my master is a bug.

Chapter 423 I'm In Trouble

Chapter 423 I'm In Trouble

Guo Xing suppressed his thoughts, shook his head and said:

"That's how it is, you and Mao Yulong come here as soon as possible."

"I'll be there this afternoon."

Guo Xing responded again and hung up the phone.

In fact, if he could, he really didn't want to get involved in such troublesome things.

It's just that this matter has such an impact that it can almost determine the direction of human society.

He couldn't directly leave this matter to Lu Zhengye as before.

Guo Xing now just hopes that this matter can be pushed forward smoothly, so as not to affect his cultivation.

Although the popularity of this technique will inevitably affect the status of high-ranking monks.

It can be cultivated at a high level, but it still has extremely realistic significance.

The first is Shouyuan.

The higher the cultivation level, the longer the lifespan.

If Guo Xing wants to spend tens of thousands of years in the future, he has to take advantage of the moment when the world has just recovered and improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to find such an opportunity if the situation changes in the future.

However, things did not always develop in the direction Guo Xing expected.

When he met with Lu Zhengye and Mao Yulong, he found that this matter was far more complicated than he had expected.

It's not as simple as just spreading the exercises.

There are countless issues involved.

The first is the verification of the exercises.

He pointed out that although Tianshan Mountain is a holy place for cultivation, it doesn't mean that he can just take out a copy of the exercises and promote them.

Especially the exercises that are promoted in the army need to be checked at every level.

If the normal process is followed, it will take several months just to prove the safety of this set of exercises.

The second is the issue of conversion.

Now that the military basically has its own skills, it is extremely difficult to switch to practice.

Fortunately, this spiritual practice can be used not only as a major, but also as a part-time practice, which solves a big problem.

Even so, Guo Xing took a lot of effort to make this exercise appear in a military pilot.

Guo Xing originally thought that after successfully promoting this set of exercises to the pilot in the army, he could let go of it.

It turns out he was still too naive.

This set of exercises has indeed attracted the attention of government departments in a very short period of time, and there is also a proposal to promote it to the entire army.

However, as soon as this proposal appeared, it ushered in wave after wave of opposition.

Most of those who oppose these exercises are from various ancient sects.

Before the spiritual energy revived, those ancient inheritances were almost extinct on the land of China.

After the spiritual energy recovered, those ancient inheritances sprung up one after another like mushrooms after rain.

At that time, although the exercises referring to Tianshan Mountain had already begun to spread in the Xia Kingdom, both the folks and the government were quite wary of this kind of alien exercises.

Therefore, most of what is promoted in the military now are those ancient heritages that have been revived.

The successors of those ancient sects took the opportunity to infiltrate the entire army and use a lot of resources to practice quickly.

Naturally, these people don't want to see the entire military completely unify their exercises.

Only when a hundred flowers bloom, can they strive for the greatest benefit.

And for the government, it is extremely difficult to make a decision to rashly promote a practice from another world.

If there is any hidden door in this practice, it will be a disaster for the entire human race.

The trouble is, with the current cognition of human beings, it is impossible to confirm whether there is a secret door in the exercises provided by Guo Xing.

Several times when Guo Xing participated in the seminar, he was left speechless by military representatives.

Although Guo Xing believed that Fang Mu would not tamper with the exercises, he obviously couldn't use this method to convince others.

Before that, Guo Xing never expected that this technique, which is enough to rejuvenate human beings, would be hindered under such circumstances.

What made him even more upset was that Lu Zhengye wasn't particularly concerned about promoting this practice.

For a top capitalist like Lu Zhengye, a world where immortals and demons stand on a high point overlooking all living beings is obviously better than a human world ruled by the government.

Because they are the group of people who are most likely to climb the peak and become immortals.

As a leader among capitalists, Lu Zhengye naturally does not want another big government to appear on his head.

Guo Xing looked around, but found that he couldn't find a few sincere supporters.

Those people basically had to greet him with a smile because of his status as the senior brother of Tianshan.

"Grandma's, a bunch of bastards.

Lao Tzu is dedicated to the whole of mankind, but you treat Lao Tzu as the god of plague.

Be careful that I will be unhappy one day, and get my junior brother to your sect! "

After Guo Xing scolded for a while, he had to admit that he was in trouble.

He entered the Canglang Realm with some displeasure, and was going to consult that old fox, Chen Dousheng.

However, to his surprise, he had just entered Canglang Realm when he saw Fang Mu's figure on Zhitian Mountain.

Guo Xing's eyes lit up immediately, and he ran towards Fang Mu.

"Master, Master, you are back!"

At this time Fang Mu was looking at the illusory starry sky above his head in a daze.

He had tried to turn this starry sky from virtual to real before, but failed.

But during this period of time, luck from the big world kept pouring in.

With so much luck, Fang Mu had a new idea.

In the past few days, he has been thinking about how to strengthen the Canglang Realm again.

It's just that his idea was interrupted by Guo Xing.

Fang Mu turned his head reluctantly, and asked, "Are you in trouble?"

Guo Xing nodded and said: "Well, those people on the earth have their own interests..."

Before he could finish speaking, Fang Mu planned to say, "Want to ask me for help?"

Guo Xing could only keep nodding his head and said, "Yes, myself..."

Fang Mu waved his hand and said, "Don't care!"

Guo Xing: "..."

After Guo Xing was in a mess for a while, he tentatively asked: "Master, do you really plan to stop meddling with the affairs of the earth?"

Fang Mu nodded and said: "The big world has its own laws of operation, and I have already intervened enough.

If you continue to intervene, it is likely to cause backlash over there. "

The corner of Guo Xing's mouth twitched and said: "But if you don't show up, I will have to work hard for several years to get this done.

At that time, the cultivation base of my senior brother and junior sister will leave me behind. "

Fang Mu smiled and said, "Then you can drag them along to help you do this."


Guo Xing didn't expect to do this at all.

He froze for a moment and said, "It's okay.

But aren't you afraid that the three of us can't handle it together, and then delay our cultivation together? "

Fang Mu shook his head and said, "It's okay, participating in mundane affairs can also sharpen your mind.

And it's a matter of luck.

Even if you delay your cultivation a little bit, the luck you get will be enough to make up for it. "

'Is there such a good thing? '

Guo Xing's eyes lit up immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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