Chapter 553 The Killing Sword Condensed by Millions of Resentments

In the fairy formation outside the Canglang Realm, Jin Guangtongzi and the others were already stunned.

After being counterattacked by the Tongtian Shenshu, the fairy formation they formed was on the verge of breaking.

However, the fairy gods headed by Jin Guangtongzi did not give up, but used their own fairy power to support them hard, trying to last until the moment when the ancestor Wuxia came to help.

As a result, the Wuxia ancestor not only did not come to rescue them, but turned their lair into a hell on earth.

Those millions of ghosts stunned Jin Guangtong and the others.

A celestial being beside him trembled all over and said, "Why is the ancestor so decisive..."

The celestial being who spoke was the ancestor of a small sect in Wuxia Tian.

His sect inheritance is all in the dirty sky.

Now that the dirty sky has turned into a purgatory on earth, it is obviously impossible for his descendants to exist.

Thinking of the collapse of the sect that has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, this angel couldn't help but tremble all over.

Most of the fairy gods in the fairy formation are similar to the speaker.

Even if they are not the ancestors of a certain sect, they still have descendants in the dirty sky.

But now, all of their descendants have turned into ghosts.

A few immortal gods with keen senses even heard the wailing of their juniors through the endless void.

For a moment, the immortal gods in the immortal formation were in chaos.

Even Jin Guangtongzi, Li Tian and the two Jinxians have lost the will to continue to support at this moment.

The two of them looked at each other, then each turned into a beam of light and fled separately.

These two rays of light awakened the rest of the gods in the fairy formation instantly.

Enduring their grief, they all got up in Dunguang, and followed the two golden fairies and fled in all directions.

These fleeing angels naturally couldn't escape Fang Mu's induction.

But at this moment, Fang Mu didn't have much energy to manage these miscellaneous fish.

The crazy behavior of the Wuxia ancestor made him also shaken.

Fang Mu stared at Patriarch Wuxia, and said, "Are you crazy!?"

At this moment, the Wuxia Patriarch's body was filled with devilish energy, and his face was extremely ferocious.

Like a demon returning from hell, he laughed wildly:
"I told you a long time ago, don't push me to a dead end.

The wrath of the sub-sage, how can you understand it with a little spiritual practice! "

Fang Mu said coldly: "But your anger doesn't seem to be directed at me, but at the people you protect!"

The flawless patriarch still laughed wildly and said, "It's just a bunch of ants!

I have protected them for hundreds of thousands of years, just to allow them to corrupt the Great World for me one day.

Now you actually want to take all the data of the chess piece that I have worked so hard to protect for tens of thousands of years as your own, dreaming!
You can only receive a million ghosts!
I'd like to see how you, a heavenly spirit who was born as a demon cultivator, will deal with these crazy ghosts.

Ha, ha, ha ha ha! "

While the flawless ancestor laughed wildly, his whole body turned into a cloud of black smoke and rushed towards the sky.

This time, he really planned to leave.

Without the support of Hui Xiatian, he was backlashed by the resentment of the millions of people, and it would be really dangerous if he didn't leave.

However, Fang Mu sighed lightly and said, "I only want to leave now, it's already too late!"

At the same time as his voice fell, a pitch-black sword appeared out of thin air in front of him.

This killing sword is completely black, and there is still black air on the surface that keeps wriggling, and it doesn't look too sharp.

However, the moment this killing sword appeared, Patriarch Wuxia couldn't stop trembling all over.

His eyes bulged out like toads because of excessive fright, and he muttered in his mouth:

"How is it possible, how could you condense such a thing.

Impossible, this is impossible!

I do not believe! ! ! "

The reason why Patriarch Wuxia dared to slaughter all the people he had protected for hundreds of thousands of years was because he was convinced that no one could control a million ghosts in a short period of time.

But he neglected that Fang Mu is the master of the Canglang Realm who is a fellow demon practitioner!

Fang Mu was born in a demon family, so he is very familiar with ghosts and demon heads.

However, if this is the case alone, it is still far from controlling a million ghosts.

But he is a demon practitioner.

Before Fang Mu, no one had raised the realm of spiritual cultivation to such a high level, so no one knew how powerful the top heavenly spirits' ability to gather crowds would become after being transformed into rules.

The most important thing is that Fang Mu is also the master of the Canglang Realm.

Here, all the rules are in his hands.

Although those ghosts seem to have broken countless ruled lines, the underlying rules are also affecting millions of ghosts.

With all these influences superimposed, Fang Mu was able to use the resentment of a million ghosts to condense this killing sword designed to kill the ancestor Wuxia!
At this moment, Patriarch Wuxia also felt the disaster of extinction.

At the same time as he let out a hysterical shout, he connected his hands together in seals, trying to completely detonate the only remaining wreckage of the dirty sky, and die together with Fang Mu.

But what frightened him was that he had always surrendered to the dirty rules under his feet on weekdays, but at this moment he didn't give him the slightest feedback.

On the contrary, the pitch-black killing sword in front of Fang Mu became more and more profound.

Fang Mu tapped the hilt lightly, and the killing sword penetrated the endless void and came to the Wuxia ancestor.

Between life and death, the immortal energy in the ancestor Wuxia's body began to burn wildly, and the Taoist magic tricks were swayed out as if they didn't need money.

However, no matter what kind of immortal method, it can't resist this pitch-black killing sword in the slightest.

He could only watch helplessly as the killing sword pierced through the Immortal Art of Mantian, chopped off his head, and then exploded in his sea of ​​consciousness.

The strong resentment in Killing Sword exploded in his sea of ​​consciousness, and spread to his whole body in an instant.

The Wuxia ancestor didn't even have time to escape his consciousness, his whole body was eroded by killing intent and fell into a complete madness.

His limbs seemed to have their own consciousness, and they began to dance in an extremely distorted way.

And the terrifying celestial power in his body also continuously overflowed towards the void following the distorted rules.

Those immortal powers flying around the sky directly condensed into distorted immortal spells, lighting up the void with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

Originally, the millions of ghosts in the void were devouring everything around them without distinction.

But these distorted fairy lights guided them in the direction.

The resentment in their hearts unknowingly gathered towards the source of the distorted fairy light.

Nearly a million ghosts stopped their movements and looked towards the place where the fairy light was lit.

The surrounding atmosphere froze for a moment, and then the million ghosts moved almost simultaneously.

They rushed towards the place where the fairy light was shining with ferocious faces.

Millions of ghosts, like black clouds all over the sky, surrounded the crazy Wuxia ancestors in the center and began to devour them crazily.

Although only the few ghosts in the innermost layer can directly devour the Wuxia Patriarch, the ghosts in the outermost layer are not useless.

Their resentment gathered together to form a huge magic circle, which completely suppressed the immortal power of the Wuxia ancestor.

(End of this chapter)

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