

Some people with good deeds even came to the Canglang Continent a few days ago, ready to see the wonderful scenery.

Among these people was Jiang Taichu, the first Heavenly Spirit Realm cultivator in Canglang Realm.

Jiang Taichu relied on Fang Mu's opportunity to reshape the heaven and earth to forcibly step into the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and his progress through cultivation alone was quite slow, so he was extremely interested in all kinds of heaven and earth visions.

After hearing that Fang Mu was making another big move, he came to Zhitian Mountain early and recommended himself as a top monk to maintain order.

As early as a few days ago, he had envisioned the grand scene of millions of monks pouring in together several times.

But when these millions of players really appeared in front of his eyes, he was still shocked.

In fact, only hundreds of thousands of players gathered near Zhitian Mountain, and the rest were diverted to other sub-arenas.

Even so, these players easily covered the plain at the foot of Tianshan Mountain.

The spiritual power emitted by hundreds of thousands of players gathered together, and an inexplicable coercion was born.

This coercion is different from that of a high-ranking monk, but it is extremely thick, and it will cover the entire radius of the Tianshan Mountain.

It was the first time for Jiang Taichu to feel this coercion similar to Tianwei.

Under this inexplicable coercion, he couldn't control the aura in his body.

Several times in a row, the aura in his body almost flowed with this change of coercion.

Just when he forcibly stabilized the aura around him again, he unexpectedly found a trace of the same aura coming from the crowd.

'This is... magic energy? '

Jiang Taichu was taken aback for a moment, and then looked in the direction where the same breath appeared.

However, as far as he could see, there were crowds of players.

He glanced around for a while, but he didn't find the same breath as before.

'Is there something wrong with my perception?

Or, did some of these players go the wrong way? '

Jiang Taichu frowned, then looked away.

Although the ray of devilish energy just now was a bit strange, it was very weak and did not arouse his warning signs.

So his eyes just swept away, and then he focused on other places.

This time, he is in charge of the entire area of ​​the realm, and his attention cannot be occupied by a certain detail for a long time.

When Jiang Taichu's perception dissipated, a young man secretly felt a cold sweat at the place where the ray of devilish energy appeared just now.

The young man was unremarkable in appearance.

His aura is also the same as that of an ordinary cultivator of Tongyoujing, there is nothing special about him.

But hidden under this aura is a deep sense of detachment.

If Jiang Taichu had been able to investigate carefully just now, he would probably be able to recognize this person as Meng Busheng who once fought against Chen Qianjie!

This detached monk is a chess piece left by Ji Wubian.

For tens of thousands of years, Meng Busheng lived quite peacefully, and almost forgot his identity as a chess piece.

Although there have been many accidents recently, almost every time is accompanied by the fall of the immortal.

This changed Meng Busheng's attitude towards immortals.

But just as he was wondering if he could reintegrate into this world, the seeds buried in his body finally exploded.

Along with it, there is also a terrifying devilish energy.

This detached monk who had been stable for tens of thousands of years was immediately paralyzed by fright.

But the devilish aura exuding a strong smell of blood didn't give him time to be afraid at all.

After only a moment, he was completely eroded by the devilish energy.

Under Xuefa's guidance, he turned into a player from Earth and sneaked into the arena!

(End of this chapter)

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